Stefan E. Funk authoredStefan E. Funk authored
DH-oaipmh Service
The DARIAH-DE OAI-PMH Service is the service to harvest all metadata from the collections stored in the DARIAH-DE Repository. So the Generic Search can index all the data that is entered into the Collection registry.
API Documentation
To check the current productive OAI-PMH version simply try:
and you get the currently deployed version of the DARIAH-DE OAI-PMH Service.
#GET /oai
Every OAI request requires the parameter verb. Depending on this verb there are some required and some optional further parameters. The possible values for verb are:
Verb | Description |
Identify | Some information about the repository that will be harvested |
GetRecord | Get the metadata of a specific item of the repository |
ListRecords | Get all records of the repository. The amount of records can be limited by other parameter. See the regarding section |
ListIdentifiers | Same as the listRecords request but only the header of the listRecords request is given |
ListMetadataFormats | Shows the metadata formats supported by the repository or all metadata formats provided for a specific item |
ListSets | Shows the structure of the repository |
Identify Request
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
verb=Identify | String | Verb for the identify request | yes |
Objects belonging to a project, filter objects which are in an aggregation in same project.
Example Request
Example Response
GetRecord Request
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
verb=GetRecord | String | Verb for the GetRecord request | yes |
identifier | URI | Identifier for the item inside the repository | yes |
metadataPrefix | String | Prefix to get the items in a specific metadata format | yes |
Objects belonging to a project, filter objects which are in an aggregation in same project.
Example Request
Example Response
ListRecords Request
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
verb=ListRecords | String | Verb for the GetRecord request | yes |
from | date | Start time of the responded items | no |
to | date | End time of the responded items | no |
set | String | Get just item for a specific term | no |
metadataPrefix | String | Prefix to get the items in a specific metadata format | yes |
resumptionToken | String | Fetching large responses in smaller parts not implemented | no |
Objects belonging to a project, filter objects which are in an aggregation in same project.
Example Request
Example Response
ListIdentifiers Request
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
verb=ListIdentifiers | String | Verb for the ListIdentifiers request | yes |
metadataPrefix | String | Format for the metadata response | yes |
from | date | Start time of the responded items | no |
to | date | End time of the responded items | no |
set | String | Get just item for a specific term | no |
resumptionToken | String | Fetching large responses in smaller parts not implemented | no |
Objects belonging to a project, filter objects which are in an aggregation in same project.
Example Request
Example Response
ListMetadataformats Request
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
verb=ListMetadataFormats | String | Verb for the listIdentifiers request | yes |
identifier | URI | Identifier of the requested item | no |
Objects belonging to a project, filter objects which are in an aggregation in same project.
Example Request
Example Response
ListSets Request
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
verb=ListSets | String | Verb for the ListSets request | yes |
resumptionToken | String | Fetching large responses in smaller parts not implemented | no |
Objects belonging to a project, filter objects which are in an aggregation in same project.
Example Request
Example Response
See oaipmh_sources