Re-validate tgoaipmh results with openarchives validator
Check results of:
- Correct dates (see comments)
- Fix REQUEST --> must not be 500!
- Fix REQUEST --> must not be 500!
- REQUEST --> FAIL Failed to extract error code from the response to request: verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&from=2002-02-05&until=2002-02-06T05:35:00Z The request has different granularities for the from and until parameters.
- REQUEST --> FAIL Server failed to respond to the ListMetadataFormats request (HTTP header values: status=500 Internal Server Error, age=0, lifetime=3600, is fresh:=1) FAIL Can't check metadataFormats available for item textgrid:x9t0.0, no response to ListMetadataFormats request. FAIL There are no metadata formats available to use with the GetRecord request. The metadataPrefix oai_dc will be used for later tests even though it seems unsupported.
- REQUEST --> FAIL Failed to extract error code from the response to request: verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&until=2010-06-11T02:32:40Z The request specified a date one year before the earliestDatestamp given in the Identify response. There should therefore not be any records with datestamps on or before this date and a noRecordsMatch error code should be returned.
- Checking for correct use of resumptionToken (if used) REQUEST GET FAIL A cursor value was supplied with the resumptionToken but it did not have the correct value zero for the first response. The value was '100'. NOTE Got resumptionToken DnF1ZXJ5VGhlbkZldGNoBQAAAAAABtbaFmk2UHpVbDZXVEc2MEFKQUlRWnoxaHcAAAAAAAbW3BZpNlB6VWw2V1RHNjBBSkFJUVp6MWh3AAAAAAAG1tgWaTZQelVsNldURzYwQUpBSVFaejFodwAAAAAABtbZFmk2UHpVbDZXVEc2MEFKQUlRWnoxaHcAAAAAAAbW2xZpNlB6VWw2V1RHNjBBSkFJUVp6MWh3