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    #reading file /usr/local/src/devel/IdM/pwReset/etc/pwReset-unclean.sys
    progname = "pwReset"
    version = 0.1
    date = "2011-01-11"
       name  = "Peter Gietz" 
       org= "DAASI International GmbH"
       mail = ""
    text1 = Copyright (c) 2005 DAASI International GmbH
    text2 = This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or \
    modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
    progshortdescr = "Webtool for password reset"
    text1 ="pwReset is a simple webtool for password reset. It works as follows: \
    When first started (status = 'none') it tests whether cookies are enabled \
    (via redirect to status testcookie), and returns a respective message to the \
    user if not, with a link to start all over again." 
    text2 = "If the cookie is \
    retrievable an Apache-session is established (information is stored in files \
    on the server) and a mask is shown to the user, where she can input an ID \
    (loginid, email address or TextGrid ID). If mode 'oneinputfield' is set in the \
    configuration there is one input field for either of them, if not, there are \
    three separate input fields."
    text3 = "After pressing the \"verify me\" button the programm is called with \
    'sendlink' status where the programm first checks whether the input values \
    conform to configurable regular expressions \
    (e.g. \".*\\@.*\" for email address), \
    returns respective errors if they do not conform. If they do, the programm \
    looks up the ID in the LDAP server and retrieves an email address from there \
    (even if the ID was the mail address). \
    If the ID was found a separate sessionid (not the ID in the cookie) is created \
    and concatenated to an url that calls status 'printform' and that url is sent \
    to the email address with some configurable text."
    text4 = "If the user clicks on the url in that email, the sessionid in the \
    query is compared with the respective id stored in the session and if they \
    are identical a form to input the password (in two separate input fields) is \
    displayed. After pressing the button \"reset password\" the program is \
    restarted with the status 'modify'."
    text5 = "In this last status again the matching of sessionid is checked, as \
    well as the matching of password and retyped password. Then it is checked how \
    often the session has been used (there is a counter for every access) and \
    whether that number is less than a configurable maximum. The password value is \
    then tested against the configurable regular expression that defines the \
    password policy. If any of these checks fail a respective error message is \
    displayed, otherwise the program looks up the entry and changes the password \
    in the LDAP server."
    text6 = "At any error state, the user either gets the last input screen (e.g. \
    when wrong values have been inputted) or a link to restart the process (e.g. if \
    session is not valid any more). A lot of things are configurable (see the \
    single options below). HTTPS as well as TLS for the LDAP connection can be \
    enforced. All activities can be logged. Configuration concerning input fields \
    (labels, regExp, etc.) happens in a hash at the beginning of the source code. \
    Everything else can be configured in a Apache style configuration file. All \
    passwords needed (for LDAP access and for SMTP auth) are sored in a separate \
    text7= "If you start the program with status 'adminhelp' \
    (/url/?status=adminhelp) this manpage is displayed in the browser. You can \
    additionally specify one single configuration option to only have the help to \
    that option displayed (e.g. /url/?status=adminhelp&helpfeature=emailconfig). \
    The adminhelp feature can be turned off in the configuration."  
    text1 = "Please report bugs to"
    text2 = "some todos are: "
    text3 = "more than one regExp per inputfield"
    text4 = "multilanguage support is already designed but needs gettext translations"
    text5 = "configurable css file does not work properly yet"
    <additions example>
    text1 = "For getting this manpage: "
    text2 = " -h"
    text3 = " "
    <additions requirements>
    text1 = "Following modules are required: "
    text2 = "* Config::General"
    text5 = "* File::Basename"
    text6 = "* File::Copy"
    text7 = "* File::Flock"
    text8 = "* File::Temp"
    text9 = "* Getopt::Std"
    text10 = "* IO::Prompt"
    text11 = "* Log::Log4perl"
    text12 = "* LWP::Authen::Ntlm"
    text13 = "* MIME::Base64"
    text14 = "* Net::LDAP"
    text15 = "* Net::SMTP"
    text18 = "* Text::Wrap"
    <options loglevel>
            key = "l"
            must = 0
            description = "Loglevel for controlling logmessages."
    	description_de = "Loglevel zur Kontrolle des Logging."
            arg = 1
            argtype = "skalar"
    	values = "no, all, debug, info, warn, error, fatal" 
            default = "warn"
    <options logfile>
            key = "L"
            must = 0
            description = "Name of the logfile with absolute or relative path. "
    	description_de = "Name der Logdatei mit absolutem oder relativem Pfad." 
            arg = 1
            argtype = "filename_add_subdir_log"
            default = "pwReset.log"
    <options debugmode>
            key = "d"
            must = 0
            description = "Sets debug mode to on."
            description_de = "Stellt den Debug-Modus an."
            arg = 0
    <options verbose>
            key = "v"
            must = 0
            description = "Sets verbose mode which makes the program quite chatty."
            description_de = "Stellt den Verbose-Modus an, womit das Programm \
            gespraechiger wird."
            arg = 0
    <options language>
            key = "G"
            must = 0
            description = "Sets the language for output like this one"
            description_de = "Setzt die Sprache fuer Ausgaben wie diese. "
            arg = 1
    	default = en
    	values = en, de
    <options passwordfile>
            key = "p"
            description = "Name of the password file which contains the secrets \
    		    the programm must know to connect to data bases etc. \
    		    The format for all lines of this file must be: \
    		    <token><blank><password> where <token> has to be the \
    		    option label which defines the database such as e.g. \
                        \"outputuri\". "
            description_de = "Name einer Datei, welche die Passworte enthaelt, \
    		    die das Programm wissen muss um Datenbanken zu \
    		    kontaktieren etc. Das Format dieser Datei ist: \
    		    <Token><Leerzeichen><Passwort> wobei <Token> ein \
    		    Optionsname sein muss, welcher die Datenbank \
    		    definiert wie z.B. \"outputuri\". "
            arg = 1
    	default = "pwReset.secret"
            argtype = "filename_exist"
    <options configfile>
            key = "c"
            must = 0
            description = Name of the user config file with absolute or \
    		    relative path."
            description_de = Name der benutzerdefinierten Konfigurationsdatei \
    		    mit absolutem oder relativem Pfad."
            arg = 1
            argtype = "filename_exist_subdir_etc"
            default = "./etc/pwReset.conf"
    <options printhelp>
            key = "h"
            must = 0
            description = "prints out the manpage"
            description_de = "Druckt die Manpage aus"
            arg = 0
    <options helpfeature>
            key = "H"
            must = 0
            description = "prints out description of the feature referenced by \
    	    commandline flag or config file token. "
            description_de = "Druckt die Beschreibung der Option aus, die \
    	    entweder ueber den Kommandozeilen- oder ueber den \
    	    Konfigurationsdatei-Parameter spezifiziert wird."
            arg = 1
    <options emailconfig>
            key = "e"
            must = 0
            description = "specifies the SMTP-communication of the program, in a \
    	        string with token-value pairs, format: \
    		\#token1=value1;\#token2=value; etc. \
    		Following tokens are understood: \
    		\#smtprelay sets the mailserver from which the mail should \
    		be sent \
    		\#from sets the from address of the mail to be sent. \
    		\#to sets the mailaddress of the administrator to whom mails \
    		should be sent. More than one address can be separated by \
    		comma. \
    		\#subjectpart sets a prefix that will be included in the \
    		subject line.\n\
    		\#hello sets the smtpclient name.\n\
    		\#smtpuser sets the user name SMTP Auth authentication. \
     		In this case the corresponding password has to \
    		be stored in the passwordfile (-p, default is \
    		dbconnector.secret) behind the token smtpauth."
             description_de = "Spezifiziert das Mail-Interface des Programms \
    	        wodurch in bestimmten Faellen automatische E-Mails an den \
    		Administrator geschickt werden koennen. Das Format besteht \
    		aus mit Semikolon getrennten Schluessel-Wert-Paaren, wobei \
    		der Schluessel mit einem vorgestellten \# gekennzeichnet \
    		wird: \n\
    		\#token1=value1;\#token2=value; etc. \n\
    		Folgende Tokens werden unterstuetzt: \n\
    		\#smtprelay spezifiziert den Mailserver von welchem aus die \
    		Mail geschickt werden soll.\n\
    		\#from spezifiziert die Sender-E-Mail-Adresse.\n\
    		\#to spezifiziert die Ziel-Adresse des Administratoren, an \
    		den die automatischen Mails geschickt werden sollen. \
    		Hierbei koennen mehrere mit Komma separierte Adressen \
    		angegeben werden.\n\
    		\#subjectpart setzt ein Praefix fuer die verschiedenen \
    		\#hello setzt den smtpclient-Namen.\n\
    		\#smtpuser setzt den User-Namen für SMTP \
    		Auth-Authentifizierung. Wenn dieser gesetzt ist, muss \
     		das korrespondierende Passwort in der mit \
    		passwordfile spezifizierten Datei (-p, Voreinstellung \
    		ist dbconnector.secret) hinter dem Stichwort smtpauth \
    		eingetragen sein."
            arg = 1
    	argtype = token_emailinfo
            default = 0
    <options cssfile>
            key = "C"
            must = 0
            description = "Name of the CSS file with absolute or \
    		    relative path."
            description_de = "Name der CSS-Datei \
    		    mit absolutem oder relativem Pfad."
            arg = 1
            argtype = "filename_exist_subdir_etc"
            default = "./etc/pwReset.css"
    <options sessionpath>
            key = "s"
            must = 0
            description = "Path (relative or absolute) of the directory where to store session information."
            description_de = "Pfad (relativ oder absolut) zum Verzeichnis, in dem die Session-Informationen gespeichert werden."
            arg = 1
            argtype = "filename_dir"
            default = "./sessions"
    <options sessionlockpath>
            key = "S"
            must = 0
            description = "Path (relative or absolute) of the directory where to store session lock information."
            description_de = "Pfad (relativ oder absolut) zum Verzeichnis, in dem die Session-Lock-Informationen gespeichert werden."
            arg = 1
            argtype = "filename_dir"
            default = "./locks"
    <options sessiontime>
            key = "T"
            must = 0
            description = "Sets the duration of a cookie session. Format: +<number><unit>, where you can specify the following units:  s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days, M for months, and y for years"
            description_de = "definiert die Lebensdauer einer cookie session. Format: +<Nummer><Einheit>, wobei Einheit s für Sekunden, m für Minuten, h für Stunden, d für Tage, M für Monate, und y für Jahre steht. "
            arg = 1
    	default = "2d"
    <options title>
            key = "t"
            must = 1
            description = "Sets the page title."
            description_de = "definiert den Seitentitel."
            arg = 1
    	default = "Password Reset Tool"
    <options charset>
            key = "X"
            must = 1
            description = "Sets the character set."
            description_de = "definiert die Zeichensatzkodierung."
            arg = 1
    	default = "utf-8"
    	values = "utf-8, iso5889" 
    <options bgcolor>
            key = "b"
            must = 0
            description = "Sets the background color"
            description_de = "definiert die Hintergrundsfarbe."
            arg = 1
    	default = "ffffff"
    <options linkmail>
            key = "K"
            must = 0
            description = "Sets the text for the link mail"
            description_de = "Definiert die link mail"
            arg = 1
    	default = "You receive this message, because someone (probably you) requested $ to reset your Password. $ You can do this with following link: %URL%"
    <options meta>
            key = "M"
            must = 0
            description = "Sets the metatags. Format: name1:content1|name2:content2"
            description_de = "definiert die Meta-Tags. \
    	 Format: name1:content1|name2:content2"
            arg = 1
    	default = "Robots:noindex,nofollow"
    <options ldapuri>
            key = "u"
            must = 1
            description = "URI for input of LDAP data. \n\
    		    The format for the LDAP URI is (see RFC 4516): \
    		    <filter>?<extension> where <extension> can by now only \
    		    be either bindname=<bindname> for authenticating to the \
    		    server. In this case the corresponding password has to \
    		    be stored in the passwordfile (-p, default is \
    		    dbconnector.secret) behind the token inputuri. \
    		    The second extension supported is \
    		    config=<Slapd-configuration file>, which is only \
    		    needed with inputformat _REPL."
            description_de = "URI fuer Eingabedaten aus einem LDAP-Server.\n\
    		    Das Format fuer die LDAP-URI (siehe RFC 4516) ist: \
    		    <filter>?<extension> wobei als <extension> gegenwaertig \
    		    folgende Erweiterungen unterstuetzt werden:\n\
    		    bindname=<bindname> zur Authentifizierung am Server, \
    		    wobei das korrespondierende Passwort in der mit \
    		    passwordfile spezifizierten Datei (-p, Voreinstellung \
    		    ist dbconnector.secret) hinter dem Stichwort inputuri \
    		    eingetragen sein muss.\n\
    		    config=<Slapd-configuration file>, womit die zu \
    		    verwendende Open-LDAP-Konfigurationsdatei spezifiziert \
    		    wird, was nur im Zusammenhang mit dem inputformat (-I) \
    		    \"_REPL\" benoetigt wird."
            arg = 1
            argtype = "uri"
    <options pwhash>
            key = "P"
            must = 1
            description = "Specifies the password hash algorithm"
            description_de = "definiert den Passwort-Hash-Algorhitmus"
            arg = 1
    	default = "SSHA"
    	values = "SSHA, MD5, CRYPT"
    <options forcehttps>
            key = "f"
            must = 0
            description = "Forces https."
            description_de = "Erzwingt https."
            arg = 0
    <options oneinputfield>
            key = "o"
            must = 0
            description = "Combines all ID-inputfields to one and creates a complex filter"
            description_de = "vereinigt alle ID-Eingabefelder in eins und baut entsprechende Filter auf"
            arg = 0
    <options forcetls>
            key = "z"
            must = 0
            description = "Forces START_TLS in LDAP-connection"
            description_de = "Erzwingt START_TLS in LDAP-Verbindung"
            arg = 0
    <options rewritepath>
            key = "r"
            must = 0
            description = "Rewrites path, which might be needed for proxying. \
    	Format: <regexp>=><string>;<regexp>=><string>;..."
            description_de = "Schreibt den Pfad um, was bei Proxying notwendig \
    	sein kann. Format: <regexp>=><string>;<regexp>=><string>;..."
            arg = 0
    <options enableadminhelp>
            key = "a"
            must = 0
            description = "Allows display of adminhelp"
            description_de = "Erlaubt die Anzeige der Admin-Hilfe"
            arg = 0