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Validation von METS Daten für ZVDD; als XSL mit weiteren XSL zur Einbindung in TYPO3
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This module synchronises a Zotero group collection or personal collection and provides the data for Zotero items via JSON.
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Renders the online bibliography for the EUPT project.
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This module synchronises a Zotero group collection or personal collection and provides the data for Zotero items via JSON.
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Document based generic data mapper/reducer/visualiser using the MEAN stack
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Workshop on developing R packages to document functions and data.
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Archived 0Updated
This project provides the textual resources/documents as a transcription of the witnesses stored in TEI/XML file format. It also covers processing of the data for long-term archiving (TextGrid). If you want to report a bug or ask questions about the project, please write an email to gitlab+subugoe-ahiqar-witnesses-31800-issue-@gwdg.de
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website infa.uni-goettingen.de
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