Explore projects
Remy Michel Louis Colin / ArrayDynamics
GNU General Public License v3.0 or latersimulation of E. coli chemoreceptor array dynamics
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Nils Luettschwager / Fermi4x4.jl
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Gitlab CI App for registering packages in the Julia General registry
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Snapshot of GeneralizedStochasticSimulations.jl: Stochastic simulations of reaction systems with arbitrary internal rate dependencies and delays
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bertok / IH_paper_public
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Emergent Dynamics in Living Systems / InPartS.jl
MIT LicenseInteracting particle simulations in Julia
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Makie visualisation for InPartS
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Obstacle types for InPartS
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Thomas Staudt / LCA
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Simulation and data analysis code for the manuscript "Local measures enable COVID-19 containment with fewer restrictions due to cooperative effects"