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Commit 3b44dcdb authored by Mensen's avatar Mensen
Browse files

fixed issue with correlation for multiple dimensions (kind of slow now though...

fixed issue with correlation for multiple dimensions (kind of slow now though using reshape) | fixed type on lme permutations script
parent 8d8f446b
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......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function perm_table = ept_lme_permute(table, factors)
% for example:
% factors = struct(...
% 'name', {'stroke_id', 'spindle_type'}, ... % covariate names
% 'flag_within', [10, 1]); % flag_within
% 'flag_within', [0, 1]); % flag_within
% check for participant_id
if ~any(strcmp('participant_id', table.Properties.VariableNames))
......@@ -235,14 +235,18 @@ elseif nargin > 2;
DataFile{1, 2} = '';
Data{1} = DataFile1;
Data{2} = DataFile2;
aData = [Data{1}; Data{2}];
if type == 'i' || type == 'd'
aData = [Data{1}; Data{2}];
elseif isa(DataFile1, 'single')
fprintf(1, 'warning: single data converted to double for analysis');
DataFile{1, 2} = '';
Data{1} = double(DataFile1);
Data{2} = double(DataFile2);
aData = [Data{1};Data{2}];
if type == 'i' || type == 'd'
aData = [Data{1}; Data{2}];
fprintf(1, 'error: could not recognise data format (possibly single) \n');
......@@ -331,7 +335,10 @@ elseif type == 'c'
behavior_repeated = repmat(Data{2}, [1, data_size]);
% calculate the correlation coefficient (r) but call it T_Obs for consistency
T_Obs = (condition(Data{1})' * condition(behavior_repeated)) / sum(condition(Data{1}).^2);
temp_observed = [reshape(condition(Data{1}), nA, [])' ...
* reshape(condition(behavior_repeated), nA, [])] ...
/ reshape(sum(condition(Data{1}).^2), 1, []);
T_Obs = reshape(temp_observed, data_size);
......@@ -407,7 +414,11 @@ display('Calculating Permutations...')
behavior_repeated = repmat(behavior_perm, [1, data_size]);
% calculate the correlation coefficient (r) but call it T_Perm for consistency
T_Perm = (condition(Data{1})' * condition(behavior_repeated)) / sum(condition(Data{1}).^2);
temp_observed = [reshape(condition(Data{1}), nA, [])' ...
* reshape(condition(behavior_repeated), nA, [])] ...
/ reshape(sum(condition(Data{1}).^2), 1, []);
T_Perm = reshape(temp_observed, data_size);
error('Unrecognised analysis-type; see help file for valid inputs')
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