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Stefan Hynek's avatar
Stefan Hynek authored
## [1.0.2](1.0.1...1.0.2) (2022-02-23)

### Bug Fixes

* **wsgidav:** update wsgidav to 4.0.1; remove requests, zeep; rename config key that has changed with the update ([834901e6](834901e6))



  1. Prerequisites

    • Python > 3.8
    • Docker > 20.10
    • Docker Compose > 1.25
  2. Create/activate virtual environment (ensure you use the correct python version!).

    python -m venv venv
    . venv/bin/activate
  3. Install requirements.

    pip install $(cat requirements.txt
  4. Configure the service by setting the following variables either in your environment or in the docker-compose.yml file.

    • host
    • port
    • tg_auth_wsdl
    • tg_auth_address
  5. Start the service.


For your convenience, a Docker Compose setup is delivered with this repository that configures the service accordingly. Build and start the stack.

docker-compose up --build


Commit convention:

Style constraints:

Coding constraints:

  • Objects that are not supposed to be used outside the current scope MUST be named starting with _ (underscore): PEP 316

For your convenience, pre-commit hooks are configured to check against these constraints. Provided, you have installed the development requirements (see above), activate pre-commit to run on every git commit:

pre-commit install

Also, a helper with conventional commits is installed with the development requirements that you could leverage to easily comply with it. Just use cz c instead of git commit