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Seminar on "Nonlinear Dynamics, time-series analysis and Machine Learning", topic: Support Vector Machines 03/2020
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Snapshot of GeneralizedStochasticSimulations.jl: Stochastic simulations of reaction systems with arbitrary internal rate dependencies and delays
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Simulation and data analysis code for the manuscript "Local measures enable COVID-19 containment with fewer restrictions due to cooperative effects"
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The tripod model is a three compartmental model with two dendritic and a somatic compartment. It is used to investigate the role of synaptic non linearities in single neuron dynamics. This repository contains the code to reproduce the Tripod paper
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Wrapper for spike-time encoding of the TIMIT dataset
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Evaluation Package for the RidePooling simulation package bei Steffen Mühle
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Contains the skripts used for the data analysis of the MBR publication.
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Gitlab CI App for registering packages in the Julia General registry
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Interacting particle simulations in Julia