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Obstacle types for InPartS
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Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalTool for converting an entire git repo with all commits, files, changes and everything else into one huge json file.
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subugoe / metsimporter
Apache License 2.0Tool for parsing mets files to import the metadata to solr or elasticsearch.
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Von hier erhalten Sie einen Überblick über die Aufgabensammung und erhalten über die "invitation links" den Zugang zu den Aufgaben.
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CRC 1456 / LiveDocs / livedocs_template
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Linux fürs Institut für Informatik / Quartz
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalQEMU RISC-V 64bit VM mit einem Mini-Linux für Technische Informatik.
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Development of the CIDOC-CRM based data model for the ISMI project database.
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bibliothek-der-neologie / bdn-SADE
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0UpdatedUpdated -
This is the project for the database and website about English vernacular medical books by the research group of Elaine Leong.
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LinTim / OpenLinTim
MIT LicenseOpen Source Version of LinTim, see https://www.lintim.net/
Note that the current version is hosted at https://gitlab.rlp.net/lintim/OpenLinTim, for updates please check here
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The course materials for the GGNB methods course "Introduction to Data Science"
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Discuss Data Project / Discuss Data
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Open Platform for the Interactive Discussion of Research Data Quality (on the example of area studies on the post-Soviet region)
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TextGridLab component for publishing to SADE or an eXist XMLDB with textgrid-connect-standalone app
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DARIAH-DE / ref-eXist
OtherAn application for querying the GND (Gemeinsame Normdatei) and the TNG (Getty Thesaurus for Neographical Names).
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Umut Basaran / textplus-chatbot-vue
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Rick Titus Naumann / Raven
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Textplus / Registry / registry-backend
Apache License 2.0Updated