Explore projects
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Template und automatisierte Erzeugung vom AStA-Newsletter
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🗨 Repository to host our minBert implementation for the course 'Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing' at the University of Göttingen.Archived 2Updated -
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once this projects hosted the custom TIDO installation for the Ahiqar project. For details see https://ahiqar.uni-goettingen.de it is deprecated since the newer embedded version of TIDO (v3.0.0) came out.
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-- Umgezogen zu https://github.com/Deutsche-Digitale-Bibliothek/ddblabs-ometha --
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Fork von https://github.com/bodsch/ansible-snapd mit ein paar Änderungen für Lifi
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Extension of a previous project on localised nucleation with forward flux sampling
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Wrapper service for collating from within the TextGridRep browser (discontinued)
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