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  • authn_error_status = TextGrid could not authenticate you.
    further_information = Further Information
    login_name = Login Name
    only_shib_knowns = only known at your home organization
    tgauth_instance = TgAuth Instance
    idp_entityid = Shibboleth Identity ProviderID
    authn_method = User ID Attribute Name
    user_id = User ID Value
    sid = TgAuth Session ID
    error_details_blabla_goback = If not indicated otherwise in the above details, it could be that some service is not responding temporarily. In this case, please <a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">go back</a> or re-open the TextGridLab and try again.
    error_details_blabla_date = If the problem persists, please report this bug together with its time of occurence (%1$s). In the TextGridLab, choose 'Help-&gt;Report Bug'.
    no_tgauth_instance_heading = No TgAuth Instance provided
    no_tgauth_instance_detail = Please provide a valid string in the authZinstance variable.
    authn_failure_heading = Failure authenticating at TextGrid Community Account Server
    authn_failure_detail_id_missing = Could not authenticate, no login ID provided. In case you forgot your password, please use the button below.
    authn_failure_detail_password_missing = Could not authenticate, no password provided. In case you forgot your password, please use the button below.
    authn_failure_detail_both_missing = Could not authenticate, no login ID and password provided. In case you forgot your password, please use the button below.
    authn_failure_detail_nothing_to_do = WebAuth does not know what to do (no login or password provided, no remote user, and no session Id). In case you forgot your password, please use the button below.
    sid_create_failure_heading = Failure Creating Session in RBAC
    shib_login_failure_heading = Shibboleth Login via DFN-AAI failed
    shib_login_failure_detail = No identifier provided. TextGrid needs the attribute <b>eduPersonPrincipalName</b> to identify you, but your organisation did not provide it. Please inquire with your organisation's computing centre to release this attribute to TextGrid. See <a href=\"\"></a>.
    authn_succeeded_heading = Authentication Succeeded
    authn_failure_pagetitle = Authentication failed
    update_attr_please_pagetitle = Please Complete your User Attributes
    modify_attr_pagetitle = Your User Attributes for Modification
    update_attr_success_pagetitle = Successfully updated User Attributes
    update_attr_thank_you = Thank you, %1$s, your user attributes are now up to date.<br/>You can close this dialogue.
    auth_success_text = You were successfully authenticated with User ID '<b>%1$s</b>'. You may now access remote resources using the TextGrid Lab. This window can be closed.
    more_details = More <a href=\"javascript:toggle('d123')\">Details</a>.
    authn_details_heading = Authentication Details
    login_heading = TextGridLab Login
    login_option_ldap = account
    login_option_shib = Home account
    login_label_id = Login:
    login_label_password = Password:
    login_button_shib = log in via DFN-AAI
    login_shib_explanation = If your school is not listed among the organizations on the DFN-AAI page, or if you encounter problems during log-in, you are welcome to <b>request a account</b> using the form on <a href=""></a>. 
    attr_givenname = Given Name
    attr_givenname_description = Your First Name
    attr_surname = Surname
    attr_surname_description = Your Last Name
    attr_displayname = Full Name
    attr_displayname_description = Your Name for Display Purposes
    attr_mail = E-Mail
    attr_mail_description = Your Electronic Mail Address
    attr_organisation = Institution
    attr_organisation_description = Institute or Organisation
    attr_orgunit = Department
    attr_orgunit_description = Organisational Unit
    attr_street = Street
    attr_street_description = Institution\'s Street Address incl. Number
    attr_plz = Zip Code
    attr_plz_description = Postal Code, Zipcode or PLZ
    attr_city = City
    attr_city_description = Location of Institute
    attr_country = Country
    attr_country_description = Country of Residence
    attr_tel = Phone
    attr_tel_description = Phone Number, International Format
    attr_citizenship = Citizenship
    attr_citizenship_description = Your Country of Citizenship
    attr_interest = Field of Interest
    attr_interest_description = Optional specification of fields of research interests in conjuction with TextGrid
    attr_personid = Person ID
    attr_personid_description = PND / URI for Person, e.g.
    attr_agreesearch = Searchable
    attr_agreesearch_description = If this option is set, other TextGrid users can find you by Name, Institution or E-Mail-Address
    attr_ToUversion = Terms Of Use
    attr_ToUversion_description = Latest Version of Terms Of Use that has been accepted by user
    ToU_check_label =  I accept the <a href=\"javascript:toggleToU('d123')\">TextGrid Terms of Use</a>
    ToU_alert = You must accept the Terms of Use in order to proceed.
    mandatory_field_empty_alert = Please specify your %1$s \n (%2$s).
    email_missing_alert = Please specify your valid E-Mail-Address.
    cancel_button = cancel
    submit_button = submit