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Sleep Wave Analysis - an open source toolbox for matlab to score and analyse various waveforms in sleep EEG data
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This is the code I wrote for a student project I did during my bachelor about Convolution on S^2.
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Tool for tracking low-copy-number persistent replicating particles, such as DNA loci within cells, given a set of temporal localisations.
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This project contains data and source code used and(or shown in the publication "single-molecule localization microscopy with image scanning microscopy" by
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Real-time Simulink(MATLAB) toolbox for closed loop control. Developed by Marko Markovic, ART-Lab, UMG, Goettingen.
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This project contains the code to reproduce all data displayed in the main paper, as well as the generated data.
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Simulate rotational broadening of Curry spectra from Turbomole output, to be used on the cluster.
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A sensitivity and uncertainty analysis toolbox for Python based on the generalized polynomial chaos method
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