// #######################################################
// Author: Martin Haase / DAASI International GmbH / TextGrid
// Creation date: 2010-09-23
// Modification date: 2010-10-19
// Version: 0.2
// #######################################################
$configfile = "../../../config_tgwebauth.xml";
$authZinstance = $_REQUEST["authZinstance"];
if ( !(isset($authZinstance)) || strlen($authZinstance) <= 0 ) {
$util->printAuthFailure("No TgAuth Instance provided",
"Please provide a valid string in the authZinstance variable.",
null );
$rbac = new RBAC ( $configfile, $authZinstance );
// Variant 1: Authentication at Community LDAP
if (isset ($_REQUEST["loginname"]) && strlen($_REQUEST["loginname"]) > 0
&& isset ($_REQUEST["password"]) && strlen($_REQUEST["password"]) > 0) {
// now authenticating
$ldap = new LDAP ( $configfile );
$AuthNResult = $ldap->authenticate($_REQUEST["loginname"], $_REQUEST["password"]);
if (! $AuthNResult["success"]) {
$util->printAuthFailure("Failure authenticating at TextGrid Community Account Server",
null );
$ProvidedAttributes = $ldap->getUserAttributes();
$_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"] = $AuthNResult["TGID"];
// Variant 2: Shibboleth gave us the right REMOTE_USER.
// We create a Session here in RBAC, also for Variant1
if (isset ($_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"])) { // this holds for both shib and ldap authN
$CSResult = $rbac->createSession( $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"] );
if (isset ($AuthNResult)) {
$CSResult["rbachash"]["identity_provider"] = $AuthNResult["LDAPname"];
} else {
$CSResult["rbachash"]["identity_provider"] = $_SERVER["Shib-Identity-Provider"];
$util->printAuthFailure("Failure Creating Session in RBAC",
$AttributeMap = Array ('surname' => 'sn',
'organisation' => 'o',
'givenname' => 'givenName',
'displayname' => 'cn',
'mail' => 'mail'
if (!isset ($ldap)) {
$ProvidedAttributes = Array();
// this is the list of attributes Shibboleth might give to us except from remote_user
foreach (array ("o", "sn", "givenName", "cn", "mail") as $a) {
if (isset($_SERVER[$a])) { $ProvidedAttributes[$a] = $_SERVER[$a];}
// This is Variant 3: No Session Creation, but just a desire to see (and update) User Attributes
else if (isset ($_REQUEST["Sid"]) && strlen($_REQUEST["Sid"]) > 0 ) {
// we might have come directly here using the sid and use an earlier session
$missing = "";
if (!isset($_REQUEST["loginname"]) || strlen($_REQUEST["loginname"]) == 0) {
$missing = "login ID";
if (!isset($_REQUEST["password"]) || strlen($_REQUEST["password"]) == 0) {
if (strlen ($missing) == 0) {
$missing = "password";
} else {
$missing = $missing . " and password";
if (strlen ($missing) > 0) {
$util->printAuthFailure("Failure authenticating at TextGrid Community Account Server",
"Could not authenticate, no $missing provided. In case you forgot your password, please use the button below.",
isset ($_REQUEST["loginname"]) ? $_REQUEST["loginname"] : "(null)",
null );
} else {
$util->printAuthFailure("Failure authenticating at TextGrid Community Account Server",
"WebAuth does not know what to do (no login or password provided, no remote user, and no session Id). In case you forgot your password, please use the button below.",
null );
trigger_error("WebAuth does not know what to do (no login or password provided, no remote user, and no session Id), exiting.", E_USER_WARNING);
// no matter where we came from we need to retrieve attributes from RBAC
$attributes = $rbac->getUserAttributes( $Sid );
// if we already have enough attributes and just created a session, possibly update
// them if there came different ones, and then finally print welcome screen causing
// the TextGridLab to take over the Sid
if ($rbac->enoughUserAttributes( $Sid ) && isset ($_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"])) {
$util->printAuthSuccess("Authentication Succeeded",
isset($_REQUEST["loginname"]) ? $_REQUEST["loginname"] : $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"],
$rbac->updateAttributes ( $ProvidedAttributes, $AttributeMap, $Sid ); // not vital and second-order
} else {
// now presenting the form, let JavaScript take care for the non-empty-check and the help
// the form will return either displaying the Sid or just an ACK
$util->printAttributeForm( $attributes, $ProvidedAttributes, $AttributeMap, $Sid, $authZinstance, $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"], $rbac->ToUversion, $rbac->ToUtext);
} else if (isset ($_REQUEST["ePPN"])) { // direct invocation of userdata modification dialogue
$util->printAttributeForm( $attributes, null, null, $Sid, $authZinstance, $_REQUEST["ePPN"], $rbac->ToUversion, $rbac->ToUtext);
} else {
echo "Could not modify attributes, not enough information";