The OAI-PMH Data Provider Service is used for both TextGrid and the DARIAH-DE Repository, one instance for every installation.
Technical Information
For service and API documentation please have a look at the TG-oaipmh Documentation, and the DH-oaipmh Documentation.
The service is provided with a Gitlab CI workflow to build .DEB files to be deployed and installed on TextGrid and DARIAH-DE servers.
Building from GIT using Maven
You can check out the PID Service from our GIT Repository, develop or main branch, or get yourself a certain tag, and then use Maven to build the PID Service WAR file:
git clone
... build the WAR packages via:
mvn clean package
... build the DEB packagea using:
mvn clean package -Pdhrep.deb
You will get a PID Service WAR and/or DEB file in the folders ./oaipmh-webapp/target.
Using DEB File
Or you can use a DEB file from the DARIAH-DE APTLY Repository
Deploying the OAI-PMH Service
The service is deployed just by installing the appropriate DEB package.
Releasing a new version
For releasing a new version of DARIAH-DE OAI-PMH, please have a look at the DARIAH-DE Release Management Page or see the Gitlab CI file.
JUNIT Online Testing
- Choose one of the existing properties files from /oaipmh-core/src/test/resources to test TextGrid or DARIAH-DE prod, test, or dev OAI-PMH service.
- Put the filename and path in class /oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/ or /oaipmh-core/src/test/java/info/textgrid/middleware/test/online/dh/
- Un-ignore all the JUNIT test classes in all the test class header in or
- Store the files and run the tests via Eclipse, or mvn command line.