share your data / worflow
bei "share your data" gibt es aktuell die buttons "add new data" und "preparation how to". Ich finde, es müsste noch einen dritten button geben mit "Publication workflow", der zu einer seite springt, die den publikationsprozess - schriftlich (s.u.) und bildlich (eine grafik ähnlich wie diese hier müsste gestaltet werden - wer macht das? - erklärt.
Hier der Text, der kann kommen sollte (ich kann das nicht anlegen, glaube ich...)
Our Publication Workflow
Discuss Data enables researchers to store research data in a structured way and to publish the data in a citable form. To ensure the quality of the published data, all data published with Discuss Data undergo a quality control process:
First, the creator (or depositor) of the data collection checks the completeness and usefulness of a) the data itself, b) the metadata and c) the documentation of data collection, and, if necessary, obtains the consent of all other actors involved for publication. “My data / Add new data” starts the publication process in a private preparation area. Other users (e. g. your team members) can be invited to the preparation process via the “Collaboration” feature. The publication wizard automatically guides through the publication process. At the end of this wizard, via the “Pub Request”-button, the data will be submitted for review to a curator responsible for the corresponding main category.
The curator checks the data collection for formal consistency and completeness and ensures the rules of Discuss Data laid down in the Discuss Data policies are respected. If this technical review is positive, the curator accepts the data collection for publication. If the curator decides, that the creator needs to revise the data collection, before it can be submitted for review again, the curator will contact the creator with respective instructions.
The creator gets a notification that the data collection is ready for publishing. By clicking the “Publish”-button, after a short last check, the dataset will be made publicly available on the Discuss Data Platform and will be assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for citation. If the dataset is published as open access, it will automatically be included in the DARIAH-DE repository.