@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ There are some ways to specify how something is rendered. Although all this actu
copied to HTML ``style`` attributes.
* You can use TEI's ``rendition`` mechanism to formally specify custom styling
for your document. See `Feature Request #11740
<https://projects.gwdg.de/issues/11740>`_, and especially the files attached
for your document. See `Feature Request #2
<https://gitlab.gwdg.de/dariah-de/dariah-de-aggragator-services/-/issues/2>`_, and especially the files attached
there, for an example on how this can be used in your TEI document.
This stuff, and also some built-in rules to deal with, e.g., run-in headers,
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ textgridrep.de uses the aggregator to render TEI files as HTML. It will activate
* Embedded ``<style>`` elements from the HTML header will be moved to the body and converted to a `scoped style element <https://davidwalsh.name/scoped-css>`_.
* The ``<body>`` element will be converted to a ``<div class="body">`` and returned to be embedded into the container HTML. Everything else your XSLT delivers, especially the HTML ``<head>``, is thrown away. Thus, if you load any JavaScript, make sure to load it from ``<script>`` tags in the body.
You will of course need to pay attention to the usual web development issues, e.g., make sure that any resource you load from within the HTML can be loaded from within pages that are served at <https://textgridrep.de/>.
You will of course need to pay attention to the usual web development issues, e.g., make sure that any resource you load from within the HTML can be loaded from within pages that are served at <https://textgridrep.de/>.
You can use the simulate mode to partially simulate embedding; it will run the same embed code, but instead of returning just an XHTML fragment it embeds the fragment into a full HTML frame that resembles the TextGridRep.de design. This method can also be used even for unpublished data from within the TextGridLab using the TextGridRep Preview tool that is available from the Marketplace.