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bdn:IntermediateFormat.v2 - eXistDB Application

This repos contains the BdN IntermediateFormat-conversion Application to produce several kinds of intermediate formats of the XML-Data of the DFG-Project "Bibliothek der Neologie"




  • Call ant to build the app as build/interformat.{VERSION}.xar
  • integrate it into your eXistDB instance



  • This is the main module integrating the main conversion and node identification functions
  • place it in your app modules path: "/modules/intermediate_format/inter_form.xqm"


  • Functions to collect and construct markers
  • place it in your app modules path: "/modules/intermediate_format/markerset.xqm"


  • Contains the preprocessing routine
  • place it in your app modules path: "/modules/intermediate_format/preprocessing.xqm"


  • Functions for whitespace-handling
  • place it in your app modules path: "/modules/intermediate_format/whitespace-handling.xqm"


  • This is the REST script running the conversion on a given document within eXist-DB
  • place it in your app somewhere or as suggested here in a subfolder /rest


Changes of the Intermediate Format

  • note: All changes are done (not quite right) in the tei-namespace!

"editorialNotes Section"

  • Section as last child of tei:TEI where all note[@type="editorial"] are collected during the preprocessing. Every note[@type="editorial"] is thus ignored in its original context


  • new element; all tei:hi[@rend ="right-aligned" or @rend="center-aligned"] are converted to aligned[@rend ="right-aligned" or @rend="center-aligned"]
  • name: "aligned",
  • attributes: same as tei:hi in original data

"seg[@type='item' or @type='head' or @type='row']" vs tei:item or tei:head or tei:row

  • conversion of seg[@type='item' or @type=''head or @type='row'] into tei:item or tei:head or tei:row


  • new element representing Siglae
  • name: "rdgMarker"
  • attributes: @wit(Witness without '#'), @ref(Reference to @id of tei:lem or tei:rdg without '#'), @type(same as tei:rdg), @mark('open' or 'close'), @context(Context of the Marker - "rdg" or "lem")

"tei:rdg" or "tei:lem"

  • new attribute: @id(generated id during the preprocessing, serving as referenced id by the rdgMarkers)


  • new attribute: @break="no"(In cases a tei:pb is directly preceeded or followed by a character not self whitespace)

text() and whitespace

  • All whitespaces in text() are replaced by NON-BREAKING SPACE (U+00A0, &#160) to save whitespace during the processing