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NFDIxCS / A1 Architecture / RDMC Prototype
MIT LicenseUpdated -
MedBioinf / Metabolomics / metaboserv / frontend
MIT LicenseUpdated -
metaboserv2 / Frontend
MIT LicenseFrontend for MetaboSERV, based on VueJS3 and TypeScript. To be used with the according backend service.
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MedBioinf / Metabolomics / metaboserv / backend
MIT LicenseUpdated -
metaboserv2 / Backend
MIT LicensePython/Flask-based webservice that mediates between the MetaboSERV frontend and the two associated databases, MariaDB and Elasticsearch.
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bibliothek-der-neologie / bdn-textapi
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0UpdatedUpdated -
MPIGEA / DT / SimulatingRisk.jl
MIT LicenseUpdated -
AQinDa / constrainify-core
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0This application serves as a central component of the Constrainify application. This repository includes the GUI, the controller, and smart components.
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TMS localization / pyNIBS
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA toolbox to analyse non-invasive brain stimulation experiments (NIBS).
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Software to run the portal for the public TextGrid repository.
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Analysis code for Federated Random Forest for Partially Non-Overlapping Data
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irp / HoToPy
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterHolographic and tomographic toolbox for X-ray imaging in Python