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- Stefan E. Funk assigned to @sfunk and @mbrodhu
- Stefan E. Funk marked this issue as related to #29 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #29 (closed)
- Stefan E. Funk marked this issue as related to #60 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #60 (closed)
- Stefan E. Funk unassigned @mbrodhu
unassigned @mbrodhu
- Stefan E. Funk unassigned @sfunk
unassigned @sfunk
- Stefan E. Funk marked this issue as related to #84 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #84 (closed)
- Stefan E. Funk removed dh-oaipmh label
removed dh-oaipmh label
- Stefan E. Funk assigned to @sfunk
assigned to @sfunk
- Stefan E. Funk created branch
to address this issuecreated branch
to address this issue - Author Owner
see test results for Digitale Bibliothek only: https://provide.openaire.eu/compatibility/browseHistory/20824
[ ] Fix: Property Contributor & contributorName (MA/O)
<contributor contributorType="Funder"> <contributorName>European Commission</contributorName> <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="info">info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/FP7/282896</nameIdentifier> </contributor>
<datacite:contributors> <datacite:contributor contributorType="DataManager"> <datacite:contributorName>tvitt@textgrid.de</datacite:contributorName> </datacite:contributor> <datacite:contributor contributorType="Other"> <datacite:contributorName>Digitale Bibliothek</datacite:contributorName> <datacite:nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="textgridrep" schemeURI="https://textgridrep.org/project/">TGPR-372fe6dc-57f2-6cd4-01b5-2c4bbefcfd3c</datacite:nameIdentifier> </datacite:contributor> </datacite:contributors>
[ ] Fix: Property Creator (M)
<creators> <creator> <creatorName>Miller, John</creatorName> </creator> <creator> <creatorName>Smith, Jane</creatorName> <affiliation>OpenAIRE</affiliation> <nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="ISNI" schemeURI="http://www.isni.org"> 1422 4586 3573 0476 </nameIdentifier> </creator> </creators>
<datacite:creators> <datacite:creator> <datacite:creatorName>Kosegarten, Gotthard Ludwig</datacite:creatorName> <datacite:nameIdentifier nameIdentifierScheme="pnd" schemeURI="https://ref.de.dariah.eu/pndsearch/pndquery.xql?id=">11898618X</datacite:nameIdentifier> </datacite:creator> </datacite:creators>
[ ] Fix: Property Identifier (M)
empty identifier in many cases (46863/47200) Digitale Bibliothek only!
see <datacite:identifier identifierType="Handle" /> in https://dev.textgridlab.org/1.0/tgoaipmh/oai/?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=textgrid:m9xt.0
[ ] Fix: Property Title (M)
empty titles in all cases (0/47200) Digitale Bibliothek only!
see <datacite:titles /> in https://dev.textgridlab.org/1.0/tgoaipmh/oai/?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=textgrid:qz7p.0
- Author Owner
We want to have all occurences of e.g. “title“, not only the first. So we have to cope with JSON arrays in the OaipmhUtilities.fieldLoader() method(s).
Get all titles from all oar.titleFields into the OAI-PMH response!
- Stefan E. Funk mentioned in commit 99b90f2b
mentioned in commit 99b90f2b