@@ -42,11 +42,18 @@ Or you can use a DEB file from the DARIAH-DE [APTLY Repository](https://ci.de.da
@@ -42,11 +42,18 @@ Or you can use a DEB file from the DARIAH-DE [APTLY Repository](https://ci.de.da
The service is deployed just by installing the appropriate DEB package.
The service is deployed just by installing the appropriate DEB package.
# Releasing a new version
## Releasing a new version
For releasing a new version of DARIAH-DE OAI-PMH, please have a look at the [DARIAH-DE Release Management Page](https://wiki.de.dariah.eu/display/DARIAH3/DARIAH-DE+Release+Management#DARIAHDEReleaseManagement-Gitlabflow/Gitflow(develop,main,featurebranchesundtags)) or see the [Gitlab CI file](.gitlab-ci.yml).
For releasing a new version of DARIAH-DE OAI-PMH, please have a look at the [DARIAH-DE Release Management Page](https://wiki.de.dariah.eu/display/DARIAH3/DARIAH-DE+Release+Management#DARIAHDEReleaseManagement-Gitlabflow/Gitflow(develop,main,featurebranchesundtags)) or see the [Gitlab CI file](.gitlab-ci.yml).
## JUNIT Online Testing
* Choose one of the existing properties files from */oaipmh-core/src/test/resources* to test TextGrid or DARIAH-DE prod, test, or dev OAI-PMH service.
* Put the filename and path in class */oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/OaipmhUtilitiesOnline.java* or */oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/dh/TestDHOaipmhOnline.java*.
***Un-ignore** all the JUNIT test classes in all the test class header in *info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.dh* or *info.textgrid.middleware.test.online.tg*.
* Store the files and run the tests via Eclipse, or mvn command line.
## Links and References
## Links and References
*[OAI-PMH Service Gitlab page](https://gitlab.gwdg.de/dariah-de/dariah-de-oai-pmh-services)
*[OAI-PMH Service Gitlab page](https://gitlab.gwdg.de/dariah-de/dariah-de-oai-pmh-services)