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Lukas Hupe's avatar
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# Definitions applicable to many Spherocylinder models
# Individual models may need to override some of these definitions
# but sufficiently many models share these definitions that they are collected here

# spherocylinder models already have an explicit unitvector, even in 2D
unitvector(c::Spherocylinder) = c.backbone.

mobilitytype(::Type{<:Spherocylinder}) = SpherocylinderMobility

    spawnchildren(parent::Spherocylinder, sim::Simulation)
Adds two new cells to the simulation, evenly spaced along the backbone of the parent

The new node separation is chosen to make the cells fit in length taken up by their parent
The growth rate is randomly modified using the `growthrateretention` and a random
value drawn from the `growthratedistribution` using the simulation random number generator.

At the moment, all other parameters (except for the `id`) are inherited from the parent.
This method currently supports spherocylinders with and without the `attached` property.
If further properties need to be inherited, this method should be overridden.
(Or discuss, if it makes sense to modify this function definition)
function spawnchildren(parent::T, sim::Simulation) where T <: Spherocylinder
    # offset (in backbone parameter units) of the child cells
    coffset = radius(parent)/(2*nodeseparation(parent))

    # Note that forces are not continuous at division, but this doesn't seem to be that important
    childlength = nodeseparation(parent)/2 - radius(parent)

    for pos in (0.25 - coffset, 0.75 + coffset)
        newcenter = parent.backbone(pos)

        # do not spawn outside domain boundaries
        isoutside(newcenter, sim.domain) && continue

        # calculate new growth rate
        γnew = parent.params.growthrateretention*parent.growthrate +
            (1 - parent.params.growthrateretention)*rand(sim.rng, parent.params.growthratedistribution)

        # optional kws in some models:
        kws = Dict{Symbol, Any}()
        hasproperty(parent, :attached) && (kws[:attached] = parent.attached)
        # add child cell with new cell ID
        addparticle!(sim, T;
            centerpos = newcenter,
            nodeseparation = childlength,
            φ = parent.φ,
            growthprog = 0.0,
            growthrate = γnew,
            _parent_id =,
            params = parent.params,

    interactionrange(ptype::Type{Spherocylinder, sim::Simulation) → ir::Float64
Compute the range of the longest possible spatial interactions for [`Spherocylinder`](@ref)s.
Uses the largest `maxlength` in the registered parameter structs.
Spherocylinder models that feature e.g. an adhesion range should override this method.
InPartS.interactionrange(::Type{<:Spherocylinder}, sim::Simulation) = maximum(p -> p.maxlength + 2p.radius, sim.params)

    spherocylinderforces!(cell1::Spherocylinder, cell2::Spherocylinder, sim::Simulation)
Computes the interaction forces between two cells using [`closestpoints()`](@ref).

Forces are distributed over `fP` and `fN` using [`distributeforce!()`](@ref).
@forcedef function spherocylinderforces!(c1::Spherocylinder, c2::Spherocylinder, sim::Simulation)
    # do simple square root free check first: Could they possibly touch if perfectly aligned?
    δv = (c2.centerpos-c1.centerpos) % sim.domain
    if δv⋅δv > (nodeseparation(c1)/2+radius(c1)+nodeseparation(c2)/2+radius(c2))^2

    # find closest points modulo boundaries
    s, t = closestpoints(c1.backbone, c2.backbone, sim.domain,
                         asquare = nodeseparation(c1) * nodeseparation(c1),
                         bsquare = nodeseparation(c2) * nodeseparation(c2))

    # difference vector between closest points (again using MIC)
    deltavector = (c1.backbone(s) - c2.backbone(t)) % sim.domain

    # Avoid taking the square-root if particles are not actually touching
    sqdistance = deltavector⋅deltavector
    if sqdistance > (radius(c1)+radius(c2))^2 || sqdistance == 0
    distance = sqrt(sqdistance)

    # edge-to-edge distance
    dedge = distance - radius(c1) - radius(c2)

    # scalar force along unit vector
    if dedge  0
        # hertzian repulsion
        force = hertzfactor(c1, c2, sim)*dedge*sqrt(-dedge)*deltavector/distance

        # nothing more to do

    # distribute forces over pseudo-nodes
    distributeforce!(c1, -force, s)
    distributeforce!(c2,  force, t)

    @force begin
        midpoint = fold_back(c2.backbone(t) + deltavector ./2, sim.domain)
        forcecontribution(c1.centerpos, -force, (midpoint-c1.centerpos)%sim.domain)
    @force begin
        midpoint = fold_back(c2.backbone(t) + deltavector ./2, sim.domain)
        forcecontribution(c2.centerpos, force, (midpoint-c2.centerpos)%sim.domain)

    distributeforce!(c::Spherocylinder, force::SV{Float64}, r::Float64)
Distributes the given force over `fP` and `fN`, with `r*force` added to `fP` and
`(1-r)*force` added to `fN`. This is (of course) only applicable to spherocylinders
that implement node forces.
@inline function distributeforce!(c::Spherocylinder{D}, force::SVector{D, Float64}, r) where {D}
    c.fP += force * r
    c.fN += force * (1 - r)

## Pretty printing
#one-line text output, cell::Spherocylinder) =
    print(io, "$(typeof(cell))(r ≈ [$(join(nicestrlong.(cell.centerpos), ","))], l ≈ $(nicestrshort(nodeseparation(cell))), φ ≈ $(orientation_descriptor(cell)))")

# fancy multi-line output, ::MIME"text/plain", cell::Spherocylinder) = print(io,
     """$(typeof(cell)) $(repr(
     r ≈ [$(join(nicestrlong.(cell.centerpos), ","))]
     l ≈ $(nicestrshort(nodeseparation(cell)));  φ ≈ $(orientation_descriptor(cell))
     g ≈ $(nicestrshort(cell.growthprog));  γ = $(nicestrshort(cell.growthrate))
     $(hasproperty(cell, :attached) ? (cell.attached ? "attached\n" : "not attached\n") : "") \
     params: $(cell.params)"""

function orientation_descriptor(c::AbstractRod)
    if hasproperty(c, :φ)
        return nicestrshort(c.φ)
    elseif hasproperty(c, :backbone) && hasproperty(c.backbone, :)
        return "[$(join(nicestrlong.(c.backbone.eφ), ","))]"
        return "unknown"