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Commit de5fbedf authored by Martin Haase's avatar Martin Haase
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git-svn-id: 7c539038-3410-0410-b1ec-0f2a7bf1c452
parent 9d70aa08
No related branches found
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// #######################################################
// Author: Martin Haase / DAASI International GmbH
// Creation date: 02.12.2008
// Modification date: 07/05/2010
// Version: 2.0
// #######################################################
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
$authZinstance = $_REQUEST["authZinstance"];
if ($authZinstance == null) {
echo "Error: no authZinstance provided!";
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>TextGrid WebAuth</title>
<h2>TextGridLab Login</h2>
<table border="1" rules="cols" cellpadding="4">
<td align="center" valign="top">
<h3> account</h3>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<h3>Home account</h3>
<td rowspan="2">
<form action="authenticate.php" method="POST" name="textgriddeform">
<p>Login:<br><input name="loginname" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30" value="Login ID" onclick="MachLeer()"></p>
<p>Password:<br><input name="password" type="password" size="30"
echo "<input name=\"authZinstance\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"". $authZinstance . "\"/>";
<input type="submit" value="log in">
<script type="text/javascript">
function MachLeer () {
if (document.textgriddeform.loginname.value == "Login ID")
document.textgriddeform.loginname.value = "";
<td align="center" valign="top">
<form action="../secure/TextGrid-WebAuth.php">
echo "<input name=\"authZinstance\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"". $authZinstance . "\"/>";
<input type="submit" value="log in via DFN-AAI">
<td>If your school is not listed among the organizations on the
DFN-AAI page, or if you encounter problems during log-in, you are
welcome to <b>request a account</b> using the form
on <a href=""></a>.
// #######################################################
// Author: Martin Haase / DAASI International GmbH
// Creation date: 02.12.2008
// Modification date: 07.05.2010
// Version: 1.0
// #######################################################
$config = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($config);
$xpath->registerNamespace("c", "");
$ldaphost = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='host']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$ldapport = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='port']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$binddn = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='binddn']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$basedn = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='basedn']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$filter = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='filter']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$IDattribute = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='IDattribute']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$LDAPname = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authn[@type='community']/c:key[@name='name']")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$authZinstance = $_REQUEST["authZinstance"];
$login = $_REQUEST["loginname"];
$password = $_REQUEST["password"];
$ldapconn = ldap_connect( $ldaphost, $ldapport )
or die( "Cannot connect to {$ldaphost}!" );
ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
ldap_start_tls( $ldapconn );
$binddn = preg_replace ('/\${login}/', $login, $binddn);
$bound = ldap_bind($ldapconn, $binddn , $password);
if (!$bound) {
Authentication failed, wrong login and/or password. Go <a href="javascript:history.back()">back</a> to login page.
} else {
//echo "Could bind as user ${login}!";
$filter = preg_replace ('/\${login}/', $login, $filter);
$result = ldap_search( $ldapconn, $basedn, $filter);
$entry = ldap_first_entry( $ldapconn , $result );
$attrs = ldap_get_attributes ($ldapconn , $entry);
$TGID = $attrs[$IDattribute][0];
foreach (array("o", "sn", "givenName", "cn", "mail") as $a) {
if ( isset($attrs[$a])) {
$vals = array();
for ($i=0; $i<$attrs[$a]['count']; $i++) {
$vals[] = $attrs[$a][$i];
$_SERVER[$a] = implode (';', $vals);
$_SERVER["Shib-Identity-Provider"] = $LDAPname;
include("../secure/TextGrid-WebAuth.php"); //assuming the request context remains
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<conf xmlns="">
<authn type="community">
<key name="host"></key>
<key name="port">389</key>
<key name="binddn">uid=${login},ou=users,dc=example,dc=org</key>
<key name="basedn">ou=users,dc=example,dc=org</key>
<key name="filter">(uid=${login})</key>
<key name="IDattribute">eduPersonPrincipalName</key>
<key name="name">TextGrid Community Authentication Server</key>
<authz instance="rbac1">
<authz instance="rbac2">
// #######################################################
// Authors: Markus Widmer & Martin Haase
// Creation date: 08.07.2007
// Modification date: 07/05/010
// Version: 2.0
// #######################################################
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
require_once( "" );
$config = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($config);
$xpath->registerNamespace("c", "");
$authZinstance = $_REQUEST["authZinstance"];
$rbacInstance = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']");
if ($rbacInstance->length == 0)
echo "Error: '${authZinstance}' has no RBAC base configured!<br>\n";
$rbacbase = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:rbacbase")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$sessionCreatorUid = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:sessioncreator/c:user")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$sessionCreatorPw = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:sessioncreator/c:password")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$setnamessecret = $xpath->query("/c:conf/c:authz[@instance='${authZinstance}']/c:setnamessecret")->item(0)->nodeValue;
// the session creation status will collect all messages
// during the course of authentication
$scstatus = "";
$remote_user = $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"];
$identity_provider = $_SERVER["Shib-Identity-Provider"];
if (isset($_SERVER["givenName"])) { $givennames = $_SERVER["givenName"];} else { $givennames = "";}
if (isset($_SERVER["sn"])) { $surnames = $_SERVER["sn"];} else { $surnames = "";}
if (isset($_SERVER["cn"])) { $cns = $_SERVER["cn"];} else { $cns = "";}
if (isset($_SERVER["mail"])) { $mails = $_SERVER["mail"];} else { $mails = "";}
if (isset($_SERVER["o"])) { $organisations = $_SERVER["o"];} else { $organisations = "";}
$identified_user = identify($remote_user, $identity_provider);
if ($identified_user['authnmethod'] == 'none') {
format_error("User ID not given by home institution",
"Your school (its Identity Provider) did not provide a useable User ID to TextGrid.<br/>\n"
."Please contact your school's computing centre and ask them to release to TextGrid's Service Provider "
."at least one of the following attributes: eduPersonPrincipalName, PersistentID or TargetedID. Thank you.");
} else {
$scstatus .= "Authentication Method: ". $identified_user['authnmethod'] . "; ";
$remote_user = $identified_user['user'] . "@" . $identified_user['scope'];
// -----------------------------------------------------
// You'll need these services
// -----------------------------------------------------
$soapExtra = new SoapClient( $rbacbase . "wsdl/tgextra.wsdl" );
$soapPolicy = new SoapClient( $rbacbase . "wsdl/tgsystem.wsdl" );
$soapReview = new SoapClient( $rbacbase . "wsdl/tgreview.wsdl" );
$soapAdministration = new SoapClient( $rbacbase . "wsdl/tgadministration.wsdl" );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Before you can create a session you have to
// authenticate. If this was successful you get a
// session-ID that you should keep
// -----------------------------------------------------
$authReq = new authenticateRequest();
$authReq->username = $sessionCreatorUid;
$authReq->password = $sessionCreatorPw;
//echo "<HR/>";
//echo "Doing authentication...<BR/>";
try {
$authResponse = $soapExtra->authenticate( $authReq );
if( preg_match( "/[0-9a-z]{2,}/i", $authResponse->auth ) ) {
$scstatus .= "WebAuth authenticated at RBAC, received an internal SessionId. ";
} catch( SoapFault $f ) {
format_error("Internal Error",
"SOAP FAULT (authenticate)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->detail );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Now you can try to add an active role to your session creator session
// -----------------------------------------------------
$addRoleReq = new addActiveRoleRequest();
$addRoleReq->username = $sessionCreatorUid;
$addRoleReq->role = "sessionCreator,Anwendung";
$addRoleReq->auth = $authResponse->auth;
//echo "<HR/>";
//echo "Adding active role...<BR/>";
try {
$addRoleResponse = $soapExtra->tgAddActiveRole( $addRoleReq );
if( $addRoleResponse->result ) {
//echo "DONE.<BR/>";
$scstatus .= "Added active role of application; ";
} else {
format_error("Internal Error",
"Could not add Role for application.");
catch( SoapFault $f ) {
format_error("Internal Error",
"SOAP FAULT (tgAddActiveRole)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->detail );
$userexistreq = new userExistsRequest();
$userexistreq->auth = $authResponse->auth;
$userexistreq->username = $remote_user;
try {
$existresult = $soapExtra->userExists($userexistreq);
if (! $existresult->result) {
try {
$adduserrequest = new addUserRequest();
$adduserrequest->intSid = $authResponse->auth;
$adduserrequest->username = $remote_user;
$adduserrequest->password = "gnuelpfix"; // this is not relevant and will never be checked
$addedUser = $soapAdministration->addUser($adduserrequest);
if ($addedUser) {
$scstatus .= "Added user information to authorization database; ";
} else {
format_error("Internal Error",
"Could not add your user ID to authorization database." );
} catch(SoapFault $f) {
format_error("Internal Error",
"SOAP FAULT (AddUser)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->detail );
} else {
$scstatus .= "user exists in authentication database; ";
} catch (SoapFault $f) {
format_error("Internal Error",
"SOAP FAULT (UserExists)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->detail );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// If this was successful you have to add an appropriate
// role to your active session that allows you to create
// a session for someone else.
// -----------------------------------------------------
$creReq = new createSessionRequest();
$creReq->intSid = $authResponse->auth;
//$creReq->username = "";
$creReq->username = $remote_user;
//$creReq->roleset = Array( "Projektleiter,Projekt-1,Projekt-Teilnehmer" );
//$creReq->roleset = Array( "Bearbeiter,Projekt-1,Projekt-Teilnehmer" );
// get ALL available roles...
$rolesobject = new authorizedRolesRequest();
$rolesobject->intSid = $authResponse->auth;
$rolesobject->username = $remote_user;
try {
$roleResponse = $soapReview->authorizedRoles($rolesobject);
// cannot list roles here as they contain "s, which interfere with the
// attribute eclosing quotes of the meta tag
// $scstatus = $scstatus . "Received all available roles for user: ".serialize($roleResponse->role) . "; ";
$scstatus .= "Received all available roles for user; ";
} catch (Soapfault $f) {
format_error("Internal Error",
"SOAP FAULT (authorizedRoles)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->detail );
if (is_Array($roleResponse->role)) {
$creReq->roleset = $roleResponse->role;
} elseif (is_string($roleResponse->role)) {
$creReq->roleset = Array($roleResponse->role);
} else {
$creReq->roleset = Array();
// Get an newly generated sid from the RBAC system
try {
$newSid = $soapExtra->getSid();
$newSid = $newSid->sid;
} catch (Soapfault $f) {
format_error("Internal Error",
"RBAC down? Could not generate a new SessionID!" );
$creReq->sid = $newSid;
//echo "Creating the session...<BR/>";
try {
$creResponse = $soapPolicy->createSession( $creReq );
if( $creResponse->result ) {
//echo "DONE.<BR/>";
$scstatus .= "Created active role; ";
} else {
$scstatus .= "Could not create active role, proceeding without any role(s) in the session; ";
} catch (SoapFault $f) {
format_error("Internal Error",
"SOAP FAULT (CreateSession)!: " . $f->faultcode . " / " . $f->faultstring . " / " . $f->detail );
// We will arrive here only if all went well.
// Otherwise, format_error() will be called which prints its own header and footer
echo "<HTML><HEAD>\n"; // Header -----------------------------
echo "<meta name=\"remote_principal\" content=\"$remote_user\"/>\n";
echo "<meta name=\"rbac_session_status\" content=\"$scstatus\"/>\n";
echo "<meta name=\"rbac_sessionid\" content=\"$newSid\"/>\n";
echo "<meta name=\"ePPNplusSID\" content=\"$remote_user|$newSid\"/>\n";
echo "<style type=\"text/css\">";
echo "#d123 {display:none;}";
echo "</style>";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
echo "<!--\n";
echo "function toggle (target) {\n";
echo " var obj=document.getElementById(target);\n";
echo "\"block\";\n";
echo "}\n";
echo "-->\n";
echo "</script>\n";
echo "</HEAD>\n\n<BODY>\n";
echo "<H2>Authentication Succeeded</H2>\n";
echo "You were successfully authenticated with User ID '<b>" . $remote_user . "</b>'. You may now access remote resources using the TextGrid Lab. This window can be closed.<br>\n";
// experimental: Logout
//echo "<br/><br/>";
// das hier beendet nur die SP-Session, IdP bleibt...
//echo "Click <A HREF=\"\">here</A> if you want to log out.";
// das hier sollte den Browser schließen, tuts aber nicht...
//echo "<form action=\"\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"Log Out\" onclick=\"window.close()\"></form>";
// also cookies loeschen:
// Details -----------------------------------------------
echo "More <A HREF=\"javascript:toggle('d123')\">Details</A>.\n";
echo "<div id=\"d123\"> <H2>Authentication Details</H2>\n";
echo "<table><tr><td>TgAuth Instance</td><td>". $rbacbase ."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>Shibboleth Identity ProviderID</td><td>". $identity_provider ."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>User ID Attribute Name</td><td>". $identified_user['authnmethod'] ."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>User ID Value </td><td>".$remote_user."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>Given Name(s)</td><td>".$givennames."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>Surname(s)</td><td>".$surnames."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>Common Name(s)</td><td>".$cns."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>Mail(s)</td><td>".$mails."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>Organisation(s)</td><td>".$organisations."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>TgAuth Session ID</td><td>".$newSid."</td></tr></table>\n";
echo "</div>";
echo "\n</BODY>\n</HTML>";
/////////////////////// Functions ///////////////////////////////////////
function format_error ($heading, $detail) {
global $remote_user, $scstatus, $newSid, $rbacbase, $identity_provider, $identified_user;
echo "<HTML><HEAD>\n";
echo "<meta name=\"remote_principal\" content=\"$remote_user\"/>\n";
echo "<meta name=\"rbac_session_status\" content=\"$scstatus\"/>\n";
echo "<meta name=\"rbac_sessionid\" content=\"$newSid\"/>\n";
echo "<style type=\"text/css\">";
echo "#d123 {display:none;}";
echo "</style>";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
echo "<!--\n";
echo "function toggle (target) {\n";
echo " var obj=document.getElementById(target);\n";
echo "\"block\";\n";
echo "}\n";
echo "-->\n";
echo "</script>\n";
echo "</HEAD>\n\n<BODY>\n";
echo "<H2>Authentication Failure, $heading</H2>\n";
echo "The Authentication system could not authenticate you.<br/>\n";
echo "More <A HREF=\"javascript:toggle('d123')\">Details</A>.\n";
echo "<div id=\"d123\">";
echo "<H2>Error Details</H2>\n";
echo $detail;
echo "<H2>Authentication Details</H2>\n";
echo "<table><tr><td>TgAuth Instance</td><td>". $rbacbase ."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>Shibboleth Identity ProviderID</td><td>". $identity_provider ."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>User ID Attribute Name</td><td>". $identified_user['authnmethod'] ."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>User ID Value </td><td>".$remote_user."</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td>TgAuth Session ID</td><td>".$newSid."</td></tr></table>\n";
echo "</div>";
echo "<br/>If not indicated otherwise in the <A HREF=\"javascript:toggle('d123')\">details</A>, it could be that some service is not responding temporarily. In this case, please <a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">go back</a> or re-open the TextGridLab and try again.";
echo "<br/>If the problem persists, please report this bug together with its time of occurence (" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "). In the TextGridLab, choose 'Help-&gt;Report Bug'." ;
echo "\n</BODY>\n</HTML>";
function identify ( $remote_user, $idp )
$authnmethod = "undefined";
$user = "dummy";
$scope = "";
if (preg_match('/([^@]+)@([^@]+)/', $remote_user, $matches) == 1)
$authnmethod = "ePPN";
$user = $matches[1];
$scope = $matches[2];
else if (preg_match('/([^!]+)!([^!]+)!([^!]+)/', $remote_user, $matches) == 1)
$authnmethod = "persistentId";
$user = $matches[3];
$scope = $idp;
else if (strlen($remote_user) > 0)
$authnmethod = "targetedId";
$user = $remote_user;
$scope = $idp;
$authnmethod = "none";
$user = escapeForDN($user);
$scope = escapeForDN($scope);
return array("authnmethod" => $authnmethod,
"user" => $user,
"scope" => $scope );
function escapeForDN ($string)
return preg_replace('/[";+<>,\\\]/', "X", $string);
function setNameInRBAC ()
global $givennames, $surnames, $cns, $mails, $organisations, $soapExtra, $newSid, $identity_provider, $remote_user;
$setNameReq = new setNameRequest();
$setNameReq->auth = $newSid;
$setNameReq->log = "";
$setNameReq->webAuthSecret = $setnamessecret;
// name will be first cn with a space (s.t. no uid), or "gn1 gn2 gn3 sn1 sn2", or last resort ePPN
$cnarr = preg_split ("/;/", $cns );
if ( sizeof ($cnarr) > 0 && preg_match("/ /", $cns) > 0 )
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($cnarr); $i++)
if (preg_match("/ /", $cnarr[$i]) > 0 )
$setNameReq->name = $cnarr[$i];
elseif ( strlen ($givennames) > 0 && strlen ($surnames) > 0)
$givennameswithspaces = preg_replace ( "/;/", " ", $givennames );
$surnameswithspaces = preg_replace ( "/;/", " ", $surnames );
$setNameReq->name = $givennameswithspaces . " " . $surnameswithspaces;
$setNameReq->name = $remote_user;
$setNameReq->mail = $mails;
if ( strlen ($organisations) > 0)
$setNameReq->organisation = $organisations;
$setNameReq->organisation = $identity_provider;
$setNameReq->agreeSearch = TRUE;
$setNameResult = $soapExtra->setName( $setNameReq );
if (! $setNameResult->result ) {
// do NOT exit as setName is not vital
echo "setName: result=false";
catch (Soapfault $f)
// do NOT exit as setName is not vital
echo "SoapFault";
class authenticateRequest {
public $username;
public $password;
public $log;
class setNameRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $webAuthSecret;
public $name;
public $mail;
public $organisation;
public $agreeSearch;
class authenticateResponse {
public $sid;
class getSidResponse {
public $sid;
class checkAccessRequest {
public $intSid;
public $operation;
public $resource;
public $sid;
class tgCheckAccessRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $operation;
public $resource;
public $sid;
class tgGrantPermissionRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $role;
public $resource;
public $operation;
class tgRevokePermissionRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $role;
public $resource;
public $operation;
class getOwnerRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $resource;
class getOwnerResponse {
public $owner;
class getMembersRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $project;
class deactivateProjectRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $project;
class getRightsRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $resource;
public $username;
class publishRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $resource;
class getProjectDescriptionRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $project;
class getProjectDescriptionResponse {
public $description;
class createSessionRequest {
public $intSid;
public $username;
public $roleset;
public $sid;
class tgAddActiveRoleRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $role;
class tgAssignedRolesRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $username;
class tgAssignedProjectsRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
class deleteSessionRequest {
public $intSid;
public $username;
public $sid;
class addActiveRoleRequest {
public $intSid;
public $username;
public $role;
public $sid;
class addUserRequest {
public $intSid;
public $username;
public $password;
class deleteUserRequest {
public $intSid;
public $username;
class addInheritanceRequest {
public $intSid;
public $ascendant;
public $descendant;
class deleteInheritanceRequest {
public $intSid;
public $ascendant;
public $descendant;
class addAscendantRequest {
public $intSid;
public $ascendant;
public $descendant;
class addDescendantRequest {
public $intSid;
public $ascendant;
public $descendant;
class addRoleRequest {
public $intSid;
public $role;
class deleteRoleRequest {
public $intSid;
public $role;
class grantPermissionRequest {
public $intSid;
public $resource;
public $operation;
public $role;
class revokePermissionRequest {
public $intSid;
public $resource;
public $operation;
public $role;
class assignUserRequest {
public $intSid;
public $username;
public $role;
class deassignUserRequest {
public $intSid;
public $username;
public $role;
class sessionRolesRequest {
public $intSid;
public $sid;
class assignedRolesRequest {
public $intSid;
public $username;
class authorizedRolesRequest {
public $intSid;
public $username;
class roleOperationsOnObjectRequest {
public $intSid;
public $role;
public $resource;
class userOperationsOnObjectRequest {
public $intSid;
public $user;
public $resource;
class operationsetResponse {
public $operationset;
class assignedUsersRequest {
public $intSid;
public $role;
class authorizedUsersRequest {
public $intSid;
public $role;
class usersetResponse {
public $username;
class rolePermissionsRequest {
public $intSid;
public $role;
class userPermissionsRequest {
public $intSid;
public $username;
class getLeaderRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $project;
class getObjectsRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $project;
class sessionPermissionsRequest {
public $intSid;
public $sid;
class rolesetResponse {
public $role;
class permissionsetResponse {
public $permissionset;
class resourcesetResponse {
public $resource;
class createProjectRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $name;
public $description;
class registerResourceRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $project;
public $uri;
class unregisterResourceRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $uri;
class addMemberRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $role;
public $username;
class deleteMemberRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $role;
public $username;
class createProjectResponse {
public $projectId;
class getAllProjectsResponse {
public $project;
class getAllProjectsRequest {
public $log;
class userExistsRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $username;
class booleanResponse {
public $result;
public $errorCode;
public $errorDescription;
class filterBySidRequest {
public $auth;
public $log;
public $resource;
public $operation;
class filterResponse {
public $resource;
class permission {
public $resource;
public $operation;
public function __construct( $inOperation, $inResource ) {
$this->operation = $inOperation;
$this->resource = $inResource;
class projectInfo {
public $id;
public $description;
public $name;
public function __construct( $inId, $inName, $inDescription ) {
$this->id = $inId;
$this->description = $inDescription;
$this->name = $inName;
class checkXACMLaccessRequest {
public $request;
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