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"Extracting GT input data from 10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml ...\n",
"[\"1 A. Phillips, \\u2018 Citizenship and Feminist Politics \\u2019 in Citizenship, ed. G. Andrews (1991) 77.\", \"2 T. Brennan and C. Pateman, \\u2018\\u201c Mere Auxiliaries to the Commonwealth\\u201d: Women and the Origins of Liberalism \\u2019 (1979) 27 Political Studies 183.\", \"3 M. Sawer and M. Simms, A Woman\\u2019s Place: Women and Politics in Australia (2nd ed., 1993).\", \"4 I have explored the gendered nature of citizenship at greater length in two complementary papers : \\u2018 Embodying the Citizen \\u2019 in Public and Private: Feminist Legal Debates, ed. M. Thornton (1995) and \\u2018 Historicising Citizenship: Remembering Broken Promises \\u2019 (1996) 20 Melbourne University Law Rev. 1072.\", \"5 S. Walby, \\u2018 Is Citizenship Gendered? \\u2019 (1994) 28 Sociology 379\", \"6 I. Kant, \\u2018 Metaphysical First Principles of the Doctrine of Right \\u2019 in The Metaphysics of Morals (trans. M. Gregor, 1991) 125\\u20136, s. 146.\", \"7 U. Vogel, \\u2018 Marriage and the Boundaries of Citizenship \\u2019 in The Condition of Citizenship, ed. B. van Steenbergen (1994) 75.\", \"8 N. Fraser and L. Gordon, \\u2018 Civil Citizenship against Social Citizenship? \\u2019 in id., p. 97.\", \"9 Vogel, id., p. 79. W. Blackstone, Commentaries (Facsimile of 1st. ed. of 1765\\u201369, 1979) 442.\", \"11 Vogel, op. cit., n. 7, pp. 80\\u20131.\", \"12 F. Haug (ed.), Female Sexualization: A Collective Work of Memory (1987) 196.\", \"13 A. Bottomley, \\u2018 Self and Subjectivities: Languages of Claim in Property Law \\u2019 (1993) 20 J. of Law and Society 56, 61.\", \"14 D. West, \\u2018 Power and Formation: New Foundations for a Radical Concept of Power \\u2019 (1987)\", \"30 Inquiry 137, 145. Compare M. Foucault, Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972\\u20131977, ed. C. Gordon (1980) 98.\", \"15 For a detailed analysis of legal method and the political role it plays, see M.J. Mossman, \\u2018 Feminism, and Legal Method: The Difference it Makes \\u2019 (1986) 3 Aust. J. of Law and Society 30.\", \"16 H.S. Maine, Ancient Law: Its Connection with the Early History of Society and its Relation to Modern Ideas (10th ed., 1912) 174.\", \"17 This was particularly the case in the United States of America. See M.J. Horwitz, The Transformation of American Law, 1780\\u20131860 (1977) 160.\", \"18 M. Grossberg, Governing the Hearth: Law and the Family in Nineteenth-Century America (1985) ix.\", \"19 Staves postulates that the position was somewhat more complicated in that marriage, as a status, crumbled in response to contract ideology in the seventeenth century but, by the end of the eighteenth century, deeper patriarchal structures were re-imposed. See S. Staves, Married Women\\u2019s Separate Property in England, 1660\\u20131833 (1990) 4, 220.\", \"20 Siegel presents a valuable study of the changing norms of marriage in the context of wife beating. See R.B. Siegel, \\u2018\\u201c The Rule of Love\\u201d: Wife Beating as Prerogative and Privacy \\u2019 (1996) 105 Yale Law J. 2117.\", \"21 C. Pateman, The Sexual Contract (1988). For further analysis of the marriage contract, see K. O\\u2019Donovan, Family Matters (1993), especially 43\\u201359.\", \"23 Crimes (Sexual Assault) Amendment Act 1981 (N.S.W.); Criminal Law Consolidation Act Amendment Act 1976 (S.A.); Criminal Code (Sexual Offences) Act 1987 (Tas.); Crimes (Sexual Offences) 1991 (Vic.); Acts Amendment (Sexual Assault) Act 1985 (W.A.). The High Court upheld the validity of the South Australian law in 1991 see R. v. L. (1991) 103 A.L.R. 577), the same year that the House of Lords abolished the immunity ( see R. v. R. [ 1991 ] 2 All E.R. 257).\", \"24 M. Freeman, \\u2018 Contracting in the Haven: Balfour v. Balfour Revisited \\u2019 in Exploring the Boundaries of Contract, ed. R. Halson (1996) 74 ; R. Collier, Masculinity, Law and the Family (1995) 127 and throughout. See Collier further for a comprehensive study of sexuality in marriage.\", \"25 P.S. Atiyah, An Introduction to the Law of Contract (5th ed., 1995) 3.\", \"26 The Australian Law Reform Commission has addressed the issue and recommended recognition of prenuptial agreements. See A.L.R.C., Matrimonial Property, report no. 37 (1987); A.L.R.C., Report of the Joint Select Committee on Certain Aspects of the Operation and Interpretation of the Family Law Act (1992). For critique, see M. Neave, \\u2018 Private Ordering in Family Law \\u2013 Will Women Benefit? \\u2019 in Thornton, op. cit., n. 4. For a feminist critique of contract in the American context, see C. Dalton, \\u2018 An Essay in the Deconstruction of Contract Doctrine \\u2019 (1985) 94 Yale Law J. 997.\", \"27 L. J. Weitzman, The Marriage Contract: Spouses, Lovers, and the Law (1981) 347 ff.\", \"28 Grossberg, op. cit., n. 18, p. 52.\", \"29 Balfour v. Balfour [ 1919 ] 2 K.B. 571.\", \"30 Freeman, op. cit., n. 24. While acknowledging the trends towards contractualism and private ordering, Regan cautions against it, noting that greater freedom to contract invites greater scrutiny by the courts. More significantly, however, he would rather reclaim the idea of status by injecting it with new notions of responsibility and relationality, as well as divesting it of its sexist assumptions. See M.C. Regan., Family Law and the Pursuit of Intimacy (1993).\", \"31 For example, Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1970 (U.K.); Domestic Relations Act 1975 (N.Z.); Marriage Act Amendment Act 1976 (Cwth.)\", \"32 G.S. Frost, Promises Broken: Courtship, Class, and Gender in Victorian England (1995) ; Thornton, op. cit. (1996), n. 4.\", \"33 Grossberg, op. cit., n. 18, p. 38.\", \"34 Compare U. Vogel, \\u2018 Is Citizenship Gender-Specific? \\u2019 in The Frontiers of Citizenship, eds. U. Vogel and M. Moran (1991) 59.\", \"35 See, for example, Bradwell v. Illinois 83 U.S. (16 Wall) 130 (1873).\", \"36 Compare J. Pahl, Money and Marriage (1989) 5.\", \"37 Although Australia, like the United Kingdom, has a separate property regime, the courts are endowed with broad powers under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cwth.) to distribute property equitably. For detailed treatment, see P. Parkinson S. Parker and J. Behrens, Australian Family Law in Context: Commentary and Materials (1994). Most civil law countries and most American states have developed community property regimes which recognize the joint ownership of property acquired during marriage, but the legal significance is similarly directed to the time of divorce. For discussion of the position during marriage, see J.T. Oldham, \\u2018 Management of the Community Estate during an Intact Marriage \\u2019 (1993) 56 Law and Contemporary Problems 99. For a discussion of the genesis of the two systems, see C. Donahue., \\u2018 What Causes Fundamental Legal Ideas? Marital Property in England and France in the Thirteenth Century\\u2019 (1979) 78 Michigan Law Rev. 59.\", \"38 The legal construction of masculinity and femininity in family law has been the subject of recent scholarly interest. Notable examples are O\\u2019Donovan, op. cit., n. 21 and Collier, op. cit., n. 24.\", \"39 For discussion of sex and legal subjecthood, see N. Naffine \\u2018 Sexing the Subject (of Law) \\u2019 in Thornton, op. cit. (1995), n. 4.\", \"40 Contracts Review Act 1980 (N.S.W.).\", \"41 J. Nedelsky, Private Property and the Limits of American Constitutionalism: The Madisonian Framework and its Legacy (1990) especially 223 ff.\", \"42 C.B. Macpherson, Democratic Theory: Essays in Retrieval (1973) 120.\", \"43 For example, N. Howell, \\u2018\\u201c Sexually Transmitted Debt\\u201d: A Feminist Analysis of Laws Regulating Guarantors and Co-Borrowers \\u2019 (1995) 4 Aust. Feminist Law J. 93.\", \"44 P. Baron, \\u2018 The Free Exercise of Her Will: Women and Emotionally Transmitted Debt \\u2019 (1995) 13 Law in Context 23.\", \"45 id., p. 24 ; B. Fehlberg, \\u2018 The Husband, the Bank, the Wife and Her Signature \\u2019 (1994) 57 Modern Law Rev. 467, 468. See, also, Barclays Bank v. O\\u2019Brien [ 1994 ] 1 A.C. 180, at 185, per Brown-Wilkinson L\", \"46 Baron, op. cit., n. 44, p. 34 ; M. Richardson, \\u2018 Protecting Women who provide Security for a Husband\\u2019s, Partner\\u2019s or Child\\u2019s Debts. The Value and Limits of an Economic Perspective\\u2019 (1996) 16 Legal Studies 368.\", \"47 Examples are legion, and by no means confined to the more sensational criminal law cases picked up by the media, such as R. v. Johns, Supreme Court of South Australia, 26 August 1992 (unreported) in which Bollen J. stated that it was acceptable for a husband to resort to \\u2018rougher than usual handling\\u2019 to persuade his wife to have sex with him. For examples relating to STD, see Howell, op. cit., n. 43.\", \"48 B. Fehlberg, \\u2018 The Husband, the Bank, the Wife and Her Signature \\u2013 the Sequel \\u2019 (1996) 59 Modern Law Rev. 675.\", \"49 National Australia Bank Ltd v. Garcia (1996) 39 N.S.W.L.R. 577 (N.S.W.C.A.). 50 (1991) 25 N.S.W.L.R. 32 (C.A.).\", \"52 1994) A.S.C. 56\\u2013268 (N.S.W.C.A.).\", \"53 Based on the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cwth.), s. 52, and the Contracts Review Act 1980 (N.S.W.). 54 (1994) A.S.C. 56\\u2013270 (N.S.W.C.A.).\", \"55 A number of recent English cases have also turned on the question of whether the wife received independent legal advice. The House of Lords considered the issue in Barclays Bank v. O\\u2019Brien [ 1994 ] 1 A.C. 180. See, also, Banco Exterior Internacional v. Mann [ 1995 ] 1 All E.R. 936.\", \"56 See I.J. Hardingham and M.A. Neave, Australian Family Property Law (1984) 94.\", \"57 Compare K. O\\u2019Donovan, Sexual Divisions in Law (1985), especially 112\\u201318.\", \"58 Although Reich\\u2019s work on the conceptualization of non-traditional sources of wealth, such as employment and professional qualifications, as forms of \\u2018new property\\u2019 has been influential, he did not broach the subject of caring work. See C.A. Reich, \\u2018 The New Property \\u2019 (1964) 73 Yale Law J. 733. Despite a greater sensitivity to the interests of women, as well as writing almost two decades later, Glendon also fails to address the question of unpaid work as a form of property. See M.A. Glendon, The New Family and the New Property (1981).\", \"59 1992) 29 N.S.W.L.R. 188 (C.A.).\", \"60 Trusts of this kind have been judicially created in order to obviate injustice. Ironically, such devices have been commonly utilized over the last twenty years or so in property disputes arising out of de facto relationships, where divisibility has permitted separate interests to crystallize in ways not recognized within marriage. For a discussion of recent trends in Australia, see P. Parkinson, \\u2018 Property Rights and Third Party Creditors \\u2013 the Scope and Limitations of Equitable Doctrines \\u2019 (1997) 11 Australian J. Family Law 100.\", \"61 For discussion, see J. Riley, \\u2018 The Property Rights of Home-Makers under General Law: Bryson v. Bryant \\u2019 (1994) 16 Sydney Law Rev. 412.\", \"62 The Justice T. E. Lindenmayer and P.A. Doolan, \\u2018 When Bankruptcy and Family Law Collide \\u2019 (1994) 8 Aust. J. Family Law 111, 133.\", \"63 B. Bennett, \\u2018 The Economics of Wifing Services: Law and Economics on the Family \\u2019 (1991) 18 J. of Law and Society 206.\", \"64 O\\u2019Donovan, op. cit., n. 57 ; Thornton, op. cit. (1995), n. 4.\", \"65 N.S.W.C.A., unreported, 23 May 1994.\", \"66 For detailed discussion of the ramifications, see L.J. Weitzman, The Divorce Revolution: The Unexpected Social and Economic Consequences for Women and Children in America (1985).\", \"67 M.L. Shanley, Feminism, Marriage, and the Law in Victorian England, 1850\\u20131895 (1989) 46.\", \"68 The move to contract as the governing principle of family law has been noted by commentators. See, for example, Freeman, op. cit., n. 24 ; Neave, op. cit., n. 26 ; Regan, op. cit., n. 30.\", \"69 Bryson v. Bryant in respect of which, it might be noted, the High Court refused leave to appeal. Marcia Neave notes the \\u2018artificiality\\u2019 of the concept of intention in a discussion of the constructive trust in the context of de facto spouses. See M. Neave \\u2018 Three Approaches to Family Law Disputes \\u2013 Intention/Belief, Unjust Enrichment and Unconscionability\\u2019 in Equity, Fiduciaries and Trusts, ed. T.G. Youdan (1989) 262\\u20134.\", \"70 For an interesting case study of this phenomenon, see L. Sarmas, \\u2018 Storytelling and the Law: A Case Study of Louth v. Diprose \\u2019 (1994) 19 Melbourne University Law Rev. 701.\", \"71 C. Colebrook, \\u2018 Feminist Ethics and Historicism \\u2019 (1996) 11 Aust. Feminist Studies 295, 300.\", \"72 M. Albertson Fineman, The Neutered Mother, the Sexual Family and Other Twentieth Century Tragedies (1995) 7.\", \"73 Compare K. O\\u2019Donovan, \\u2018 Should all Maintenance of Spouses be abolished? \\u2019 (1982) 45 Modern Law Rev. 424, 431\\u20133.\", \"74 For example, De Facto Relationships Act 1984 (N.S.W.). For detailed analysis of the policy considerations, see M.D.A. Freeman and C.M. Lyon, Cohabitation without Marriage: An Essay in Law and Social Policy (1983); New South Wales Law Reform Commission, De Facto Relationships: Issues Paper (1981).\", \"75 Eds. of the Harvard Law Review, Sexual Orientation and the Law (1990); Dean v. District of Columbia 653 U.S. App. D.C 307 (1995); C. Overington, \\u2018 Why can\\u2019t They Marry? \\u2019 The Age, 26 April 1997.\", \"76 For example, Lesbian Gay Rights Service and The Bride Wore Pink; Legal Recognition of Our Relationships (1994).\", \"77 id., p. 3.\", \"78 Above, n. 30.\"]\n",
"Extracting GT input data from 10.1111_1467-6478.00080.xml ...\n",
"[\"1 For a contrary view, see G. Jones, \\u2018 \\u201cTraditional\\u201d Legal Scholarship: a Personal View \\u2019 in What Are Law Schools For?, ed. P. Birks (1996) 14.\", \"3 R. Goff, \\u2018 The Search for Principle \\u2019 (1983) Proceeedings of the British Academy 169, at 171. This is an amplification of Dicey\\u2019s remark that \\u2018[b]y adequate study and careful thought whole departments of law can... be reduced to order and exhibited under the form of a few principles which sum up the effect of a hundred cases...\\u2019. A. Dicey, Can English Law be taught at the Universities? (1883) 20.\", \"4 J. Smith, The Law of Contract (1989)\", \"6 See, for example, D. Kennedy, \\u2018 Form and substance in Private Law Ajudication \\u2019 (1976) 89 Harvard Law Rev. 1685.\", \"7 B. Hepple, \\u2018 The Renewal of the Liberal Law Degree \\u2019 (1996) Cambridge Law J. 470, at 485 and 481.\", \"8 P.A. Thomas, \\u2018 Introduction \\u2019 in Socio-Legal Studies, ed. P.A. Thomas (1997) 19.\", \"9 R. Cotterrell, Law\\u2019s Community (1995) 296.\", \"10 Socio-legal studies has been defined in many different ways. In this essay the term is taken to indicate the use of ideas \\u2018from other disciplines primarily but not exclusively from within the social science and humanities fields \\u2019. S. Wheeler, \\u2018 Company Law \\u2019 in Thomas, op. cit., n. 8, at p. 285.\", \"11 Some fail wholly. It is difficult to see any effect on academic legal education that resulted from Marre\\u2019s report A Time for Change (1988). The Jarratt report on universities produced for the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP), Report of the Steering Committee for Efficiency studies in Universities (1988), produced much comment but little action. Even those that are thought of as being a success are not wholly implemented. Despite Ormrod\\u2019s recommendations no Institute of Profesional Legal Studies was set up and the universities and colleges of higher education did not take sole responsibility for vocational legal training (Report of the Committee on Legal Education (1971 ; Cmnd 4595) ch. 9, recs. 40 and 23). There were also other recommendations that were not implemented. The Robbins report on higher education, Higher Education (1963 ; Cmnd. 2154) took it is axiomatic that \\u2018courses of higher education should be available for all those who are qualified by ability and attainment to pursue them and wish to do so \\u2019 (para. 31). This has yet to happen.\", \"12 Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education, Higher Education in the learning society (1997) (the Dearing report); ACLEC, First Report on Legal Education and Training (1996). The Government\\u2019s White Paper on further and higher education had not been published at the time of writing this essay. ACLEC, id., para 4.6.\", \"14 ACLEC\\u2019s proposal is part of an historical process which has gradually seen English university law schools distance themselves from the legal professions and the legal professions propose decreasing degrees of control over the content of law degrees. See A. Bradney and F. Cownie, \\u2018 Working on the Chain Gang? \\u2019 (1996) 2 Contemporary Issues in Law 15, at 24\\u20136).\", \"15 M. Jeeves J. MacFarlane and A. Boon, \\u2018 Education for Life or for Work? \\u2019 (1987) 137 New Law J. 835, at 836.\", \"16 T.H. Huxley, \\u2018 Universities: Actual and Ideal \\u2019 in T.H. Huxley, Collected Essays : Volume III (1905) 215.\", \"17 J.S. Mill, \\u2018 Inaugural address to the University of St Andrews \\u2019 in Collected Work of John Stuart Mill: Volume XXI, ed. J.M. Robson (1984) 218.\", \"18 Dearing, op. cit., n. 12, para. 9.32.\", \"19 id., para. 5.11.\", \"20 F.R. Leavis, Education and the University (1948) 28. Leavis\\u2019s view was narrowly nationalistic. For \\u2018centre\\u2019 it would be better to substitute \\u2018centres \\u2019.\", \"21 See, further, A. Bradney, \\u2018 Liberalising Legal Education \\u2019 in The Law School: Global Issues, Local Questions, ed. F. Cownie (forthcoming).\", \"22 P. Goodrich \\u2018 Of Blackstone\\u2019s Tower: Metephors of Distance and Histories of the English Law School \\u2019 in Birks, op. cit., n. 1, p. 59. 23 S. Turow, One L (1977) 106.\", \"24 O. Kahn-Freund, \\u2018 Reflections on Legal Education \\u2019 (1966) 29 Modern Law Rev. 121, at 129.\", \"25 Kahn-Freund believed... legal argument (Kahn-Freund, id.).\", \"26 Leavis, op. cit., n. 20, p. 120.\", \"29 Leavis has, of course, been widely criticized for the cultural and gender assumptions that lie behind his selection of material to be studied. See, for example, M. King, The New English Literatures (1980) at 216\\u201317.) Whatever the accuracy of these criticisms, they are criticisms of the application of the method rather than the method itself.\", \"30 Jurisprudence by Sir John Salmond, ed. G. Willliams (10th., 1947) at 256 and 257.\", \"31 So much so that when other disciplines engage with law they must develop their own concepts to analyse law rather than rely on the concepts already developed in law. See, for example, E. Durkheim The Division of Labour in Society (1933) 68.\", \"32 M. Le Brun and R. Johnstone, The Quiet Revolution: Improving Student Learning in Law (1994) 65. On the effect on women students, see \\u2018 Define and Empower: Women Students Consider Feminist Learning \\u2019 (1990) I Law and Critique 47 at pp. 54\\u201355. For a survey of CLS and feminist literature on this general point, see W. Conklin, \\u2018 The Invisible Author of Legal Authority \\u2019 (1996) VII Law and Critique 173 at pp. 173\\u20136.\", \"33 R. Collier, \\u2018 Masculinism, Law and Law Teaching \\u2019 (1991) 19 International J. of the Sociology of Law 427, at 429.\", \"34 P. McAuslan, \\u2018 Administrative Law, Collective Consumption and Judicial Policy \\u2019 (1983) 46 Modern Law Rev. 1, at 8.\", \"35 Le Brun and Johnstone, op. cit, n. 32, pp. 71\\u20135.\", \"38 Goodrich, op. cit., n. 22.\", \"39 P. Samuelson, \\u2018 The Convergence of the Law School and the University \\u2019 (1975) 44 The Am. Scholar 256, at 258.\", \"40 P. Harris and M. Jones \\u2018 A Survey of Law Schools in the United Kingdom, 1996 \\u2019 (1997) 31 The Law Teacher 38, at 46.\", \"41 J. Wilson, \\u2018 A third survey of university legal education \\u2019 (1993) 13 Legal Studies 143, at 152.\", \"42 Thus, for example, Harris and Jones reported that 59.2 per cent of all particpating institutions offered foriegn language tuition as part of their standard LLB programme. Harris and Jones, op. cit., n. 40, at p. 54).\", \"43 T. Mortimer P. Leighton and N. Whatley, Law Teachers: Lawyers or Academics? (1995)\", \"34. This would include teaching both non-law degree students and sub-degree students. 44 id., p 35\", \"45 L. Skwarok, \\u2018 Business Law for Non-Lawyers: Setting the Stage for Teaching, Learning and Assessment at Hong Kong Polytechnic University \\u2019 (1995) 29 The Law Teacher 189, at 189.\", \"46 N. Bastin, \\u2018 Law, Law Staff and CNAA Business Studies Degree Courses \\u2019 (1985) 19 The Law Teacher 12, at 13.\", \"47 A. Ridley, \\u2018 Legal Skills for Non-Law Students: Added Value or Irrelevant Diversion? \\u2019 (1994) 28 The Law Teacher 281, at 282.\", \"48 G. Cartan and T. Vilkinas, \\u2018 Legal Literacy for Managers: The Role of the Educator \\u2019 (1990) 24 The Law Teacher 246, at 248.\", \"49 Ridley, op. cit., n. 47, at p. 284.\", \"50 This, of course, is not always the case. For example, the BA Economics and Law degree at Leicester has a special course in each year given over to the consideration of the relationship between economics and law.\", \"51 P. Birks, \\u2018 Short Cuts \\u2019 in Pressing Problems in the Law, ed. P. Birks (1994) 10\\u201324.\", \"52 Ridley, op. cit., n. 47, p. 283.\", \"53 Cartan Vilkinas, op. cit., n. 48, p. 248.\", \"54 P. Harris, \\u2018 Curriculum Development in Legal Studies \\u2019 (1986) 20 The Law Teacher 110, at 112.\", \"55 Dearing, op. cit., n. 12, para 9.3.\", \"57 G. Steiner, Errata: An Examined Life (1997) 20.\"]\n",
"Extracting GT input data from 10.1515_zfrs-1980-0103.xml ...\n",
"[\"1 Geiger 1964, insbesondere S. 65\\u201483.\", \"2 Vgl. Feest Blankenburg, 1972. Die Konsequenz einer gr\\u00f6\\u00dferen Dunkelziffer bei den von der Polizei selbst entdeckten Straftaten entwickle ich ausf\\u00fchrlicher in meinem Beitrag \\u00fcber, Nichtkriminalisierung als Struktur und Routine ', 1976.\", \"3 Angaben aus einer Befragung von Peter MacNaughton-Smith und Richard Rosellen zur ' Bereitschaft zur Anzeigeerstattung ' Manuskript Freiburg 1978. Der ausf\\u00fchrliche Forschungsbericht von Richard Rosellen erscheint in K\\u00fcrze unter dem Titel ' Private Verbrechenskontrolle \\u2014 eine empirische Untersuchung zur Anzeigeerstattung ', Berlin, voraussichtlich 1980.\", \"4 Vgl. Blankenburg Sessar Steffen, 1978, S. 66-85.\", \"5 Black 1973, S. 125 ff.\", \"6 Zur h\\u00f6heren Wahrscheinlichkeit der Normierung von Verhalten in weniger komplexen Beziehungen vgl. die Konflikttheorie von Gessner 1976, insbesondere S. 170\\u2014183.\", \"7 Zum Konzept der 'Thematisierung von Recht' vgl. Luhmann 1980, S. 99\\u2014112.\", \"8 Ausf\\u00fchrlicher bei Gessner 1976\", \"9 Vgl. Sch\\u00f6nholz 1980.\", \"10 Blankenburg Sch\\u00f6nholz Rogowski 1979, S. 64 ff.\", \"11 Hilden 1976, S. 64 ff.\", \"12 Koch 1975, S. 75, der allerdings nur streitige Urteile und Vergleiche untersucht hat.\", \"13 F\\u00fcr Angaben der Z\\u00e4hlkartenstatistik f\\u00fcr die Familiengerichte siehe : Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden, Fachserie 10 (Rechtspflege) Reihe 2.1, Tabelle 10, Wiesbaden 1978.\", \"14 Blankenburg Sch\\u00f6nholz Rogowski 1979, S. 78 ff.\", \"15 Steinbach 1979 hat in einer Erhebung von 1144 Amtsgerichtsprozessen in der Bundesrepublik ohne Berlin in den Jahren 1974\\u20141976 ein Verh\\u00e4ltnis von 1 R\\u00e4umungsklage je 1,2 Forderungsklagen, in Berlin allerdings von 1 R\\u00e4umungsklage je 0,12 Forderungsklagen ermittelt. Im folgenden auch als GMD-Erhebung zitiert.\", \"16 Johnson 1979 berichtet von dem erfolgreichen Versuch einer Unfall-Schadensregulierung ohne Ber\\u00fccksichtigung einer Schuldzuschreibung in Neuseeland (no fault accident compensation), S. 90 ff.\", \"17 Steinbach 1979, S. 66 ff.; Blankenburg Blankenburg Morasch 1972, S. 82 ff.\", \"18 Projektbericht,Rechtshilfebed\\u00fcrfnisse sozial Schwacher *, (Blankenburg Gorges Reifner Ticmann). Befragt wurden im Januar bis M\\u00e4rz 1979 je eine Person in 835 Haushalten Westberlins. Ver\\u00f6ffentlichung ist vorgesehen f\\u00fcr Ende 1980. Quelle: Eigene Befragung in West-Berlin 1979, Zufallsauswahl aus allen Haushalten mit Deutschen. Mehrfachnennungen, % jeweils bezogen auf Personen, die im jeweiligen Bereich ein Problem nennen.\", \"19 Explizit bei Baumg\\u00e4rtei 1976, S. 113-128.\", \"20 Laut einer GMD-Erhebung aus der Z\\u00e4hlkartenstatistik wurde in Baden-W\\u00fcrttemberg 1978 in\", \"21 Projektbericht Rechtsschutzversicherung*. (Blankenburg Fiedler), Ver\\u00f6ffentlichung voraussichtlich Mitte 1980.\", \"22 Vgl. auch Reifner Gorges 1980.\", \"23 Reifner 1979.\", \"24 Klassisch bei Carlin Howard Messinger 1967.\", \"25 Grunds\\u00e4tzlich vgl. hierzu den klassischen Beitrag von Galanter 1974, S. 95\\u2014160. Die gr\\u00f6sseren Chancen von Firmen, insbesondere bei der gro\\u00dfen Zahl von vorstreitigen Erledigungen zeigt Sarat 1976, S. 339-375.\", \"26 Bender Schumacher 1980, S. 138.\", \"27 Steinbach 1979, S. 96 ff, vgl. auch Blankenburg Blankenburg Morasch 1972, S. 89, Fn. 17,\", \"28 Reifner 1978.\", \"29 Blankenburg Sch\\u00f6nholz Rogowski 1979, S. 102 ff.\", \"30 Vgl. zum Verrechtlichungsbegriff meinen Beitrag \\u00fcber: Recht als gradualisiertes Konzept 1980, S. 83\\u201498.\", \"31 Steinbach 1979, S. 35 ; Bender Schumacher 1980, S. 24 und S. 49.\", \"32 Wanner 1975, S. 293\\u2014306 hebt dies deutlich hervor, ebenso Bender Schumacher 1980, S. 72 ff.; sowie Galanter 1974 ; Sarat 1976.\", \"33 Blankenburg Sch\\u00f6nholz Rogowski 1979, S. 78 ff.\", \"34 Ebenda, S. 138-186.\", \"35 Luhmann 1969.\", \"36 F\\u00fcr eine \\u00fcberaus positive Bewertung des.Vermeidens1 vgl. Felstiner Danzig Lowy in Law and Society Review, vol. 9, 1974 /75.\"]\n",
"Extracting GT input data from 10.1515_zfrs-1980-0104.xml ...\n",
"[\"1 Siehe n\\u00e4her Zweigert K\\u00f6tz I 12 ff.\", \"2 Rabel, Aufgabe und Notwendigkeit der Rechtsvergleichung (1925), abgedruckt in : Rabel, Gesammelte Aufs\\u00e4tze III (Hrsg. Leser, 1967) 1 (3).\", \"3 Siehe insbes. die Beitr\\u00e4ge in Drobnig Rehbinder.\", \"4 Dazu R. Abel, Law Books and Books About Law, Stanford Law Rev. 26 (1973) 174 ff.; Benda-Beckmann, Einige Anmerkungen \\u00fcber die Beziehung zwischen Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung, ZvglRW 78 (1979) 51 ff.\", \"5 Carbonnier, L\\u2019apport du droit compare \\u00e4 la sociologie juridique, in: Livre du centenaire de la Societe de legislation comparee (Paris 1969) 75 (83).\", \"6 Carbonnier (vorige N.) a.a.O.\", \"7 Nowak, The Strategy of Cross-National Survey Research for the Development of Social Theory, in: Szalai Petrella 3 (9 ff.) : Rose, Interkulturelle Forschung in der Rechtssoziologie, in: Drobnig Rehbinder 171 ff.\", \"8 Dazu n\\u00e4her Wirsing, Probleme des interkulturellen Vergleichs in der Ethnologie, Sociologus 25 (1975) 97 ff. - Vgl. auch Poirier, Situation actuelle et Programme de travail de Techno logie juridique, Rev. int. Sc. Soc. 22 (1970) 509 (526).\", \"9 Macaulay, Elegant Models, Empirical Pictures, and the Complexities of Contract, Law & Soc. Rev. 11 (1977) 507 ff.\", \"10 Rose (oben N. 7) 175.\", \"11 Dazu Grimshau, Comparative Sociology - In What Ways Different From Other Sociologies?, in: Armer Grimshaw 3 (18). Auch der Oberbegriff \\u201ecross System comparison\\\" wird vorgeschlagen, Tomasson, Introduction; Comparative Sociology \\u2014 The State of the Art, in: Tomasson (Hrsg.), Comparative Studies in Sociology Vol. 1 (Greenwich, Conn. 1978) 1. \\u2014 \\u00dcber die Methoden interkultureller und internationaler Vergleiche ist inzwischen so viel geschrieben worden, da\\u00df nicht nur die F\\u00fclle des Materials schon wieder abschreckend wirkt, sondern da\\u00df es auch gen\\u00fcgt, im Rahmen dieses Aufsatzes nur einige wichtige Aspekte anzusprechen. Bibliographien finden sich etwa bei Rokkan Verba Viet Almasy 117 ff.; Vallier 423 ff.; Almasy Balandier Delatte, Comparative Survey Analysis \\u2014 An Annotated Bibliography 1967 \\u2014 1973 (Beverly Hills, London 1976) sowie bei Marsh, Comparative Sociology (New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta 1967) 375 ff.\", \"12 Durkheim, Les r\\u00e8gles de la methode sociologique Paris 1977) 137.\", \"13 Smelser 2 f. ; Payne, Comparative Sociology \\u2014 Some Problems of Theory and Method, Brit. J. Soc. 24 (1973) 13 (15 ff.). - \\u00c4hnlich auch Eisenstadt, Social Institutions - Comparative Method, in: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Bd. 14 (London 1968) 421 (423).\", \"14 Boesch Eckensberger, Methodische Probleme des interkulturellen Vergleichs, in: Graumann (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Psychologie, Bd. Vll 1 (2. Auf ], 1969) 514 (520 ff.). \\u2014 Zur \\u201ecultunit\\u201c, die vor allem durch die gemeinsame Sprache und die Zugeh\\u00f6rigkeit zu einem Staat bzw. einer interpersonellen Kontaktgruppe gekennzeichnet ist, s. Naroll Cohen (Hrsg.), A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology (New York, London 1973) sowie Smelser 168 f.; Wirsing (oben N. 8) 115.\", \"15 N\\u00e4her dazu Zelditch, Intelligible Comparisons, in: Vallier 267 (270 ff.).\", \"16 Carbonnier (oben N. 5) 80.\", \"17 Siehe Zweigert, Die soziologische Dimension der Rechtsvergleichung, in: Drobnig Rebbinder 151 (159).\", \"18 Zu entsprechenden Versuchen etwa Merryman, Comparative Law and Scientific Explanation, in: Law in the United States of America in Social and Technological Revolution (Br\\u00fcssel 1974) 81 (89 ff.).\", \"19 Beispiel von Carbonnier, Sociologie juridique (Paris 1972) 188 N. 1.\", \"20 Dazu Heidrich, H\\u00f6chstrichterliche Rechtsprechung als Triebfehier sozialen Wandels, Jahr buch f\\u00fcr Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie 3 (1972) 305 (330 ff.).\", \"21 Insbesondere Zweigert (oben N. 17) 157 ff.\", \"22 Kaiser, Strafrecht und vergleichende Kriminologie, in: Kaiser Vogler (Hrsg.), Strafrecht, Straf rechtsvergleichung (1975) 79 ff. Siehe auch Villmow Albrecht, Die Vergleichung als Methode der Strafrechtswissenschaft und der Kriminologie, MschrKrim. 62 (1979) 163 ff.\", \"23 So etwa K. H. Neumayer, Ziele und Methoden der Rechtsvergleichung, in: Recueil des travaux suisses pr\\u00e9sent\\u00e9s au IXe Congr\\u00e8s international de droit compare (1976) 45 (48).\", \"24 Zur Abgrenzung n\\u00e4her Rehbinder, Erkenntnistheoretisches zum Verh\\u00e4ltnis von Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung, in: Drobnig Rehbinder 56 ff.\", \"25 N\\u00e4her dazu Merryman (oben N. 18) 101 ff.\", \"26 Heidrich, Sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte der Rechtsvergleichung, in: Drobnig Rehbinder 178 (186 ff.).\", \"27 Siehe etwa die Erkl\\u00e4rung, warum das \\u201eAccess to justice movement\\\" in der Bundesrepublik vergleichsweise wenig Widerhall gefunden hat von Blankenburg, Patterns of Legal Culture as a Variable for the Chances of Legal Innovation, in: Blankenburg (Hrsg.), innovations in the Legal Services (Cambridge, Mass.; Meisenheim 1980).\", \"28 So Rehbinder (oben N. 24) 60.\", \"29 Dazu R. Abel, Comparative Law and Social Theory, Am. J. Comp. L. 26 (1978) 219 (224 ff.).\", \"30 Dazu etwa Smelser 175 f. F\\u00fcr die Kriminologie siehe Kaiser (oben N. 22) 89 sowie Blazicek Janeksela, Some Comments on Comparative Methodologies in Criminal Justice, Int. J. Crim. Pen 6 (1978) 233 (240). Als besonders gef\\u00e4hrlich hat sich die unkritische \\u00dcbertragung solcher Konzepte auf L\\u00e4nder der Dritten Welt erwiesen. So kam man etwa zu dem Ergebnis: \\u201eThe U. S. law and development movement was largely a parochial expression of the American legal style \\u201c, Merryman, Comparative Law and Social Change - On the Origins, Style, Decline and Revival of the Law and Development Movement, Am. J. Comp. L. 25 (1977) 457 (479).\", \"31 Payne (oben N. 13) 15, 25 f.\", \"32 D\\u00e4ubler, Systemvergleich im Arbeitsrecht? Vor\\u00fcberlegungen zu einigen Methodenfragen, Demokratie und Recht 1979 / 1 S. 23 (31 ff.). - Zum Vergleich mit den sozialistischen L\\u00e4ndern siehe auch Zweigert Puttfarken, Zur Vergleichbarkeit analoger Rechtsinstitute in verschiede nen Gesellschaftsordnungen, in: Zweigert Puttfarken (Hrsg.), Rechtsvergleichung (1978) 395 (402 ff.).\", \"33 Blankenburg, Task Contingencies and National Administrative Culture as Determinants for Labour Market Administration (HM discussion papers 1978 \\u2014 23) 5 ff.\", \"34 Zweigert K\\u00f6tz I 30 f.\", \"35 Dazu etwa Armer, Methodology Problems and Possibilities in Comparative Research, in: Armer Grimsbaw 49 (50 ff.) ; Smelser 182 f.; Trommsdorf, M\\u00f6glichkeiten und Probleme des Kulturvergleichs am Beispiel einer Agressionsstudie, KZfSS 30 (1978) 361 (364 ff.).\", \"36 Wenn die Strenge elterlicher Strafen gemessen werden soll, kann man etwa darauf ausweichen, welche Strafe die Kinder am meisten f\\u00fcrchten, siehe Malewswka Peyre, Juvenile Deliquency and Development, in: Szalai Petrella 131 (157 f.).\", \"37 N\\u00e4her Scheuch, The Cross-Cultural Use of Sample Surveys \\u2014 Problems of Comparability, in: Rokkan 176 (185) ; Biervert, Der internationale Vergleich, in: van Koolwiyk / Wieken-Mayser (Hrsg.), Techniken empirischer Sozialforschung, Bd. 2 (1975) 113 (124 ff.).\", \"38 Verba, The Uses of Survey Research in the Study of Comparative Politics \\u2014 Issues and Strategies, in: Rokkan Verba Viet Almasy 56 (80).\", \"39 Gessner, Soziologische \\u00dcberlegungen zu einer Theorie der angewandten Rechtsvergleichung, in: Drobnig Rehbinder 123 (134 ff.).\", \"40 Nowak (oben N. 7) 42.\", \"41 F\\u00fcr die Bedeutung der funktionalen \\u00c4quivalenz beruft man sich h\\u00e4ufig auf Merton, der sie am Beispiel der Religion n\\u00e4her erl\\u00e4utert hat (Social Theory and Social Structure, New York, London, erweiterte Aufl. 1968, S. 82 ff.): Eine gemeinsame Religion erf\\u00fcllt im allgemeinen data \\\". OECD, The OECD Social Indicator Development Programme - 1976 Progress Report on Phase II (Paris 1977) 40.\", \"43 Rheinstein, Marriage Stability, Divorce, and the Law (Chicago 1972).\", \"44 Abel (oben N. 4) 194 ff., 221 f. - Siehe auch Wilpert, Die Messung von Mitbestimmungsnormen \\u2014 Darstellung eines international vergleichenden Forschungsansatzes (HM-Paper 1979 \\u2014 13) 2 ff. Zur Behandlung der \\u201eKultur\\\" in vergleichenden Untersuchungen n\\u00e4her Scheuch (oben N. 37) 197 ff.\", \"45 Abel (oben N. 4) 207 ff. Siehe auch Constantinesco, Ideologie als determinierendes Ele ment zur Bildung der Rechtskreise, Zeitschrift f\\u00fcr Rechtsvergleichung 19 (1978) 161 ff.\", \"46 Siehe Blankenburg (oben N. 33) 3 ff.\", \"47 Rose (oben N. 7) 176.\", \"48 Dazu etwa Benda-Beckmann (oben N. 4) 55 ff.; Constantinesco, \\u00dcber den Stil der \\u201eStilthe orie\\\" in der Rechtsvergleichung, ZvglRW 78 (1979) 154 ff. mwNachw. \\u2014 Eine vergleichbare Debatte \\u00fcber \\u201e\\u00e4hnliche\\u201c und \\u201eun\\u00e4hnliche Gesellschaften\\u201c wird seit D\\u00fcrkheim auch in der Soziologie gef\\u00fchrt. Siehe Payne (oben N. 13) 16 ff.\", \"49 Siehe Zweigert K\\u00f6tz I 70.\", \"50 Hofstede, Cultural Determinants of the Exercise of Power in a Hierarchy (Mimeographed, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Working Paper 1977 - 8). Ebenso f\\u00fcr das Arbeitsrecht D\\u00e4ubler (oben N. 32) 33, der auch die skandinavischen L\\u00e4nder in diese Gruppe aufnimmt.\", \"51 Dazu Zweigert K\\u00f6tz 1 110 f. \\u2014 Kritisch Benda-Beckmann (oben N. 4) 58 ff.\", \"52 IDE-International Research Group, Industrial Democracy in Europe (erscheint bei London 1980) Chapter VIII.\", \"53 Zweigert K\\u00f6tz I 78.\", \"54 IDE-International Research Group (oben N. 52) Chapter VIII.\", \"55 Daf\\u00fcr D\\u00e4ubler (oben N. 32) 33.\", \"56 Siehe dazu Rheinstein, Die Rechtshonoratioren und ihr Einflu\\u00df auf Charakter und Funk tion der Rechtsordnungen, RabelsZ 34 (1970) 1 ff.; Bernstein, Rechtsstile und Rechtshono ratioren. Ein Beitrag zur Methode der Rechtsvergleichung, RabelsZ 34 (1970) 443 ff.\", \"57 Dazu etwa Ruescbemeyer, Lawyers and their Societies -- A Comparative Analysis of the Legal Profession in Germany and the United States (Cambridge, Mass. 1973); ders., The Legal Profession in Comparative Perspective, in: H. M. Johnson, Social System and Legal Process (San Francisco, Washington, London 1978) 97 ff.\", \"58 Klausa, Politische Inhaltsanalyse von Rechtslehrertexten, ZfS 8 (1979) 362 ff.\", \"59 Siehe Nowak (oben N. 7) 23 ff.; Smelser 167 ff.\", \"60 Dazu n\\u00e4her Teune, Analysis and Interpretation in Cross-National Survey Research, in: Szalai Petrella 95 (101) ff.\", \"61 Siehe dazu Nader Todd, The Disputing Process \\u2014 Law in Ten Societies (New York 1978).\", \"62 Siehe zum entsprechenden Problem in der Kriminologie Kaiser (oben N. 22) 88 mwNachw. ; Blazicek Janeksela (oben N. 30) 235 f., 242.\", \"63 Clinard, Comparative Crime Victimization Surveys \\u2014 Some Problems and Results, Int. J. Crim, and Pen. 6 (1978) 221 ff.\", \"64 Siehe Abel-Smith Zander Brooke, Legal Problems and the Citizen (London 1973); Rokumoto, Legal Problems and the Use of Law in Tokio and London - A Preliminary Study in International Comparison, ZfS 7 (1978) 228 ff.; Schuyt Groenendijk Sloot, Rechtspro bleme oder private Schwierigkeiten \\u2014 Die Inanspruchnahme von Rechtshilfe in den Nieder landen, in: Jahrbuch f\\u00fcr Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie 5 (1978) 109 ff.\", \"65 Dazu Podgdrecki, Comparative Studies on the Attitudes Towards Various Legal Systems, Polish Sociological Bulletin 21 No. 1 (1970) 83 (88 ff.). Siehe auch Ziegen Zur Effek tivit\\u00e4t der Rechtssoziologie: die Rekonstruktion der Gesellschaft durch Recht (1975) 196 ff.\", \"66 Siehe Podgdrecki, Legal Consciousness as a Research Problem, European Yearbook in Law and Sociology 1977 (Den Haag 1977) 85 (88 ff.).\", \"67 Kutchinsky, \\u201e The Legal Consciousness\\u201c: A Survey of Research on Knowledge and Opinion about Law, in: Podgdrecki Kaupen van Houtte / Vinke Kutchinsky, Knowledge and Opinion about Law (Bristol 1973) 101 (126).\", \"68 Podgdrecki, Public Opinion on Law, in: Knowledge and Opinion about Law (vorige N.) 65 (84 ff.).\", \"69 Heintz, Interkultureller Vergleich, in: K\\u00f6nig (Hrsg.), Handbuch der empirischen Sozialfor schung, Bd. 4 (3. Aufl. 1974) 405 (414 f.).\", \"70 Siehe Hegenbarth, \\u00dcber methodische und organisatorische Grenzen der empirischen Rechts forschung in Entwicklungsl\\u00e4ndern, Informationsbrief f\\u00fcr Rechtssoziologie April 1979, Son derheft 2, S. 5 ff. mwNachw.\", \"71 Siehe etwa Gessner, Recht und Konflikt \\u2014 Eine soziologische Untersuchungprivatrechtlicher Konflikte in Mexiko (1976) 37 ff.\", \"72 Vgl. Heintz (oben N. 69) 407.\", \"73 Da die theoretischen und technischen Erfordernisse solcher Vergleiche in der Tat komplex sind, bestand in der Kriminologie noch Mitte der sechziger Jahre internationale \\u00dcberein stimmung, da\\u00df vergleichenden Studien kein Vorrang zu geben sei. Dazu Friday, Problems in Comparative Criminology, Int. J. Crim. 1 (1973) 151 (152).\", \"74 Zur Anlage vergleichender Studien n\\u00e4her Rokkan, Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaft (1972) 9 ff.; Szalai, The Organization and Execution of Cross-National Survey Research Projects, in: Szalai Petrella 49 ff. sowie IDE-International Research Group (oben N. 52) Chapter I.\", \"75 Siehe Blegvad, Methodological Aspects of the Project \\u201eLocal Legal Systems \\u201c, in: Kulcs\\u00e1r (Hrsg.), Sociology of Law and Legal Sciences (Budapest 1977) 97 (99 ff.).\", \"76 Dazu n\\u00e4her Zweigert, Die kritische Wertung in der Rechtsvergleichung, Festschrift f\\u00fcr Schmitthoff (1973) 403 ff.\", \"77 Siehe etwa zu vorliegenden franz\\u00f6sischen Untersuchungen D\\u00f6rner, Rechtstatsachenforschung und Gesetzgebung \\u2014 Hinweise zur Entwicklung einer Gesetzgebungssoziologie in Frank reich, Interview und Analyse 1979, 377 ff.\", \"78 Siehe Bryde, Recht und Konflikt \\u2014 Mexiko und Afrika, Verfassung und Recht in Obersee 12 (1979), 159 ff.\"]\n"
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"[\"1 A. Phillips, \\u2018 Citizenship and Feminist Politics \\u2019 in Citizenship, ed. G. Andrews (1991) 77.\", \"2 T. Brennan and C. Pateman, \\u2018\\u201c Mere Auxiliaries to the Commonwealth\\u201d: Women and the Origins of Liberalism \\u2019 (1979) 27 Political Studies 183.\", \"3 M. Sawer and M. Simms, A Woman\\u2019s Place: Women and Politics in Australia (2nd ed., 1993).\", \"4 I have explored the gendered nature of citizenship at greater length in two complementary papers : \\u2018 Embodying the Citizen \\u2019 in Public and Private: Feminist Legal Debates, ed. M. Thornton (1995) and \\u2018 Historicising Citizenship: Remembering Broken Promises \\u2019 (1996) 20 Melbourne University Law Rev. 1072.\", \"5 S. Walby, \\u2018 Is Citizenship Gendered? \\u2019 (1994) 28 Sociology 379\", \"6 I. Kant, \\u2018 Metaphysical First Principles of the Doctrine of Right \\u2019 in The Metaphysics of Morals (trans. M. Gregor, 1991) 125\\u20136, s. 146.\", \"7 U. Vogel, \\u2018 Marriage and the Boundaries of Citizenship \\u2019 in The Condition of Citizenship, ed. B. van Steenbergen (1994) 75.\", \"8 N. Fraser and L. Gordon, \\u2018 Civil Citizenship against Social Citizenship? \\u2019 in id., p. 97.\", \"9 Vogel, id., p. 79. W. Blackstone, Commentaries (Facsimile of 1st. ed. of 1765\\u201369, 1979) 442.\", \"11 Vogel, op. cit., n. 7, pp. 80\\u20131.\", \"12 F. Haug (ed.), Female Sexualization: A Collective Work of Memory (1987) 196.\", \"13 A. Bottomley, \\u2018 Self and Subjectivities: Languages of Claim in Property Law \\u2019 (1993) 20 J. of Law and Society 56, 61.\", \"14 D. West, \\u2018 Power and Formation: New Foundations for a Radical Concept of Power \\u2019 (1987)\", \"30 Inquiry 137, 145. Compare M. Foucault, Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972\\u20131977, ed. C. Gordon (1980) 98.\", \"15 For a detailed analysis of legal method and the political role it plays, see M.J. Mossman, \\u2018 Feminism, and Legal Method: The Difference it Makes \\u2019 (1986) 3 Aust. J. of Law and Society 30.\", \"16 H.S. Maine, Ancient Law: Its Connection with the Early History of Society and its Relation to Modern Ideas (10th ed., 1912) 174.\", \"17 This was particularly the case in the United States of America. See M.J. Horwitz, The Transformation of American Law, 1780\\u20131860 (1977) 160.\", \"18 M. Grossberg, Governing the Hearth: Law and the Family in Nineteenth-Century America (1985) ix.\", \"19 Staves postulates that the position was somewhat more complicated in that marriage, as a status, crumbled in response to contract ideology in the seventeenth century but, by the end of the eighteenth century, deeper patriarchal structures were re-imposed. See S. Staves, Married Women\\u2019s Separate Property in England, 1660\\u20131833 (1990) 4, 220.\", \"20 Siegel presents a valuable study of the changing norms of marriage in the context of wife beating. See R.B. Siegel, \\u2018\\u201c The Rule of Love\\u201d: Wife Beating as Prerogative and Privacy \\u2019 (1996) 105 Yale Law J. 2117.\", \"21 C. Pateman, The Sexual Contract (1988). For further analysis of the marriage contract, see K. O\\u2019Donovan, Family Matters (1993), especially 43\\u201359.\", \"23 Crimes (Sexual Assault) Amendment Act 1981 (N.S.W.); Criminal Law Consolidation Act Amendment Act 1976 (S.A.); Criminal Code (Sexual Offences) Act 1987 (Tas.); Crimes (Sexual Offences) 1991 (Vic.); Acts Amendment (Sexual Assault) Act 1985 (W.A.). The High Court upheld the validity of the South Australian law in 1991 see R. v. L. (1991) 103 A.L.R. 577), the same year that the House of Lords abolished the immunity ( see R. v. R. [ 1991 ] 2 All E.R. 257).\", \"24 M. Freeman, \\u2018 Contracting in the Haven: Balfour v. Balfour Revisited \\u2019 in Exploring the Boundaries of Contract, ed. R. Halson (1996) 74 ; R. Collier, Masculinity, Law and the Family (1995) 127 and throughout. See Collier further for a comprehensive study of sexuality in marriage.\", \"25 P.S. Atiyah, An Introduction to the Law of Contract (5th ed., 1995) 3.\", \"26 The Australian Law Reform Commission has addressed the issue and recommended recognition of prenuptial agreements. See A.L.R.C., Matrimonial Property, report no. 37 (1987); A.L.R.C., Report of the Joint Select Committee on Certain Aspects of the Operation and Interpretation of the Family Law Act (1992). For critique, see M. Neave, \\u2018 Private Ordering in Family Law \\u2013 Will Women Benefit? \\u2019 in Thornton, op. cit., n. 4. For a feminist critique of contract in the American context, see C. Dalton, \\u2018 An Essay in the Deconstruction of Contract Doctrine \\u2019 (1985) 94 Yale Law J. 997.\", \"27 L. J. Weitzman, The Marriage Contract: Spouses, Lovers, and the Law (1981) 347 ff.\", \"28 Grossberg, op. cit., n. 18, p. 52.\", \"29 Balfour v. Balfour [ 1919 ] 2 K.B. 571.\", \"30 Freeman, op. cit., n. 24. While acknowledging the trends towards contractualism and private ordering, Regan cautions against it, noting that greater freedom to contract invites greater scrutiny by the courts. More significantly, however, he would rather reclaim the idea of status by injecting it with new notions of responsibility and relationality, as well as divesting it of its sexist assumptions. See M.C. Regan., Family Law and the Pursuit of Intimacy (1993).\", \"31 For example, Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1970 (U.K.); Domestic Relations Act 1975 (N.Z.); Marriage Act Amendment Act 1976 (Cwth.)\", \"32 G.S. Frost, Promises Broken: Courtship, Class, and Gender in Victorian England (1995) ; Thornton, op. cit. (1996), n. 4.\", \"33 Grossberg, op. cit., n. 18, p. 38.\", \"34 Compare U. Vogel, \\u2018 Is Citizenship Gender-Specific? \\u2019 in The Frontiers of Citizenship, eds. U. Vogel and M. Moran (1991) 59.\", \"35 See, for example, Bradwell v. Illinois 83 U.S. (16 Wall) 130 (1873).\", \"36 Compare J. Pahl, Money and Marriage (1989) 5.\", \"37 Although Australia, like the United Kingdom, has a separate property regime, the courts are endowed with broad powers under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cwth.) to distribute property equitably. For detailed treatment, see P. Parkinson S. Parker and J. Behrens, Australian Family Law in Context: Commentary and Materials (1994). Most civil law countries and most American states have developed community property regimes which recognize the joint ownership of property acquired during marriage, but the legal significance is similarly directed to the time of divorce. For discussion of the position during marriage, see J.T. Oldham, \\u2018 Management of the Community Estate during an Intact Marriage \\u2019 (1993) 56 Law and Contemporary Problems 99. For a discussion of the genesis of the two systems, see C. Donahue., \\u2018 What Causes Fundamental Legal Ideas? Marital Property in England and France in the Thirteenth Century\\u2019 (1979) 78 Michigan Law Rev. 59.\", \"38 The legal construction of masculinity and femininity in family law has been the subject of recent scholarly interest. Notable examples are O\\u2019Donovan, op. cit., n. 21 and Collier, op. cit., n. 24.\", \"39 For discussion of sex and legal subjecthood, see N. Naffine \\u2018 Sexing the Subject (of Law) \\u2019 in Thornton, op. cit. (1995), n. 4.\", \"40 Contracts Review Act 1980 (N.S.W.).\", \"41 J. Nedelsky, Private Property and the Limits of American Constitutionalism: The Madisonian Framework and its Legacy (1990) especially 223 ff.\", \"42 C.B. Macpherson, Democratic Theory: Essays in Retrieval (1973) 120.\", \"43 For example, N. Howell, \\u2018\\u201c Sexually Transmitted Debt\\u201d: A Feminist Analysis of Laws Regulating Guarantors and Co-Borrowers \\u2019 (1995) 4 Aust. Feminist Law J. 93.\", \"44 P. Baron, \\u2018 The Free Exercise of Her Will: Women and Emotionally Transmitted Debt \\u2019 (1995) 13 Law in Context 23.\", \"45 id., p. 24 ; B. Fehlberg, \\u2018 The Husband, the Bank, the Wife and Her Signature \\u2019 (1994) 57 Modern Law Rev. 467, 468. See, also, Barclays Bank v. O\\u2019Brien [ 1994 ] 1 A.C. 180, at 185, per Brown-Wilkinson L\", \"46 Baron, op. cit., n. 44, p. 34 ; M. Richardson, \\u2018 Protecting Women who provide Security for a Husband\\u2019s, Partner\\u2019s or Child\\u2019s Debts. The Value and Limits of an Economic Perspective\\u2019 (1996) 16 Legal Studies 368.\", \"47 Examples are legion, and by no means confined to the more sensational criminal law cases picked up by the media, such as R. v. Johns, Supreme Court of South Australia, 26 August 1992 (unreported) in which Bollen J. stated that it was acceptable for a husband to resort to \\u2018rougher than usual handling\\u2019 to persuade his wife to have sex with him. For examples relating to STD, see Howell, op. cit., n. 43.\", \"48 B. Fehlberg, \\u2018 The Husband, the Bank, the Wife and Her Signature \\u2013 the Sequel \\u2019 (1996) 59 Modern Law Rev. 675.\", \"49 National Australia Bank Ltd v. Garcia (1996) 39 N.S.W.L.R. 577 (N.S.W.C.A.). 50 (1991) 25 N.S.W.L.R. 32 (C.A.).\", \"52 1994) A.S.C. 56\\u2013268 (N.S.W.C.A.).\", \"53 Based on the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cwth.), s. 52, and the Contracts Review Act 1980 (N.S.W.). 54 (1994) A.S.C. 56\\u2013270 (N.S.W.C.A.).\", \"55 A number of recent English cases have also turned on the question of whether the wife received independent legal advice. The House of Lords considered the issue in Barclays Bank v. O\\u2019Brien [ 1994 ] 1 A.C. 180. See, also, Banco Exterior Internacional v. Mann [ 1995 ] 1 All E.R. 936.\", \"56 See I.J. Hardingham and M.A. Neave, Australian Family Property Law (1984) 94.\", \"57 Compare K. O\\u2019Donovan, Sexual Divisions in Law (1985), especially 112\\u201318.\", \"58 Although Reich\\u2019s work on the conceptualization of non-traditional sources of wealth, such as employment and professional qualifications, as forms of \\u2018new property\\u2019 has been influential, he did not broach the subject of caring work. See C.A. Reich, \\u2018 The New Property \\u2019 (1964) 73 Yale Law J. 733. Despite a greater sensitivity to the interests of women, as well as writing almost two decades later, Glendon also fails to address the question of unpaid work as a form of property. See M.A. Glendon, The New Family and the New Property (1981).\", \"59 1992) 29 N.S.W.L.R. 188 (C.A.).\", \"60 Trusts of this kind have been judicially created in order to obviate injustice. Ironically, such devices have been commonly utilized over the last twenty years or so in property disputes arising out of de facto relationships, where divisibility has permitted separate interests to crystallize in ways not recognized within marriage. For a discussion of recent trends in Australia, see P. Parkinson, \\u2018 Property Rights and Third Party Creditors \\u2013 the Scope and Limitations of Equitable Doctrines \\u2019 (1997) 11 Australian J. Family Law 100.\", \"61 For discussion, see J. Riley, \\u2018 The Property Rights of Home-Makers under General Law: Bryson v. Bryant \\u2019 (1994) 16 Sydney Law Rev. 412.\", \"62 The Justice T. E. Lindenmayer and P.A. Doolan, \\u2018 When Bankruptcy and Family Law Collide \\u2019 (1994) 8 Aust. J. Family Law 111, 133.\", \"63 B. Bennett, \\u2018 The Economics of Wifing Services: Law and Economics on the Family \\u2019 (1991) 18 J. of Law and Society 206.\", \"64 O\\u2019Donovan, op. cit., n. 57 ; Thornton, op. cit. (1995), n. 4.\", \"65 N.S.W.C.A., unreported, 23 May 1994.\", \"66 For detailed discussion of the ramifications, see L.J. Weitzman, The Divorce Revolution: The Unexpected Social and Economic Consequences for Women and Children in America (1985).\", \"67 M.L. Shanley, Feminism, Marriage, and the Law in Victorian England, 1850\\u20131895 (1989) 46.\", \"68 The move to contract as the governing principle of family law has been noted by commentators. See, for example, Freeman, op. cit., n. 24 ; Neave, op. cit., n. 26 ; Regan, op. cit., n. 30.\", \"69 Bryson v. Bryant in respect of which, it might be noted, the High Court refused leave to appeal. Marcia Neave notes the \\u2018artificiality\\u2019 of the concept of intention in a discussion of the constructive trust in the context of de facto spouses. See M. Neave \\u2018 Three Approaches to Family Law Disputes \\u2013 Intention/Belief, Unjust Enrichment and Unconscionability\\u2019 in Equity, Fiduciaries and Trusts, ed. T.G. Youdan (1989) 262\\u20134.\", \"70 For an interesting case study of this phenomenon, see L. Sarmas, \\u2018 Storytelling and the Law: A Case Study of Louth v. Diprose \\u2019 (1994) 19 Melbourne University Law Rev. 701.\", \"71 C. Colebrook, \\u2018 Feminist Ethics and Historicism \\u2019 (1996) 11 Aust. Feminist Studies 295, 300.\", \"72 M. Albertson Fineman, The Neutered Mother, the Sexual Family and Other Twentieth Century Tragedies (1995) 7.\", \"73 Compare K. O\\u2019Donovan, \\u2018 Should all Maintenance of Spouses be abolished? \\u2019 (1982) 45 Modern Law Rev. 424, 431\\u20133.\", \"74 For example, De Facto Relationships Act 1984 (N.S.W.). For detailed analysis of the policy considerations, see M.D.A. Freeman and C.M. Lyon, Cohabitation without Marriage: An Essay in Law and Social Policy (1983); New South Wales Law Reform Commission, De Facto Relationships: Issues Paper (1981).\", \"75 Eds. of the Harvard Law Review, Sexual Orientation and the Law (1990); Dean v. District of Columbia 653 U.S. App. D.C 307 (1995); C. Overington, \\u2018 Why can\\u2019t They Marry? \\u2019 The Age, 26 April 1997.\", \"76 For example, Lesbian Gay Rights Service and The Bride Wore Pink; Legal Recognition of Our Relationships (1994).\", \"77 id., p. 3.\", \"78 Above, n. 30.\"]\n",
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"[\"1 For a contrary view, see G. Jones, \\u2018 \\u201cTraditional\\u201d Legal Scholarship: a Personal View \\u2019 in What Are Law Schools For?, ed. P. Birks (1996) 14.\", \"3 R. Goff, \\u2018 The Search for Principle \\u2019 (1983) Proceeedings of the British Academy 169, at 171. This is an amplification of Dicey\\u2019s remark that \\u2018[b]y adequate study and careful thought whole departments of law can... be reduced to order and exhibited under the form of a few principles which sum up the effect of a hundred cases...\\u2019. A. Dicey, Can English Law be taught at the Universities? (1883) 20.\", \"4 J. Smith, The Law of Contract (1989)\", \"6 See, for example, D. Kennedy, \\u2018 Form and substance in Private Law Ajudication \\u2019 (1976) 89 Harvard Law Rev. 1685.\", \"7 B. Hepple, \\u2018 The Renewal of the Liberal Law Degree \\u2019 (1996) Cambridge Law J. 470, at 485 and 481.\", \"8 P.A. Thomas, \\u2018 Introduction \\u2019 in Socio-Legal Studies, ed. P.A. Thomas (1997) 19.\", \"9 R. Cotterrell, Law\\u2019s Community (1995) 296.\", \"10 Socio-legal studies has been defined in many different ways. In this essay the term is taken to indicate the use of ideas \\u2018from other disciplines primarily but not exclusively from within the social science and humanities fields \\u2019. S. Wheeler, \\u2018 Company Law \\u2019 in Thomas, op. cit., n. 8, at p. 285.\", \"11 Some fail wholly. It is difficult to see any effect on academic legal education that resulted from Marre\\u2019s report A Time for Change (1988). The Jarratt report on universities produced for the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP), Report of the Steering Committee for Efficiency studies in Universities (1988), produced much comment but little action. Even those that are thought of as being a success are not wholly implemented. Despite Ormrod\\u2019s recommendations no Institute of Profesional Legal Studies was set up and the universities and colleges of higher education did not take sole responsibility for vocational legal training (Report of the Committee on Legal Education (1971 ; Cmnd 4595) ch. 9, recs. 40 and 23). There were also other recommendations that were not implemented. The Robbins report on higher education, Higher Education (1963 ; Cmnd. 2154) took it is axiomatic that \\u2018courses of higher education should be available for all those who are qualified by ability and attainment to pursue them and wish to do so \\u2019 (para. 31). This has yet to happen.\", \"12 Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education, Higher Education in the learning society (1997) (the Dearing report); ACLEC, First Report on Legal Education and Training (1996). The Government\\u2019s White Paper on further and higher education had not been published at the time of writing this essay. ACLEC, id., para 4.6.\", \"14 ACLEC\\u2019s proposal is part of an historical process which has gradually seen English university law schools distance themselves from the legal professions and the legal professions propose decreasing degrees of control over the content of law degrees. See A. Bradney and F. Cownie, \\u2018 Working on the Chain Gang? \\u2019 (1996) 2 Contemporary Issues in Law 15, at 24\\u20136).\", \"15 M. Jeeves J. MacFarlane and A. Boon, \\u2018 Education for Life or for Work? \\u2019 (1987) 137 New Law J. 835, at 836.\", \"16 T.H. Huxley, \\u2018 Universities: Actual and Ideal \\u2019 in T.H. Huxley, Collected Essays : Volume III (1905) 215.\", \"17 J.S. Mill, \\u2018 Inaugural address to the University of St Andrews \\u2019 in Collected Work of John Stuart Mill: Volume XXI, ed. J.M. Robson (1984) 218.\", \"18 Dearing, op. cit., n. 12, para. 9.32.\", \"19 id., para. 5.11.\", \"20 F.R. Leavis, Education and the University (1948) 28. Leavis\\u2019s view was narrowly nationalistic. For \\u2018centre\\u2019 it would be better to substitute \\u2018centres \\u2019.\", \"21 See, further, A. Bradney, \\u2018 Liberalising Legal Education \\u2019 in The Law School: Global Issues, Local Questions, ed. F. Cownie (forthcoming).\", \"22 P. Goodrich \\u2018 Of Blackstone\\u2019s Tower: Metephors of Distance and Histories of the English Law School \\u2019 in Birks, op. cit., n. 1, p. 59. 23 S. Turow, One L (1977) 106.\", \"24 O. Kahn-Freund, \\u2018 Reflections on Legal Education \\u2019 (1966) 29 Modern Law Rev. 121, at 129.\", \"25 Kahn-Freund believed... legal argument (Kahn-Freund, id.).\", \"26 Leavis, op. cit., n. 20, p. 120.\", \"29 Leavis has, of course, been widely criticized for the cultural and gender assumptions that lie behind his selection of material to be studied. See, for example, M. King, The New English Literatures (1980) at 216\\u201317.) Whatever the accuracy of these criticisms, they are criticisms of the application of the method rather than the method itself.\", \"30 Jurisprudence by Sir John Salmond, ed. G. Willliams (10th., 1947) at 256 and 257.\", \"31 So much so that when other disciplines engage with law they must develop their own concepts to analyse law rather than rely on the concepts already developed in law. See, for example, E. Durkheim The Division of Labour in Society (1933) 68.\", \"32 M. Le Brun and R. Johnstone, The Quiet Revolution: Improving Student Learning in Law (1994) 65. On the effect on women students, see \\u2018 Define and Empower: Women Students Consider Feminist Learning \\u2019 (1990) I Law and Critique 47 at pp. 54\\u201355. For a survey of CLS and feminist literature on this general point, see W. Conklin, \\u2018 The Invisible Author of Legal Authority \\u2019 (1996) VII Law and Critique 173 at pp. 173\\u20136.\", \"33 R. Collier, \\u2018 Masculinism, Law and Law Teaching \\u2019 (1991) 19 International J. of the Sociology of Law 427, at 429.\", \"34 P. McAuslan, \\u2018 Administrative Law, Collective Consumption and Judicial Policy \\u2019 (1983) 46 Modern Law Rev. 1, at 8.\", \"35 Le Brun and Johnstone, op. cit, n. 32, pp. 71\\u20135.\", \"38 Goodrich, op. cit., n. 22.\", \"39 P. Samuelson, \\u2018 The Convergence of the Law School and the University \\u2019 (1975) 44 The Am. Scholar 256, at 258.\", \"40 P. Harris and M. Jones \\u2018 A Survey of Law Schools in the United Kingdom, 1996 \\u2019 (1997) 31 The Law Teacher 38, at 46.\", \"41 J. Wilson, \\u2018 A third survey of university legal education \\u2019 (1993) 13 Legal Studies 143, at 152.\", \"42 Thus, for example, Harris and Jones reported that 59.2 per cent of all particpating institutions offered foriegn language tuition as part of their standard LLB programme. Harris and Jones, op. cit., n. 40, at p. 54).\", \"43 T. Mortimer P. Leighton and N. Whatley, Law Teachers: Lawyers or Academics? (1995)\", \"34. This would include teaching both non-law degree students and sub-degree students. 44 id., p 35\", \"45 L. Skwarok, \\u2018 Business Law for Non-Lawyers: Setting the Stage for Teaching, Learning and Assessment at Hong Kong Polytechnic University \\u2019 (1995) 29 The Law Teacher 189, at 189.\", \"46 N. Bastin, \\u2018 Law, Law Staff and CNAA Business Studies Degree Courses \\u2019 (1985) 19 The Law Teacher 12, at 13.\", \"47 A. Ridley, \\u2018 Legal Skills for Non-Law Students: Added Value or Irrelevant Diversion? \\u2019 (1994) 28 The Law Teacher 281, at 282.\", \"48 G. Cartan and T. Vilkinas, \\u2018 Legal Literacy for Managers: The Role of the Educator \\u2019 (1990) 24 The Law Teacher 246, at 248.\", \"49 Ridley, op. cit., n. 47, at p. 284.\", \"50 This, of course, is not always the case. For example, the BA Economics and Law degree at Leicester has a special course in each year given over to the consideration of the relationship between economics and law.\", \"51 P. Birks, \\u2018 Short Cuts \\u2019 in Pressing Problems in the Law, ed. P. Birks (1994) 10\\u201324.\", \"52 Ridley, op. cit., n. 47, p. 283.\", \"53 Cartan Vilkinas, op. cit., n. 48, p. 248.\", \"54 P. Harris, \\u2018 Curriculum Development in Legal Studies \\u2019 (1986) 20 The Law Teacher 110, at 112.\", \"55 Dearing, op. cit., n. 12, para 9.3.\", \"57 G. Steiner, Errata: An Examined Life (1997) 20.\"]\n",
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"[\"1 Geiger 1964, insbesondere S. 65\\u201483.\", \"2 Vgl. Feest Blankenburg, 1972. Die Konsequenz einer gr\\u00f6\\u00dferen Dunkelziffer bei den von der Polizei selbst entdeckten Straftaten entwickle ich ausf\\u00fchrlicher in meinem Beitrag \\u00fcber, Nichtkriminalisierung als Struktur und Routine ', 1976.\", \"3 Angaben aus einer Befragung von Peter MacNaughton-Smith und Richard Rosellen zur ' Bereitschaft zur Anzeigeerstattung ' Manuskript Freiburg 1978. Der ausf\\u00fchrliche Forschungsbericht von Richard Rosellen erscheint in K\\u00fcrze unter dem Titel ' Private Verbrechenskontrolle \\u2014 eine empirische Untersuchung zur Anzeigeerstattung ', Berlin, voraussichtlich 1980.\", \"4 Vgl. Blankenburg Sessar Steffen, 1978, S. 66-85.\", \"5 Black 1973, S. 125 ff.\", \"6 Zur h\\u00f6heren Wahrscheinlichkeit der Normierung von Verhalten in weniger komplexen Beziehungen vgl. die Konflikttheorie von Gessner 1976, insbesondere S. 170\\u2014183.\", \"7 Zum Konzept der 'Thematisierung von Recht' vgl. Luhmann 1980, S. 99\\u2014112.\", \"8 Ausf\\u00fchrlicher bei Gessner 1976\", \"9 Vgl. Sch\\u00f6nholz 1980.\", \"10 Blankenburg Sch\\u00f6nholz Rogowski 1979, S. 64 ff.\", \"11 Hilden 1976, S. 64 ff.\", \"12 Koch 1975, S. 75, der allerdings nur streitige Urteile und Vergleiche untersucht hat.\", \"13 F\\u00fcr Angaben der Z\\u00e4hlkartenstatistik f\\u00fcr die Familiengerichte siehe : Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden, Fachserie 10 (Rechtspflege) Reihe 2.1, Tabelle 10, Wiesbaden 1978.\", \"14 Blankenburg Sch\\u00f6nholz Rogowski 1979, S. 78 ff.\", \"15 Steinbach 1979 hat in einer Erhebung von 1144 Amtsgerichtsprozessen in der Bundesrepublik ohne Berlin in den Jahren 1974\\u20141976 ein Verh\\u00e4ltnis von 1 R\\u00e4umungsklage je 1,2 Forderungsklagen, in Berlin allerdings von 1 R\\u00e4umungsklage je 0,12 Forderungsklagen ermittelt. Im folgenden auch als GMD-Erhebung zitiert.\", \"16 Johnson 1979 berichtet von dem erfolgreichen Versuch einer Unfall-Schadensregulierung ohne Ber\\u00fccksichtigung einer Schuldzuschreibung in Neuseeland (no fault accident compensation), S. 90 ff.\", \"17 Steinbach 1979, S. 66 ff.; Blankenburg Blankenburg Morasch 1972, S. 82 ff.\", \"18 Projektbericht,Rechtshilfebed\\u00fcrfnisse sozial Schwacher *, (Blankenburg Gorges Reifner Ticmann). Befragt wurden im Januar bis M\\u00e4rz 1979 je eine Person in 835 Haushalten Westberlins. Ver\\u00f6ffentlichung ist vorgesehen f\\u00fcr Ende 1980. Quelle: Eigene Befragung in West-Berlin 1979, Zufallsauswahl aus allen Haushalten mit Deutschen. Mehrfachnennungen, % jeweils bezogen auf Personen, die im jeweiligen Bereich ein Problem nennen.\", \"19 Explizit bei Baumg\\u00e4rtei 1976, S. 113-128.\", \"20 Laut einer GMD-Erhebung aus der Z\\u00e4hlkartenstatistik wurde in Baden-W\\u00fcrttemberg 1978 in\", \"21 Projektbericht Rechtsschutzversicherung*. (Blankenburg Fiedler), Ver\\u00f6ffentlichung voraussichtlich Mitte 1980.\", \"22 Vgl. auch Reifner Gorges 1980.\", \"23 Reifner 1979.\", \"24 Klassisch bei Carlin Howard Messinger 1967.\", \"25 Grunds\\u00e4tzlich vgl. hierzu den klassischen Beitrag von Galanter 1974, S. 95\\u2014160. Die gr\\u00f6sseren Chancen von Firmen, insbesondere bei der gro\\u00dfen Zahl von vorstreitigen Erledigungen zeigt Sarat 1976, S. 339-375.\", \"26 Bender Schumacher 1980, S. 138.\", \"27 Steinbach 1979, S. 96 ff, vgl. auch Blankenburg Blankenburg Morasch 1972, S. 89, Fn. 17,\", \"28 Reifner 1978.\", \"29 Blankenburg Sch\\u00f6nholz Rogowski 1979, S. 102 ff.\", \"30 Vgl. zum Verrechtlichungsbegriff meinen Beitrag \\u00fcber: Recht als gradualisiertes Konzept 1980, S. 83\\u201498.\", \"31 Steinbach 1979, S. 35 ; Bender Schumacher 1980, S. 24 und S. 49.\", \"32 Wanner 1975, S. 293\\u2014306 hebt dies deutlich hervor, ebenso Bender Schumacher 1980, S. 72 ff.; sowie Galanter 1974 ; Sarat 1976.\", \"33 Blankenburg Sch\\u00f6nholz Rogowski 1979, S. 78 ff.\", \"34 Ebenda, S. 138-186.\", \"35 Luhmann 1969.\", \"36 F\\u00fcr eine \\u00fcberaus positive Bewertung des.Vermeidens1 vgl. Felstiner Danzig Lowy in Law and Society Review, vol. 9, 1974 /75.\"]\n",
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"[\"1 Siehe n\\u00e4her Zweigert K\\u00f6tz I 12 ff.\", \"2 Rabel, Aufgabe und Notwendigkeit der Rechtsvergleichung (1925), abgedruckt in : Rabel, Gesammelte Aufs\\u00e4tze III (Hrsg. Leser, 1967) 1 (3).\", \"3 Siehe insbes. die Beitr\\u00e4ge in Drobnig Rehbinder.\", \"4 Dazu R. Abel, Law Books and Books About Law, Stanford Law Rev. 26 (1973) 174 ff.; Benda-Beckmann, Einige Anmerkungen \\u00fcber die Beziehung zwischen Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung, ZvglRW 78 (1979) 51 ff.\", \"5 Carbonnier, L\\u2019apport du droit compare \\u00e4 la sociologie juridique, in: Livre du centenaire de la Societe de legislation comparee (Paris 1969) 75 (83).\", \"6 Carbonnier (vorige N.) a.a.O.\", \"7 Nowak, The Strategy of Cross-National Survey Research for the Development of Social Theory, in: Szalai Petrella 3 (9 ff.) : Rose, Interkulturelle Forschung in der Rechtssoziologie, in: Drobnig Rehbinder 171 ff.\", \"8 Dazu n\\u00e4her Wirsing, Probleme des interkulturellen Vergleichs in der Ethnologie, Sociologus 25 (1975) 97 ff. - Vgl. auch Poirier, Situation actuelle et Programme de travail de Techno logie juridique, Rev. int. Sc. Soc. 22 (1970) 509 (526).\", \"9 Macaulay, Elegant Models, Empirical Pictures, and the Complexities of Contract, Law & Soc. Rev. 11 (1977) 507 ff.\", \"10 Rose (oben N. 7) 175.\", \"11 Dazu Grimshau, Comparative Sociology - In What Ways Different From Other Sociologies?, in: Armer Grimshaw 3 (18). Auch der Oberbegriff \\u201ecross System comparison\\\" wird vorgeschlagen, Tomasson, Introduction; Comparative Sociology \\u2014 The State of the Art, in: Tomasson (Hrsg.), Comparative Studies in Sociology Vol. 1 (Greenwich, Conn. 1978) 1. \\u2014 \\u00dcber die Methoden interkultureller und internationaler Vergleiche ist inzwischen so viel geschrieben worden, da\\u00df nicht nur die F\\u00fclle des Materials schon wieder abschreckend wirkt, sondern da\\u00df es auch gen\\u00fcgt, im Rahmen dieses Aufsatzes nur einige wichtige Aspekte anzusprechen. Bibliographien finden sich etwa bei Rokkan Verba Viet Almasy 117 ff.; Vallier 423 ff.; Almasy Balandier Delatte, Comparative Survey Analysis \\u2014 An Annotated Bibliography 1967 \\u2014 1973 (Beverly Hills, London 1976) sowie bei Marsh, Comparative Sociology (New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta 1967) 375 ff.\", \"12 Durkheim, Les r\\u00e8gles de la methode sociologique Paris 1977) 137.\", \"13 Smelser 2 f. ; Payne, Comparative Sociology \\u2014 Some Problems of Theory and Method, Brit. J. Soc. 24 (1973) 13 (15 ff.). - \\u00c4hnlich auch Eisenstadt, Social Institutions - Comparative Method, in: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Bd. 14 (London 1968) 421 (423).\", \"14 Boesch Eckensberger, Methodische Probleme des interkulturellen Vergleichs, in: Graumann (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Psychologie, Bd. Vll 1 (2. Auf ], 1969) 514 (520 ff.). \\u2014 Zur \\u201ecultunit\\u201c, die vor allem durch die gemeinsame Sprache und die Zugeh\\u00f6rigkeit zu einem Staat bzw. einer interpersonellen Kontaktgruppe gekennzeichnet ist, s. Naroll Cohen (Hrsg.), A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology (New York, London 1973) sowie Smelser 168 f.; Wirsing (oben N. 8) 115.\", \"15 N\\u00e4her dazu Zelditch, Intelligible Comparisons, in: Vallier 267 (270 ff.).\", \"16 Carbonnier (oben N. 5) 80.\", \"17 Siehe Zweigert, Die soziologische Dimension der Rechtsvergleichung, in: Drobnig Rebbinder 151 (159).\", \"18 Zu entsprechenden Versuchen etwa Merryman, Comparative Law and Scientific Explanation, in: Law in the United States of America in Social and Technological Revolution (Br\\u00fcssel 1974) 81 (89 ff.).\", \"19 Beispiel von Carbonnier, Sociologie juridique (Paris 1972) 188 N. 1.\", \"20 Dazu Heidrich, H\\u00f6chstrichterliche Rechtsprechung als Triebfehier sozialen Wandels, Jahr buch f\\u00fcr Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie 3 (1972) 305 (330 ff.).\", \"21 Insbesondere Zweigert (oben N. 17) 157 ff.\", \"22 Kaiser, Strafrecht und vergleichende Kriminologie, in: Kaiser Vogler (Hrsg.), Strafrecht, Straf rechtsvergleichung (1975) 79 ff. Siehe auch Villmow Albrecht, Die Vergleichung als Methode der Strafrechtswissenschaft und der Kriminologie, MschrKrim. 62 (1979) 163 ff.\", \"23 So etwa K. H. Neumayer, Ziele und Methoden der Rechtsvergleichung, in: Recueil des travaux suisses pr\\u00e9sent\\u00e9s au IXe Congr\\u00e8s international de droit compare (1976) 45 (48).\", \"24 Zur Abgrenzung n\\u00e4her Rehbinder, Erkenntnistheoretisches zum Verh\\u00e4ltnis von Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung, in: Drobnig Rehbinder 56 ff.\", \"25 N\\u00e4her dazu Merryman (oben N. 18) 101 ff.\", \"26 Heidrich, Sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte der Rechtsvergleichung, in: Drobnig Rehbinder 178 (186 ff.).\", \"27 Siehe etwa die Erkl\\u00e4rung, warum das \\u201eAccess to justice movement\\\" in der Bundesrepublik vergleichsweise wenig Widerhall gefunden hat von Blankenburg, Patterns of Legal Culture as a Variable for the Chances of Legal Innovation, in: Blankenburg (Hrsg.), innovations in the Legal Services (Cambridge, Mass.; Meisenheim 1980).\", \"28 So Rehbinder (oben N. 24) 60.\", \"29 Dazu R. Abel, Comparative Law and Social Theory, Am. J. Comp. L. 26 (1978) 219 (224 ff.).\", \"30 Dazu etwa Smelser 175 f. F\\u00fcr die Kriminologie siehe Kaiser (oben N. 22) 89 sowie Blazicek Janeksela, Some Comments on Comparative Methodologies in Criminal Justice, Int. J. Crim. Pen 6 (1978) 233 (240). Als besonders gef\\u00e4hrlich hat sich die unkritische \\u00dcbertragung solcher Konzepte auf L\\u00e4nder der Dritten Welt erwiesen. So kam man etwa zu dem Ergebnis: \\u201eThe U. S. law and development movement was largely a parochial expression of the American legal style \\u201c, Merryman, Comparative Law and Social Change - On the Origins, Style, Decline and Revival of the Law and Development Movement, Am. J. Comp. L. 25 (1977) 457 (479).\", \"31 Payne (oben N. 13) 15, 25 f.\", \"32 D\\u00e4ubler, Systemvergleich im Arbeitsrecht? Vor\\u00fcberlegungen zu einigen Methodenfragen, Demokratie und Recht 1979 / 1 S. 23 (31 ff.). - Zum Vergleich mit den sozialistischen L\\u00e4ndern siehe auch Zweigert Puttfarken, Zur Vergleichbarkeit analoger Rechtsinstitute in verschiede nen Gesellschaftsordnungen, in: Zweigert Puttfarken (Hrsg.), Rechtsvergleichung (1978) 395 (402 ff.).\", \"33 Blankenburg, Task Contingencies and National Administrative Culture as Determinants for Labour Market Administration (HM discussion papers 1978 \\u2014 23) 5 ff.\", \"34 Zweigert K\\u00f6tz I 30 f.\", \"35 Dazu etwa Armer, Methodology Problems and Possibilities in Comparative Research, in: Armer Grimsbaw 49 (50 ff.) ; Smelser 182 f.; Trommsdorf, M\\u00f6glichkeiten und Probleme des Kulturvergleichs am Beispiel einer Agressionsstudie, KZfSS 30 (1978) 361 (364 ff.).\", \"36 Wenn die Strenge elterlicher Strafen gemessen werden soll, kann man etwa darauf ausweichen, welche Strafe die Kinder am meisten f\\u00fcrchten, siehe Malewswka Peyre, Juvenile Deliquency and Development, in: Szalai Petrella 131 (157 f.).\", \"37 N\\u00e4her Scheuch, The Cross-Cultural Use of Sample Surveys \\u2014 Problems of Comparability, in: Rokkan 176 (185) ; Biervert, Der internationale Vergleich, in: van Koolwiyk / Wieken-Mayser (Hrsg.), Techniken empirischer Sozialforschung, Bd. 2 (1975) 113 (124 ff.).\", \"38 Verba, The Uses of Survey Research in the Study of Comparative Politics \\u2014 Issues and Strategies, in: Rokkan Verba Viet Almasy 56 (80).\", \"39 Gessner, Soziologische \\u00dcberlegungen zu einer Theorie der angewandten Rechtsvergleichung, in: Drobnig Rehbinder 123 (134 ff.).\", \"40 Nowak (oben N. 7) 42.\", \"41 F\\u00fcr die Bedeutung der funktionalen \\u00c4quivalenz beruft man sich h\\u00e4ufig auf Merton, der sie am Beispiel der Religion n\\u00e4her erl\\u00e4utert hat (Social Theory and Social Structure, New York, London, erweiterte Aufl. 1968, S. 82 ff.): Eine gemeinsame Religion erf\\u00fcllt im allgemeinen data \\\". OECD, The OECD Social Indicator Development Programme - 1976 Progress Report on Phase II (Paris 1977) 40.\", \"43 Rheinstein, Marriage Stability, Divorce, and the Law (Chicago 1972).\", \"44 Abel (oben N. 4) 194 ff., 221 f. - Siehe auch Wilpert, Die Messung von Mitbestimmungsnormen \\u2014 Darstellung eines international vergleichenden Forschungsansatzes (HM-Paper 1979 \\u2014 13) 2 ff. Zur Behandlung der \\u201eKultur\\\" in vergleichenden Untersuchungen n\\u00e4her Scheuch (oben N. 37) 197 ff.\", \"45 Abel (oben N. 4) 207 ff. Siehe auch Constantinesco, Ideologie als determinierendes Ele ment zur Bildung der Rechtskreise, Zeitschrift f\\u00fcr Rechtsvergleichung 19 (1978) 161 ff.\", \"46 Siehe Blankenburg (oben N. 33) 3 ff.\", \"47 Rose (oben N. 7) 176.\", \"48 Dazu etwa Benda-Beckmann (oben N. 4) 55 ff.; Constantinesco, \\u00dcber den Stil der \\u201eStilthe orie\\\" in der Rechtsvergleichung, ZvglRW 78 (1979) 154 ff. mwNachw. \\u2014 Eine vergleichbare Debatte \\u00fcber \\u201e\\u00e4hnliche\\u201c und \\u201eun\\u00e4hnliche Gesellschaften\\u201c wird seit D\\u00fcrkheim auch in der Soziologie gef\\u00fchrt. Siehe Payne (oben N. 13) 16 ff.\", \"49 Siehe Zweigert K\\u00f6tz I 70.\", \"50 Hofstede, Cultural Determinants of the Exercise of Power in a Hierarchy (Mimeographed, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Working Paper 1977 - 8). Ebenso f\\u00fcr das Arbeitsrecht D\\u00e4ubler (oben N. 32) 33, der auch die skandinavischen L\\u00e4nder in diese Gruppe aufnimmt.\", \"51 Dazu Zweigert K\\u00f6tz 1 110 f. \\u2014 Kritisch Benda-Beckmann (oben N. 4) 58 ff.\", \"52 IDE-International Research Group, Industrial Democracy in Europe (erscheint bei London 1980) Chapter VIII.\", \"53 Zweigert K\\u00f6tz I 78.\", \"54 IDE-International Research Group (oben N. 52) Chapter VIII.\", \"55 Daf\\u00fcr D\\u00e4ubler (oben N. 32) 33.\", \"56 Siehe dazu Rheinstein, Die Rechtshonoratioren und ihr Einflu\\u00df auf Charakter und Funk tion der Rechtsordnungen, RabelsZ 34 (1970) 1 ff.; Bernstein, Rechtsstile und Rechtshono ratioren. Ein Beitrag zur Methode der Rechtsvergleichung, RabelsZ 34 (1970) 443 ff.\", \"57 Dazu etwa Ruescbemeyer, Lawyers and their Societies -- A Comparative Analysis of the Legal Profession in Germany and the United States (Cambridge, Mass. 1973); ders., The Legal Profession in Comparative Perspective, in: H. M. Johnson, Social System and Legal Process (San Francisco, Washington, London 1978) 97 ff.\", \"58 Klausa, Politische Inhaltsanalyse von Rechtslehrertexten, ZfS 8 (1979) 362 ff.\", \"59 Siehe Nowak (oben N. 7) 23 ff.; Smelser 167 ff.\", \"60 Dazu n\\u00e4her Teune, Analysis and Interpretation in Cross-National Survey Research, in: Szalai Petrella 95 (101) ff.\", \"61 Siehe dazu Nader Todd, The Disputing Process \\u2014 Law in Ten Societies (New York 1978).\", \"62 Siehe zum entsprechenden Problem in der Kriminologie Kaiser (oben N. 22) 88 mwNachw. ; Blazicek Janeksela (oben N. 30) 235 f., 242.\", \"63 Clinard, Comparative Crime Victimization Surveys \\u2014 Some Problems and Results, Int. J. Crim, and Pen. 6 (1978) 221 ff.\", \"64 Siehe Abel-Smith Zander Brooke, Legal Problems and the Citizen (London 1973); Rokumoto, Legal Problems and the Use of Law in Tokio and London - A Preliminary Study in International Comparison, ZfS 7 (1978) 228 ff.; Schuyt Groenendijk Sloot, Rechtspro bleme oder private Schwierigkeiten \\u2014 Die Inanspruchnahme von Rechtshilfe in den Nieder landen, in: Jahrbuch f\\u00fcr Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie 5 (1978) 109 ff.\", \"65 Dazu Podgdrecki, Comparative Studies on the Attitudes Towards Various Legal Systems, Polish Sociological Bulletin 21 No. 1 (1970) 83 (88 ff.). Siehe auch Ziegen Zur Effek tivit\\u00e4t der Rechtssoziologie: die Rekonstruktion der Gesellschaft durch Recht (1975) 196 ff.\", \"66 Siehe Podgdrecki, Legal Consciousness as a Research Problem, European Yearbook in Law and Sociology 1977 (Den Haag 1977) 85 (88 ff.).\", \"67 Kutchinsky, \\u201e The Legal Consciousness\\u201c: A Survey of Research on Knowledge and Opinion about Law, in: Podgdrecki Kaupen van Houtte / Vinke Kutchinsky, Knowledge and Opinion about Law (Bristol 1973) 101 (126).\", \"68 Podgdrecki, Public Opinion on Law, in: Knowledge and Opinion about Law (vorige N.) 65 (84 ff.).\", \"69 Heintz, Interkultureller Vergleich, in: K\\u00f6nig (Hrsg.), Handbuch der empirischen Sozialfor schung, Bd. 4 (3. Aufl. 1974) 405 (414 f.).\", \"70 Siehe Hegenbarth, \\u00dcber methodische und organisatorische Grenzen der empirischen Rechts forschung in Entwicklungsl\\u00e4ndern, Informationsbrief f\\u00fcr Rechtssoziologie April 1979, Son derheft 2, S. 5 ff. mwNachw.\", \"71 Siehe etwa Gessner, Recht und Konflikt \\u2014 Eine soziologische Untersuchungprivatrechtlicher Konflikte in Mexiko (1976) 37 ff.\", \"72 Vgl. Heintz (oben N. 69) 407.\", \"73 Da die theoretischen und technischen Erfordernisse solcher Vergleiche in der Tat komplex sind, bestand in der Kriminologie noch Mitte der sechziger Jahre internationale \\u00dcberein stimmung, da\\u00df vergleichenden Studien kein Vorrang zu geben sei. Dazu Friday, Problems in Comparative Criminology, Int. J. Crim. 1 (1973) 151 (152).\", \"74 Zur Anlage vergleichender Studien n\\u00e4her Rokkan, Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaft (1972) 9 ff.; Szalai, The Organization and Execution of Cross-National Survey Research Projects, in: Szalai Petrella 49 ff. sowie IDE-International Research Group (oben N. 52) Chapter I.\", \"75 Siehe Blegvad, Methodological Aspects of the Project \\u201eLocal Legal Systems \\u201c, in: Kulcs\\u00e1r (Hrsg.), Sociology of Law and Legal Sciences (Budapest 1977) 97 (99 ff.).\", \"76 Dazu n\\u00e4her Zweigert, Die kritische Wertung in der Rechtsvergleichung, Festschrift f\\u00fcr Schmitthoff (1973) 403 ff.\", \"77 Siehe etwa zu vorliegenden franz\\u00f6sischen Untersuchungen D\\u00f6rner, Rechtstatsachenforschung und Gesetzgebung \\u2014 Hinweise zur Entwicklung einer Gesetzgebungssoziologie in Frank reich, Interview und Analyse 1979, 377 ff.\", \"78 Siehe Bryde, Recht und Konflikt \\u2014 Mexiko und Afrika, Verfassung und Recht in Obersee 12 (1979), 159 ff.\"]\n"
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# Convert AnyStyle GT back to original strings
%% Cell type:code id:d8ff3eba78b2d0d8 tags:
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print(f'Extracting GT input data from {base_name} ...')
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refs = []
for sequence in root.findall('.//sequence'):
ref = " ".join(element.text.strip() if element.text else '' for element in sequence)
ref = re.sub(r'\n *', ' ', ref)
with open(f'refs/{base_name.replace(".xml",".txt")}', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
%% Output
Extracting GT input data from 10.1111_1467-6478.00057.xml ...
Extracting GT input data from 10.1111_1467-6478.00080.xml ...
Extracting GT input data from 10.1515_zfrs-1980-0103.xml ...
Extracting GT input data from 10.1515_zfrs-1980-0104.xml ...
%% Cell type:code id:f55d360989a07f5d tags:
``` python
1 A. Phillips, ‘Citizenship and Feminist Politics’ in Citizenship, ed. G. Andrews (1991) 77.
2 T. Brennan and C. Pateman, ‘“Mere Auxiliaries to the Commonwealth”: Women and the Origins of Liberalism’ (1979) 27 Political Studies 183.
3 M. Sawer and M. Simms, A Woman’s Place: Women and Politics in Australia (2nd ed., 1993).
4 I have explored the gendered nature of citizenship at greater length in two complementary papers: ‘Embodying the Citizen’ in Public and Private: Feminist Legal Debates, ed. M. Thornton (1995) and ‘Historicising Citizenship: Remembering Broken Promises’ (1996) 20 Melbourne University Law Rev. 1072.
5 S. Walby, ‘Is Citizenship Gendered?’ (1994) 28 Sociology 379
6 I. Kant, ‘Metaphysical First Principles of the Doctrine of Right’ [1785] in The Metaphysics of Morals (trans. M. Gregor, 1991) 125–6, s. 146.
7 U. Vogel, ‘Marriage and the Boundaries of Citizenship’ in The Condition of Citizenship, ed. B. van Steenbergen (1994) 75.
8 N. Fraser and L. Gordon, ‘Civil Citizenship against Social Citizenship?’ in id., p. 97.
9 Vogel, id., p. 79. W. Blackstone, Commentaries (Facsimile of 1st. ed. of 1765–69, 1979) 442.
11 Vogel, op. cit., n. 7, pp. 80–1.
12 F. Haug (ed.), Female Sexualization: A Collective Work of Memory (1987) 196.
13 A. Bottomley, ‘Self and Subjectivities: Languages of Claim in Property Law’ (1993) 20 J. of Law and Society 56, 61.
14 D. West, ‘Power and Formation: New Foundations for a Radical Concept of Power’ (1987)
30 Inquiry 137, 145. Compare M. Foucault, Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972–1977, ed. C. Gordon (1980) 98.
15 For a detailed analysis of legal method and the political role it plays, see M.J. Mossman, ‘Feminism, and Legal Method: The Difference it Makes’ (1986) 3 Aust. J. of Law and Society 30.
16 H.S. Maine, Ancient Law: Its Connection with the Early History of Society and its Relation to Modern Ideas (10th ed., 1912) 174.
17 This was particularly the case in the United States of America. See M.J. Horwitz, The Transformation of American Law, 1780–1860 (1977) 160.
18 M. Grossberg, Governing the Hearth: Law and the Family in Nineteenth-Century America (1985) ix.
19 Staves postulates that the position was somewhat more complicated in that marriage, as a status, crumbled in response to contract ideology in the seventeenth century but, by the end of the eighteenth century, deeper patriarchal structures were re-imposed. See S. Staves, Married Women’s Separate Property in England, 1660–1833 (1990) 4, 220.
20 Siegel presents a valuable study of the changing norms of marriage in the context of wife beating. See R.B. Siegel, ‘“The Rule of Love”: Wife Beating as Prerogative and Privacy’ (1996) 105 Yale Law J. 2117.
21 C. Pateman, The Sexual Contract (1988). For further analysis of the marriage contract, see K. O’Donovan, Family Matters (1993), especially 43–59.
23 Crimes (Sexual Assault) Amendment Act 1981 (N.S.W.); Criminal Law Consolidation Act Amendment Act 1976 (S.A.); Criminal Code (Sexual Offences) Act 1987 (Tas.); Crimes (Sexual Offences) 1991 (Vic.); Acts Amendment (Sexual Assault) Act 1985 (W.A.). The High Court upheld the validity of the South Australian law in 1991 (see R. v. L. (1991) 103 A.L.R. 577), the same year that the House of Lords abolished the immunity ( see R. v. R. [1991] 2 All E.R. 257).
24 M. Freeman, ‘Contracting in the Haven: Balfour v. Balfour Revisited’ in Exploring the Boundaries of Contract, ed. R. Halson (1996) 74; R. Collier, Masculinity, Law and the Family (1995) 127 and throughout. See Collier further for a comprehensive study of sexuality in marriage.
25 P.S. Atiyah, An Introduction to the Law of Contract (5th ed., 1995) 3.
26 The Australian Law Reform Commission has addressed the issue and recommended recognition of prenuptial agreements. See A.L.R.C., Matrimonial Property, report no. 37 (1987); A.L.R.C., Report of the Joint Select Committee on Certain Aspects of the Operation and Interpretation of the Family Law Act (1992). For critique, see M. Neave, ‘Private Ordering in Family Law – Will Women Benefit?’ in Thornton, op. cit., n. 4. For a feminist critique of contract in the American context, see C. Dalton, ‘An Essay in the Deconstruction of Contract Doctrine’ (1985) 94 Yale Law J. 997.
27 L. J. Weitzman, The Marriage Contract: Spouses, Lovers, and the Law (1981) 347 ff.
28 Grossberg, op. cit., n. 18, p. 52.
29 Balfour v. Balfour [1919] 2 K.B. 571.
30 Freeman, op. cit., n. 24. While acknowledging the trends towards contractualism and private ordering, Regan cautions against it, noting that greater freedom to contract invites greater scrutiny by the courts. More significantly, however, he would rather reclaim the idea of status by injecting it with new notions of responsibility and relationality, as well as divesting it of its sexist assumptions. See M.C. Regan Jr., Family Law and the Pursuit of Intimacy (1993).
31 For example, Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1970 (U.K.); Domestic Relations Act 1975 (N.Z.); Marriage Act Amendment Act 1976 (Cwth.)
32 G.S. Frost, Promises Broken: Courtship, Class, and Gender in Victorian England (1995); Thornton, op. cit. (1996), n. 4.
33 Grossberg, op. cit., n. 18, p. 38.
34 Compare U. Vogel, ‘Is Citizenship Gender-Specific?’ in The Frontiers of Citizenship, eds. U. Vogel and M. Moran (1991) 59.
35 See, for example, Bradwell v. Illinois 83 U.S. (16 Wall) 130 (1873).
36 Compare J. Pahl, Money and Marriage (1989) 5.
37 Although Australia, like the United Kingdom, has a separate property regime, the courts are endowed with broad powers under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cwth.) to distribute property equitably. For detailed treatment, see S. Parker, P. Parkinson, and J. Behrens, Australian Family Law in Context: Commentary and Materials (1994). Most civil law countries and most American states have developed community property regimes which recognize the joint ownership of property acquired during marriage, but the legal significance is similarly directed to the time of divorce. For discussion of the position during marriage, see J.T. Oldham, ‘Management of the Community Estate during an Intact Marriage’ (1993) 56 Law and Contemporary Problems 99. For a discussion of the genesis of the two systems, see C. Donahue, Jr., ‘What Causes Fundamental Legal Ideas? Marital Property in England and France in the Thirteenth Century’ (1979) 78 Michigan Law Rev. 59.
38 The legal construction of masculinity and femininity in family law has been the subject of recent scholarly interest. Notable examples are O’Donovan, op. cit., n. 21 and Collier, op. cit., n. 24.
39 For discussion of sex and legal subjecthood, see N. Naffine ‘Sexing the Subject (of Law)’ in Thornton , op. cit. (1995), n. 4.
40 Contracts Review Act 1980 (N.S.W.).
41 J. Nedelsky, Private Property and the Limits of American Constitutionalism: The Madisonian Framework and its Legacy (1990) especially 223 ff.
42 C.B. Macpherson, Democratic Theory: Essays in Retrieval (1973) 120.
43 For example, N. Howell, ‘“Sexually Transmitted Debt”: A Feminist Analysis of Laws Regulating Guarantors and Co-Borrowers’ (1995) 4 Aust. Feminist Law J. 93.
44 P. Baron, ‘The Free Exercise of Her Will: Women and Emotionally Transmitted Debt’ (1995) 13 Law in Context 23.
45 id., p. 24; B. Fehlberg, ‘The Husband, the Bank, the Wife and Her Signature’ (1994) 57 Modern Law Rev. 467, 468. See, also, Barclays Bank v. O’Brien [1994] 1 A.C. 180, at 185, per Brown-Wilkinson L
46 Baron, op. cit., n. 44, p. 34; M. Richardson, ‘Protecting Women who provide Security for a Husband’s, Partner’s or Child’s Debts. The Value and Limits of an Economic Perspective’ (1996) 16 Legal Studies 368.
47 Examples are legion, and by no means confined to the more sensational criminal law cases picked up by the media, such as R. v. Johns, Supreme Court of South Australia, 26 August 1992 (unreported) in which Bollen J. stated that it was acceptable for a husband to resort to ‘rougher than usual handling’ to persuade his wife to have sex with him. For examples relating to STD, see Howell, op. cit., n. 43.
48 B. Fehlberg, ‘The Husband, the Bank, the Wife and Her Signature – the Sequel’ (1996) 59 Modern Law Rev. 675.
49 National Australia Bank Ltd v. Garcia (1996) 39 N.S.W.L.R. 577 (N.S.W.C.A.). 50 (1991) 25 N.S.W.L.R. 32 (C.A.).
52 (1994) A.S.C. 56–268 (N.S.W.C.A.).
53 Based on the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cwth.), s. 52, and the Contracts Review Act 1980 (N.S.W.). 54 (1994) A.S.C. 56–270 (N.S.W.C.A.).
55 A number of recent English cases have also turned on the question of whether the wife received independent legal advice. The House of Lords considered the issue in Barclays Bank v. O’Brien [1994] 1 A.C. 180. See, also, Banco Exterior Internacional v. Mann [1995] 1 All E.R. 936.
56 See I.J. Hardingham and M.A. Neave, Australian Family Property Law (1984) 94.
57 Compare K. O’Donovan, Sexual Divisions in Law (1985), especially 112–18.
58 Although Reich’s work on the conceptualization of non-traditional sources of wealth, such as employment and professional qualifications, as forms of ‘new property’ has been influential, he did not broach the subject of caring work. See C.A. Reich, ‘The New Property’ (1964) 73 Yale Law J. 733. Despite a greater sensitivity to the interests of women, as well as writing almost two decades later, Glendon also fails to address the question of unpaid work as a form of property. See M.A. Glendon, The New Family and the New Property (1981).
59 (1992) 29 N.S.W.L.R. 188 (C.A.).
60 Trusts of this kind have been judicially created in order to obviate injustice. Ironically, such devices have been commonly utilized over the last twenty years or so in property disputes arising out of de facto relationships, where divisibility has permitted separate interests to crystallize in ways not recognized within marriage. For a discussion of recent trends in Australia, see P. Parkinson, ‘Property Rights and Third Party Creditors – the Scope and Limitations of Equitable Doctrines’ (1997) 11 Australian J. Family Law 100.
61 For discussion, see J. Riley, ‘The Property Rights of Home-Makers under General Law: Bryson v. Bryant’ (1994) 16 Sydney Law Rev. 412.
62 The Hon. Justice T. E. Lindenmayer and P.A. Doolan, ‘When Bankruptcy and Family Law Collide’ (1994) 8 Aust. J. Family Law 111, 133.
63 B. Bennett, ‘The Economics of Wifing Services: Law and Economics on the Family’ (1991) 18 J. of Law and Society 206.
64 O’Donovan, op. cit., n. 57; Thornton, op. cit. (1995), n. 4.
65 N.S.W.C.A., unreported, 23 May 1994.
66 For detailed discussion of the ramifications, see L.J. Weitzman, The Divorce Revolution: The Unexpected Social and Economic Consequences for Women and Children in America (1985).
67 M.L. Shanley, Feminism, Marriage, and the Law in Victorian England, 1850–1895 (1989) 46.
68 The move to contract as the governing principle of family law has been noted by commentators. See, for example, Freeman, op. cit., n. 24; Neave, op. cit., n. 26; Regan, op. cit., n. 30.
69 Bryson v. Bryant in respect of which, it might be noted, the High Court refused leave to appeal. Marcia Neave notes the ‘artificiality’ of the concept of intention in a discussion of the constructive trust in the context of de facto spouses. See M. Neave, ‘ Three Approaches to Family Law Disputes – Intention/Belief, Unjust Enrichment and Unconscionability’ in Equity, Fiduciaries and Trusts, ed. T.G. Youdan (1989) 262–4.
70 For an interesting case study of this phenomenon, see L. Sarmas, ‘Storytelling and the Law: A Case Study of Louth v. Diprose’ (1994) 19 Melbourne University Law Rev. 701.
71 C. Colebrook, ‘Feminist Ethics and Historicism’ (1996) 11 Aust. Feminist Studies 295, 300.
72 M. Albertson Fineman, The Neutered Mother, the Sexual Family and Other Twentieth Century Tragedies (1995) 7.
73 Compare K. O’Donovan, ‘Should all Maintenance of Spouses be abolished?’ (1982) 45 Modern Law Rev. 424, 431–3.
74 For example, De Facto Relationships Act 1984 (N.S.W.). For detailed analysis of the policy considerations, see M.D.A. Freeman and C.M. Lyon, Cohabitation without Marriage: An Essay in Law and Social Policy (1983); New South Wales Law Reform Commission, De Facto Relationships: Issues Paper (1981).
75 Eds. of the Harvard Law Review, Sexual Orientation and the Law (1990); Dean v. District of Columbia 653 U.S. App. D.C 307 (1995); C. Overington, ‘Why can’t They Marry?’ The Age, 26 April 1997.
76 For example, Lesbian and Gay Rights Service, The Bride Wore Pink; Legal Recognition of Our Relationships (1994).
77 id., p. 3.
78 Above, n. 30.
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1 For a contrary view, see G. Jones, ‘ “Traditional” Legal Scholarship: a Personal View’ in What Are Law Schools For?, ed. P. Birks (1996) 14.
3 R. Goff, ‘The Search for Principle’ (1983) Proceeedings of the British Academy 169, at 171. This is an amplification of Dicey’s remark that ‘[b]y adequate study and careful thought whole departments of law can . . . be reduced to order and exhibited under the form of a few principles which sum up the effect of a hundred cases . . .’. A. Dicey, Can English Law be taught at the Universities? (1883) 20.
4 J. Smith, The Law of Contract (1989)
6 See, for example, D. Kennedy, ‘Form and substance in Private Law Ajudication’ (1976) 89 Harvard Law Rev. 1685.
7 B. Hepple, ‘The Renewal of the Liberal Law Degree’ (1996) Cambridge Law J. 470, at 485 and 481.
8 P.A. Thomas, ‘Introduction’ in Socio-Legal Studies, ed. P.A. Thomas (1997) 19.
9 R. Cotterrell, Law’s Community (1995) 296.
10 Socio-legal studies has been defined in many different ways. In this essay the term is taken to indicate the use of ideas ‘from other disciplines primarily but not exclusively from within the social science and humanities fields’. S. Wheeler, ‘Company Law’ in Thomas, op. cit., n. 8, at p. 285.
11 Some fail wholly. It is difficult to see any effect on academic legal education that resulted from Lady Marre’s report A Time for Change (1988). The Jarratt report on universities produced for the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP), Report of the Steering Committee for Efficiency studies in Universities (1988), produced much comment but little action. Even those that are thought of as being a success are not wholly implemented. Despite Ormrod’s recommendations no Institute of Profesional Legal Studies was set up and the universities and colleges of higher education did not take sole responsibility for vocational legal training (Report of the Committee on Legal Education (1971; Cmnd 4595) ch. 9, recs. 40 and 23). There were also other recommendations that were not implemented. The Robbins report on higher education, Higher Education (1963; Cmnd. 2154) took it is axiomatic that ‘courses of higher education should be available for all those who are qualified by ability and attainment to pursue them and wish to do so’ (para. 31). This has yet to happen.
12 National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education, Higher Education in the learning society (1997) (the Dearing report); ACLEC, First Report on Legal Education and Training (1996). The Government’s White Paper on further and higher education had not been published at the time of writing this essay. 13 ACLEC, id., para 4.6.
14 ACLEC’s proposal is part of an historical process which has gradually seen English university law schools distance themselves from the legal professions and the legal professions propose decreasing degrees of control over the content of law degrees. (See A. Bradney and F. Cownie, ‘Working on the Chain Gang?’ (1996) 2 Contemporary Issues in Law 15, at 24–6).
15 J. MacFarlane, M. Jeeves, and A. Boon, ‘Education for Life or for Work?’ (1987) 137 New Law J. 835, at 836.
16 T.H. Huxley, ‘Universities: Actual and Ideal’ in T.H. Huxley, Collected Essays: Volume III (1905) 215.
17 J.S. Mill, ‘Inaugural address to the University of St Andrews’ in Collected Work of John Stuart Mill: Volume XXI, ed. J.M. Robson (1984) 218.
18 Dearing, op. cit., n. 12, para. 9.32.
19 id., para. 5.11.
20 F.R. Leavis, Education and the University (1948) 28. Leavis’s view was narrowly nationalistic. For ‘centre’ it would be better to substitute ‘centres’.
21 See, further, A. Bradney, ‘Liberalising Legal Education’ in The Law School: Global Issues, Local Questions, ed. F. Cownie (forthcoming).
22 P. Goodrich, ‘ Of Blackstone’s Tower: Metephors of Distance and Histories of the English Law School’ in Birks, op. cit., n. 1, p. 59. 23 S. Turow, One L (1977) 106.
24 O. Kahn-Freund, ‘Reflections on Legal Education’ (1966) 29 Modern Law Rev. 121, at 129.
25 Kahn-Freund believed ... legal argument (Kahn-Freund, id.).
26 Leavis, op. cit., n. 20, p. 120.
29 Leavis has, of course, been widely criticized for the cultural and gender assumptions that lie behind his selection of material to be studied. (See, for example, M. King, The New English Literatures (1980) at 216–17.) Whatever the accuracy of these criticisms, they are criticisms of the application of the method rather than the method itself.
30 Jurisprudence by Sir John Salmond, ed. G. Willliams (10th ed., 1947) at 256 and 257.
31 So much so that when other disciplines engage with law they must develop their own concepts to analyse law rather than rely on the concepts already developed in law. See, for example, E. Durkheim The Division of Labour in Society (1933) 68.
32 M. Le Brun and R. Johnstone, The Quiet Revolution: Improving Student Learning in Law (1994) 65. On the effect on women students, see ‘Define and Empower: Women Students Consider Feminist Learning’ (1990) I Law and Critique 47 at pp. 54–55. For a survey of CLS and feminist literature on this general point, see W. Conklin, ‘The Invisible Author of Legal Authority’ (1996) VII Law and Critique 173 at pp. 173–6.
33 R. Collier, ‘Masculinism, Law and Law Teaching’ (1991) 19 International J. of the Sociology of Law 427, at 429.
34 P. McAuslan, ‘Administrative Law, Collective Consumption and Judicial Policy’ (1983) 46 Modern Law Rev. 1, at 8.
35 Le Brun and Johnstone, op. cit, n. 32, pp. 71–5.
38 Goodrich, op. cit., n. 22.
39 P. Samuelson, ‘The Convergence of the Law School and the University’ (1975) 44 The Am. Scholar 256, at 258.
40 P. Harris and M. Jones ‘A Survey of Law Schools in the United Kingdom, 1996’ (1997) 31 The Law Teacher 38, at 46.
41 J. Wilson , ‘A third survey of university legal education’ (1993) 13 Legal Studies 143, at 152.
42 Thus, for example, Harris and Jones reported that 59.2 per cent of all particpating institutions offered foriegn language tuition as part of their standard LLB programme. (Harris and Jones, op. cit., n. 40, at p. 54).
43 P. Leighton, T. Mortimer, and N. Whatley, Law Teachers: Lawyers or Academics? (1995)
34. This would include teaching both non-law degree students and sub-degree students. 44 id., p 35
45 L. Skwarok, ‘Business Law for Non-Lawyers: Setting the Stage for Teaching, Learning and Assessment at Hong Kong Polytechnic University’ (1995) 29 The Law Teacher 189, at 189.
46 N. Bastin, ‘Law, Law Staff and CNAA Business Studies Degree Courses’ (1985) 19 The Law Teacher 12, at 13.
47 A. Ridley, ‘Legal Skills for Non-Law Students: Added Value or Irrelevant Diversion?’ (1994) 28 The Law Teacher 281, at 282.
48 G. Cartan and T. Vilkinas, ‘Legal Literacy for Managers: The Role of the Educator’ (1990) 24 The Law Teacher 246, at 248.
49 Ridley, op. cit., n. 47, at p. 284.
50 This, of course, is not always the case. For example, the BA Economics and Law degree at Leicester has a special course in each year given over to the consideration of the relationship between economics and law.
51 P. Birks, ‘Short Cuts’ in Pressing Problems in the Law, ed. P. Birks (1994) 10–24.
52 Ridley, op. cit., n. 47, p. 283.
53 Cartan and Vilkinas, op. cit., n. 48, p. 248.
54 P. Harris, ‘Curriculum Development in Legal Studies’ (1986) 20 The Law Teacher 110, at 112.
55 Dearing, op. cit., n. 12, para 9.3.
57 G. Steiner, Errata: An Examined Life (1997) 20.
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1 Geiger 1964, insbesondere S. 65—83.
2 Vgl. Feest/Blankenburg, 1972. Die Konsequenz einer größeren Dunkelziffer bei den von der Polizei selbst entdeckten Straftaten entwickle ich ausführlicher in meinem Beitrag über ,Nichtkriminalisierung als Struktur und Routine', 1976.
3 Angaben aus einer Befragung von Peter MacNaughton-Smith und Richard Rosellen zur 'Bereitschaft zur Anzeigeerstattung' Manuskript Max-Planck-Institut für Strafrecht, Freiburg 1978. Der ausführliche Forschungsbericht von Richard Rosellen erscheint in Kürze unter dem Titel 'Private Verbrechenskontrolle — eine empirische Untersuchung zur Anzeigeerstattung', Berlin, voraussichtlich 1980.
4 Vgl. Blankenburg/Sessar/Steffen, 1978, S. 66-85.
5 Black 1973, S. 125 ff.
6 Zur höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit der Normierung von Verhalten in weniger komplexen Beziehungen vgl. die Konflikttheorie von Gessner 1976, insbesondere S. 170—183.
7 Zum Konzept der 'Thematisierung von Recht' vgl. Luhmann 1980, S. 99—112.
8 Ausführlicher bei Gessner 1976
9 Vgl. Schönholz 1980.
10 Blankenburg/Schönholz; Rogowski 1979, S. 64 ff.
11 Hilden 1976, S. 64 ff.
12 Koch 1975, S. 75, der allerdings nur streitige Urteile und Vergleiche untersucht hat.
Mobilisierung von Recht 41
13 Für Angaben der Zählkartenstatistik für die Familiengerichte siehe: Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden, Fachserie 10 (Rechtspflege) Reihe 2.1, Tabelle 10, Wiesbaden 1978.
14 Blankenburg/Schönholz; Rogowski 1979, S. 78 ff.
15 Steinbach 1979 hat in einer Erhebung von 1144 Amtsgerichtsprozessen in der Bundesrepublik ohne Berlin in den Jahren 1974—1976 ein Verhältnis von 1 Räumungsklage je 1,2 Forderungsklagen, in Berlin allerdings von 1 Räumungsklage je 0,12 Forderungsklagen ermittelt. Im folgenden auch als GMD-Erhebung zitiert.
16 Johnson 1979 berichtet von dem erfolgreichen Versuch einer Unfall-Schadensregulierung ohne Berücksichtigung einer Schuldzuschreibung in Neuseeland (no fault accident compensation), S. 90 ff.
17 Steinbach 1979, S. 66 ff.; Blankenburg/Blankenburg/Morasch 1972, S. 82 ff.
18 Projektbericht ,Rechtshilfebedürfnisse sozial Schwacher*, (Blankenburg/Gorges/Reifner; Ticmann). Befragt wurden im Januar bis März 1979 je eine Person in 835 Haushalten Westberlins. Veröffentlichung ist vorgesehen für Ende 1980. Quelle: Eigene Befragung in West-Berlin 1979, Zufallsauswahl aus allen Haushalten mit Deutschen. Mehrfachnennungen, % jeweils bezogen auf Personen, die im jeweiligen Bereich ein Problem nennen.
19 Explizit bei Baumgärtei 1976, S. 113-128.
20 Laut einer GMD-Erhebung aus der Zählkartenstatistik wurde in Baden-Württemberg 1978 in
21 Projektbericht Rechtsschutzversicherung*. (Blankenburg; Fiedler), Veröffentlichung voraussichtlich Mitte 1980.
22 Vgl. auch Reifner/Gorges 1980.
23 Reifner 1979.
24 Klassisch bei Carlin/Howard/Messinger 1967.
25 Grundsätzlich vgl. hierzu den klassischen Beitrag von Galanter 1974, S. 95—160. Die grösseren Chancen von Firmen, insbesondere bei der großen Zahl von vorstreitigen Erledigungen zeigt Sarat 1976, S. 339-375.
26 Bender/Schumacher 1980, S. 138.
27 Steinbach 1979, S. 96 ff, vgl. auch Blankenburg/Blankenburg/Morasch 1972, S. 89, Fn. 17,
28 Reifner 1978.
29 Blankenburg/Schönholz; Rogowski 1979, S. 102 ff.
30 Vgl. zum Verrechtlichungsbegriff meinen Beitrag über: Recht als gradualisiertes Konzept 1980, S. 83—98.
31 Steinbach 1979, S. 35; Bender/Schumacher 1980, S. 24 und S. 49.
32 Wanner 1975, S. 293—306 hebt dies deutlich hervor, ebenso Bender/Schumacher 1980, S. 72 ff.; sowie Galanter 1974; Sarat 1976.
33 Blankenburg/Schönholz; Rogowski 1979, S. 78 ff.
34 Ebenda, S. 138-186.
35 Luhmann 1969.
36 Für eine überaus positive Bewertung des .Vermeidens1 vgl. Felstiner und Danzig/Lowy in Law and Society Review, vol. 9, 1974/75.
Baumgärtei, Gottfried, 1976: Gleicher Zugang zum Recht für alle. Köln.
Bender, Rolf und Rolf Schumacher, 1980: Erfolgsbarrieren vor Gericht. Tübingen. Black, Donald, 1973: The Mobilization of Law, in: Journal of Legal Studies 2.
Blankenburg, Erhard/Blankenburg, Viola/Morasch, Helmut, 1972: Der lange Weg in die Berufung, in: Bender, Rolf (Hrsg.): Tatsachenforschung in der Justiz. Tübingen.
Blankenburg, Erhard, 1976: Nichtkriminalisierung als Struktur und Routine, in: Göppinger, Hans und Günter Kaiser: Kriminologie und Strafverfahren. Stuttgart.
Blankenburg, Erhard/Sessar, Klaus/Steffen, Wiebke, 1978: Die Staatsanwaltschaft im Prozeß strafrechtlicher Sozialkontrolle. Berlin.
Blankenburg, Erhard; Schönholz, Siegfried, unter Mitarbeit von Ralf Rogowski, 1979: Zur Soziologie des Arbeitsgerichtsverfahrens. Neuwied und Darmstadt.
Blankenburg, Erhard, 1980: Recht als gradualisiertes Konzept, in: Blankenburg, Erhard; Klausa, Ekkehard und Hubert Rottleuthner (Hrsg.): Alternative Rechtsformen und Alternativen zum Recht, Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie Bd. 6. Opladen.
Carlin, Jerome-, Jan Howard und Sheldon Messinger, 1967: Civil Justice and the Poor. New York. Danzig, Richard /Lowy, Michael, 1974/75; Everday Disputes and Mediation in the United States: A Reply to Professor Felstiner, Law and Society Review, vol. 9, pp. 675—694.
Feest, Johannes/Blankenburg, Erhard, 1972: Die Definitionsmacht der Polizei. Düsseldorf.
Felstiner, William L. F., 1974/75: Influences of Social Organization on Dispute processing, in: Law and Society Review, vol. 9, pp. 63—94.
Felstiner, William L. F., 1974/75: Avoidance as Dispute Processing: An Elaboration, in: Law and Society Review, vol. 9, pp. 695-706.
Galanter, Marc, 1974: Why the ,Haves* Come out Ahead: Speculations on the Limits of Legal Change, in: Law and Society Review, vol. 9, pp. 95—160.
Geiger, Theodor, 1964: Vorstudien zu einer Soziologie des Rechts. Neuwied. Gessner, Volkmar, 1976: Recht und Konflikt. Tübingen.
Hilden, Hartmut, 1976: Rechtstatsachen im Räumungsstreit. Frankfurt/Main.
Johnson, Earl, 1979; Thinking about Access: A Preliminary Typology of Possible Strategies. In: Cappelletti, Mauro und Bryant Garth (Hrsg.): Access to Justice, Bd. III. Milan und Alphen/ Rijn.
Koch, Hartmut, 1975: Das Gerichtsverfahren als Konfliktlösungsprozeß — Einstellung von Klägern und Beklagten zu Mietprozessen. Diss. Hamburg.
Luhmann, Niklas, 1969: Legitimation durch Verfahren. Neuwied und Darmstadt.
Luhmann, Niklas, 1980: Kommunikation über Recht in Interaktionssystemen, in: Blankenburg, Erhard; Klausa, Ekkehard und Hubert Rottleuthner (Hrsg.): Alternative Rechtsformen und Alternativen zum Recht, Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie Bd. 6. Opladen.
Reifner, Udo, 1978: Rechtshilfebedürfnis und Verrechtlichung am Beispiel einer Berliner Mieterinitiative, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, IIM-dp/78—70.
Reifner, Udo, 1979: Gewerkschaftlicher Rechtsschutz — Geschichte des freigewerkschaftlichen Rechtsschutzes und der Rechtsberatung der Deutschen Arbeitsfront von 1894—1945. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin IIM-dp/79—104.
Reifner, Udo und Irmela Gorges, 1980; Alternativen der Rechtsberatung: Dienstleistung, Fürsorge und kollektive Selbsthilfe, in: Blankenburg, Erhard; Klausa, Ekkehard und Hubert Rottleuthner (Hrsg.): Alternative Rechtsformen und Alternativen zum Recht, Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie Bd. 6. Opladen.
Sarat, Austin, 1976: Alternatives in Dispute Processing in a Small Claim Court, in: Law and Society Review, vol. 10, pp. 339—375.
Schönholz, Siegfried, 1980: Arbeitsplatzsicherung oder Kompensation - Rechtliche Formen des Bestandsschutzes im Vergleich in: Vereinigung für Rechtssoziologie (Hrsg.): Arbeitslosigkeit und Recht. Baden-Baden.
Steinbach, E., 1979: GMD-Bericht, Manuskript. Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung. Birlinghoven bei Bonn.
Wanner, Craig, 1975: The Public Ordering of Private Cases; Winning Civil Court Cases, in: Law and Society Review, vol. 9, pp. 293-306.
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Abgekürzt werden zitiert: Armer/Grimshaw (Hrsg.), Comparative Social Research - Methodological Problems and Strategies (New York, London, Sydney, Tokio 1973); Drobnig/ Rebbinder (Hrsg.), Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung (1977); Rokkan (Hrsg.), Compa rative Research Across Cultures and Nations (Paris, Den Haag 1968); Rokkan/Verba/Viet/ Almasy (Hrsg.), Comparative Sutvey Analysis (Den Haag, Paris 1969); Smelser, Comparative Methods in the Social Sciences (Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1976) ; Szalai/Petrella (Hrsg.), Cross National Comparative Survey Research (Oxford, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Paris, Frank furt 1977); Vallier (Hrsg.), Comparative Methods in Sociology (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London 1971); Zweigert/Kötz. Einführung in die Rechtsvergleichung Bd. I (1971).
1 Siehe näher Zweigert/Kötz I 12 ff.
2 Rabel, Aufgabe und Notwendigkeit der Rechtsvergleichung (1925), abgedruckt in: Rabel, Gesammelte Aufsätze III (Hrsg. Leser, 1967) 1 (3).
3 Siehe insbes. die Beiträge in Drobnig/Rehbinder.
4 Dazu R. Abel, Law Books and Books About Law, Stanford Law Rev. 26 (1973) 174 ff.; Benda-Beckmann, Einige Anmerkungen über die Beziehung zwischen Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung, ZvglRW 78 (1979) 51 ff.
5 Carbonnier, L’apport du droit compare ä la sociologie juridique, in: Livre du centenaire de la Societe de legislation comparee (Paris 1969) 75 (83).
6 Carbonnier (vorige N.) a.a.O.
7 Nowak, The Strategy of Cross-National Survey Research for the Development of Social Theory, in: Szalai/Petrella 3 (9 ff.): Rose, Interkulturelle Forschung in der Rechtssoziologie, in: Drobnig/Rehbinder 171 ff.
8 Dazu näher Wirsing, Probleme des interkulturellen Vergleichs in der Ethnologie, Sociologus 25 (1975) 97 ff. - Vgl. auch Poirier, Situation actuelle et Programme de travail de Techno logie juridique, Rev. int. Sc. Soc. 22 (1970) 509 (526).
9 Macaulay, Elegant Models, Empirical Pictures, and the Complexities of Contract, Law & Soc. Rev. 11 (1977) 507 ff.
10 Rose (oben N. 7) 175.
11 Dazu Grimshau, Comparative Sociology - In What Ways Different From Other Sociologies?, in: Armer/Grimshaw 3 (18). Auch der Oberbegriff „cross System comparison" wird vorgeschlagen, Tomasson, Introduction; Comparative Sociology — The State of the Art, in: Tomasson (Hrsg.), Comparative Studies in Sociology Vol. 1 (Greenwich, Conn. 1978) 1. — Über die Methoden interkultureller und internationaler Vergleiche ist inzwischen so viel geschrieben worden, daß nicht nur die Fülle des Materials schon wieder abschreckend wirkt, sondern daß es auch genügt, im Rahmen dieses Aufsatzes nur einige wichtige Aspekte anzusprechen. Bibliographien finden sich etwa bei Rokkan/Verba/Viet/Almasy 117 ff.; Vallier 423 ff.; Almasy/Balandier/Delatte, Comparative Survey Analysis — An Annotated Bibliography 1967 — 1973 (Beverly Hills, London 1976) sowie bei Marsh, Comparative Sociology (New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta 1967) 375 ff.
12 Durkheim, Les règles de la methode sociologique (PUF, Paris 1977) 137.
13 Smelser 2 f. ; Payne, Comparative Sociology — Some Problems of Theory and Method, Brit. J. Soc. 24 (1973) 13 (15 ff.). - Ähnlich auch Eisenstadt, Social Institutions - Comparative Method, in: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Bd. 14 (London 1968) 421 (423).
14 Boesch/Eckensberger, Methodische Probleme des interkulturellen Vergleichs, in: Graumann (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Psychologie, Bd. Vll 1 (2. Auf], 1969) 514 (520 ff.). — Zur „cultunit“, die vor allem durch die gemeinsame Sprache und die Zugehörigkeit zu einem Staat bzw. einer interpersonellen Kontaktgruppe gekennzeichnet ist, s. Naroll/Cohen (Hrsg.), A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology (New York, London 1973) sowie Smelser 168 f.; Wirsing (oben N. 8) 115.
15 Näher dazu Zelditch, Intelligible Comparisons, in: Vallier 267 (270 ff.).
16 Carbonnier (oben N. 5) 80.
17 Siehe Zweigert, Die soziologische Dimension der Rechtsvergleichung, in: Drobnig/Rebbinder 151 (159).
18 Zu entsprechenden Versuchen etwa Merryman, Comparative Law and Scientific Explanation, in: Law in the United States of America in Social and Technological Revolution (Brüssel 1974) 81 (89 ff.).
19 Beispiel von Carbonnier, Sociologie juridique (Paris 1972) 188 N. 1.
20 Dazu Heidrich, Höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung als Triebfehier sozialen Wandels, Jahr buch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie 3 (1972) 305 (330 ff.).
21 Insbesondere Zweigert (oben N. 17) 157 ff.
22 Kaiser, Strafrecht und vergleichende Kriminologie, in: Kaiser/Vogler (Hrsg.), Strafrecht, Straf rechtsvergleichung (1975) 79 ff. — Siehe auch Villmow/Albrecht, Die Vergleichung als Methode der Strafrechtswissenschaft und der Kriminologie, MschrKrim. 62 (1979) 163 ff.
23 So etwa K. H. Neumayer, Ziele und Methoden der Rechtsvergleichung, in: Recueil des travaux suisses présentés au IXe Congrès international de droit compare (1976) 45 (48).
24 Zur Abgrenzung näher Rehbinder, Erkenntnistheoretisches zum Verhältnis von Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsvergleichung, in: Drobnig/Rehbinder 56 ff.
25 Näher dazu Merryman (oben N. 18) 101 ff.
26 Heidrich, Sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte der Rechtsvergleichung, in: Drobnig/Rehbinder 178 (186 ff.).
27 Siehe etwa die Erklärung, warum das „Access to justice movement" in der Bundesrepublik vergleichsweise wenig Widerhall gefunden hat von Blankenburg, Patterns of Legal Culture as a Variable for the Chances of Legal Innovation, in: Blankenburg (Hrsg.), innovations in the Legal Services (Cambridge, Mass.; Meisenheim 1980).
28 So Rehbinder (oben N. 24) 60.
29 Dazu R. Abel, Comparative Law and Social Theory, Am. J. Comp. L. 26 (1978) 219 (224 ff.).
30 Dazu etwa Smelser 175 f. — Für die Kriminologie siehe Kaiser (oben N. 22) 89 sowie Blazicek/Janeksela, Some Comments on Comparative Methodologies in Criminal Justice, Int. J. Crim. Pen 6 (1978) 233 (240). Als besonders gefährlich hat sich die unkritische Übertragung solcher Konzepte auf Länder der Dritten Welt erwiesen. So kam man etwa zu dem Ergebnis: „The U. S. law and development movement was largely a parochial expression of the American legal style“, Merryman, Comparative Law and Social Change - On the Origins, Style, Decline and Revival of the Law and Development Movement, Am. J. Comp. L. 25 (1977) 457 (479).
31 Payne (oben N. 13) 15, 25 f.
32 Däubler, Systemvergleich im Arbeitsrecht? Vorüberlegungen zu einigen Methodenfragen, Demokratie und Recht 1979 /1 S. 23 (31 ff.). - Zum Vergleich mit den sozialistischen Ländern siehe auch Zweigert/Puttfarken, Zur Vergleichbarkeit analoger Rechtsinstitute in verschiede nen Gesellschaftsordnungen, in: Zweigert/Puttfarken (Hrsg.), Rechtsvergleichung (1978) 395 (402 ff.).
33 Blankenburg, Task Contingencies and National Administrative Culture as Determinants for Labour Market Administration (HM discussion papers 1978 —23) 5 ff.
34 Zweigert/Kötz I 30 f.
35 Dazu etwa Armer, Methodology Problems and Possibilities in Comparative Research, in: Armer/Grimsbaw 49 (50 ff.); Smelser 182 f.; Trommsdorf, Möglichkeiten und Probleme des Kulturvergleichs am Beispiel einer Agressionsstudie, KZfSS 30 (1978) 361 (364 ff.).
36 Wenn die Strenge elterlicher Strafen gemessen werden soll, kann man etwa darauf ausweichen, welche Strafe die Kinder am meisten fürchten, siehe Malewswka/Peyre, Juvenile Deliquency and Development, in: Szalai/Petrella 131 (157 f.).
37 Näher Scheuch, The Cross-Cultural Use of Sample Surveys — Problems of Comparability, in: Rokkan 176 (185); Biervert, Der internationale Vergleich, in: van Koolwiyk/Wieken-Mayser (Hrsg.), Techniken empirischer Sozialforschung, Bd. 2 (1975) 113 (124 ff.).
38 Verba, The Uses of Survey Research in the Study of Comparative Politics — Issues and Strategies, in: Rokkan/Verba/Viet/Almasy 56 (80).
39 Gessner, Soziologische Überlegungen zu einer Theorie der angewandten Rechtsvergleichung, in: Drobnig/Rehbinder 123 (134 ff.).
40 Nowak (oben N. 7) 42.
41 Für die Bedeutung der funktionalen Äquivalenz beruft man sich häufig auf Merton , der sie am Beispiel der Religion näher erläutert hat (Social Theory and Social Structure, New York, London, erweiterte Aufl. 1968, S. 82 ff.): Eine gemeinsame Religion erfüllt im allgemeinen data". OECD, The OECD Social Indicator Development Programme - 1976 Progress Report on Phase II (Paris 1977) 40.
43 Rheinstein, Marriage Stability, Divorce, and the Law (Chicago 1972).
44 Abel (oben N. 4) 194 ff., 221 f. - Siehe auch Wilpert, Die Messung von Mitbestimmungsnormen — Darstellung eines international vergleichenden Forschungsansatzes (HM-Paper 1979— 13) 2 ff. - Zur Behandlung der „Kultur" in vergleichenden Untersuchungen näher Scheuch (oben N. 37) 197 ff.
45 Abel (oben N. 4) 207 ff. — Siehe auch Constantinesco, Ideologie als determinierendes Ele ment zur Bildung der Rechtskreise, Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung 19 (1978) 161 ff.
46 Siehe Blankenburg (oben N. 33) 3 ff.
47 Rose (oben N. 7) 176.
48 Dazu etwa Benda-Beckmann (oben N. 4) 55 ff.; Constantinesco, Über den Stil der „Stilthe orie" in der Rechtsvergleichung, ZvglRW 78 (1979) 154 ff. mwNachw. — Eine vergleichbare Debatte über „ähnliche“ und „unähnliche Gesellschaften“ wird seit Dürkheim auch in der Soziologie geführt. Siehe Payne (oben N. 13) 16 ff.
49 Siehe Zweigert/Kötz I 70.
50 Hofstede, Cultural Determinants of the Exercise of Power in a Hierarchy (Mimeographed, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Working Paper 1977 -8). Ebenso für das Arbeitsrecht Däubler (oben N. 32) 33, der auch die skandinavischen Länder in diese Gruppe aufnimmt.
51 Dazu Zweigert/Kötz 1 110 f. — Kritisch Benda-Beckmann (oben N. 4) 58 ff.
52 IDE-International Research Group, Industrial Democracy in Europe (erscheint bei Oxford University Press, London 1980) Chapter VIII.
53 Zweigert/Kötz I 78.
54 IDE-International Research Group (oben N. 52) Chapter VIII.
55 Dafür Däubler (oben N. 32) 33. Rechtsvergleicbung und vergleichende Recbtssoxiologie 79
56 Siehe dazu Rheinstein, Die Rechtshonoratioren und ihr Einfluß auf Charakter und Funk tion der Rechtsordnungen, RabelsZ 34 (1970) 1 ff.; Bernstein, Rechtsstile und Rechtshono ratioren. Ein Beitrag zur Methode der Rechtsvergleichung, RabelsZ 34 (1970) 443 ff.
57 Dazu etwa Ruescbemeyer, Lawyers and their Societies -- A Comparative Analysis of the Legal Profession in Germany and the United States (Cambridge, Mass. 1973); ders., The Legal Profession in Comparative Perspective, in: H. M. Johnson, Social System and Legal Process (San Francisco, Washington, London 1978) 97 ff.
58 Klausa, Politische Inhaltsanalyse von Rechtslehrertexten, ZfS 8 (1979) 362 ff.
59 Siehe Nowak (oben N. 7) 23 ff.; Smelser 167 ff.
60 Dazu näher Teune, Analysis and Interpretation in Cross-National Survey Research, in: Szalai/Petrella 95 (101) ff.
61 Siehe dazu Nader/Todd, The Disputing Process — Law in Ten Societies (New York 1978).
62 Siehe zum entsprechenden Problem in der Kriminologie Kaiser ( oben N. 22) 88 mwNachw. ; Blazicek/Janeksela (oben N. 30) 235 f., 242.
63 Clinard, Comparative Crime Victimization Surveys — Some Problems and Results, Int. J. Crim, and Pen. 6 (1978) 221 ff.
64 Siehe Abel-Smith/Zander/Brooke, Legal Problems and the Citizen (London 1973); Rokumoto, Legal Problems and the Use of Law in Tokio and London - A Preliminary Study in International Comparison, ZfS 7 (1978) 228 ff.; Schuyt/Groenendijk/Sloot, Rechtspro bleme oder private Schwierigkeiten — Die Inanspruchnahme von Rechtshilfe in den Nieder landen, in: Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie 5 (1978) 109 ff. Rechtsvergleichung und vergleichende Rechtssoziologie 81
65 Dazu Podgdrecki, Comparative Studies on the Attitudes Towards Various Legal Systems, Polish Sociological Bulletin 21 No. 1 (1970) 83 (88 ff.). — Siehe auch Ziegen, Zur Effek tivität der Rechtssoziologie: die Rekonstruktion der Gesellschaft durch Recht (1975) 196 ff.
66 Siehe Podgdrecki, Legal Consciousness as a Research Problem, European Yearbook in Law and Sociology 1977 (Den Haag 1977) 85 (88 ff.).
67 Kutchinsky, „The Legal Consciousness“: A Survey of Research on Knowledge and Opinion about Law, in: Podgdrecki/Kaupen/van Houtte/Vinke/Kutchinsky, Knowledge and Opinion about Law (Bristol 1973) 101 (126).
68 Podgdrecki, Public Opinion on Law, in: Knowledge and Opinion about Law (vorige N.) 65 (84 ff.).
69 Heintz, Interkultureller Vergleich, in: König (Hrsg.), Handbuch der empirischen Sozialfor schung, Bd. 4 (3. Aufl. 1974) 405 (414 f.).
70 Siehe Hegenbarth, Über methodische und organisatorische Grenzen der empirischen Rechts forschung in Entwicklungsländern, Informationsbrief für Rechtssoziologie April 1979, Son derheft 2, S. 5 ff. mwNachw.
71 Siehe etwa Gessner, Recht und Konflikt — Eine soziologische Untersuchungprivatrechtlicher Konflikte in Mexiko (1976) 37 ff.
72 Vgl. Heintz (oben N. 69) 407.
73 Da die theoretischen und technischen Erfordernisse solcher Vergleiche in der Tat komplex sind, bestand in der Kriminologie noch Mitte der sechziger Jahre internationale Überein stimmung, daß vergleichenden Studien kein Vorrang zu geben sei. Dazu Friday, Problems in Comparative Criminology, Int. J. Crim. 1 (1973) 151 (152).
74 Zur Anlage vergleichender Studien näher Rokkan, Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaft (1972) 9 ff.; Szalai, The Organization and Execution of Cross-National Survey Research Projects, in: Szalai/Petrella 49 ff. sowie IDE-International Research Group (oben N. 52) Chapter I.
75 Siehe Blegvad, Methodological Aspects of the Project „Local Legal Systems“, in: Kulcsár (Hrsg.), Sociology of Law and Legal Sciences (Budapest 1977) 97 (99 ff.).
76 Dazu näher Zweigert, Die kritische Wertung in der Rechtsvergleichung, Festschrift für Schmitthoff (1973) 403 ff.
77 Siehe etwa zu vorliegenden französischen Untersuchungen Dörner, Rechtstatsachenforschung und Gesetzgebung — Hinweise zur Entwicklung einer Gesetzgebungssoziologie in Frank reich, Interview und Analyse 1979, 377 ff.
78 Siehe Bryde, Recht und Konflikt — Mexiko und Afrika, Verfassung und Recht in Obersee 12 (1979), 159 ff.
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