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This package contains InPartS models used in publications of the Emergent Dynamics in Living Systems group at MPI-DS. Model definitions can be found in the src directory, interactive examples are in examples.

List of models

The models listed below are based on a simple framework for modelling growing and dividing agents with steric interactions, as described in L. Hupe & Y. G. Pollack et al., arXiv:2409.01959 (2024). There are two different classes of models, represesented in code by abstract supertypes:

  • for Dumbbell models, the cell shape is modelled as a dumbbell of two spherical nodes that grow by moving apart until fully separate.
  • for Spherocylinder models, the cell shape is modelled as a cylinder with hemispherical caps

InPartSBiome comes with a basic model for both of these classes, as well as some more specialized models which add additional features.

Particle type Supertype Model description Main authors
DiskCell Dumbbell Simple growing, nonmotile dumbbell model Lukas Hupe
DiskCell3D Dumbbell DiskCell model extended to work in three dimensions Lukas Hupe
SpheroidDiskCell Dumbbell Modified version of DiskCell3D with randomized initial direction, cell-cell tractive forces and random direction reversal Torben Sunkel
RodCell Spherocylinder Simple growing, nonmotile spherocylinder model Lukas Hupe
MetabolicTetCell Spherocylinder Modified version of RodCell with metabolism, tetracycline resistance regulation 1 and interdependencies 2. Philip Bittihn, Thomas Boukéké-Lesplulier


This is a list of publications and preprints using code included in this package:


  1. D. Schultz, A. C. Palmer, and R. Kishony, Cell Systems 5, 509 (2017).

  2. M. Scott et al., Science 330, 1099 (2010).