HTML('<ul><li>C. Röver. <a href="" title="article at JStatSoft" title="" target="_blank" type="text/html">Bayesian random-effects meta-analysis using the bayesmeta R package</a>. <cite>Journal of Statistical Software</cite>, <b>93</b>(6):1–51, 2020.</li></ul>')),
p('In the panel on the left you may specify prior settings, and in the "data" tab above you can input data. Once you are done, hit the "compute" button on the left. You may then inspect the results in the other tabs above.'),
p(HTML('This app is distributed under the <a href="" title="GNU GPL" target="_blank">GNU general public license</a>;'),
HTML('you can download the source code <a href="" target="_blank" title="this app\'s source code" type="application/zip">here</a>.')),
HTML('you can download the source code <a href="" target="_blank" title="this app\'s source code (git repository)" type="application/zip">here</a>.')),