Create captions for illustrations
1. Update 17.03.2021
Michael has made new screenshots and labelled. Now ask Mathias Göbel to support the move from GitLab to GitHub.
2. Working with images (obsolete)
Because of large-scale screenshots, which contain many details that are difficult to recognise, an attempt was made to make them clickable and thus enlargeable using JavaScript. The Lightbox framework has been installed for this purpose.
- With terminal in directory for local Git rep factsheets_sshoc_services.
- Installation:
npm install lightbox2 --save
- Result new directory node_modules and files package-lock.json and package.json.
- In directory assets created new sub-directory js angelegt and empty plain text file:
touch doNotDeletePlease
- In _layouts/default.html following lines in
inserted:<link href="./assets/css/lightbox.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="./assets/js/lightbox.min.js"/>
- Created Dockerfile and taken functions from docker-compose.yaml into Dockerfile.
Since repository shall be moved to GitHub, installation has been stopped. Michael has created new screen shots and labelled.
3. Important Docker Commands
Explanation | Command |
Build an image from a Dockerfile. | docker build . |
Build or rebuild services. | docker-compose build |
Create and start containers. | docker-compose up |
The docker image prune command allows you to clean up unused images. By default, docker image prune only cleans up dangling images. A dangling image is one that is not tagged and is not referenced by any container. | docker image prune |
To remove all images which are not used by existing containers, use the -a flag. WARNING! This will remove all images without at least one container associated to them. | docker image prune -a |
By default, you are prompted to continue. To bypass the prompt, use the -f or --force flag. You can limit which images are pruned using filtering expressions with the --filter flag. For example, to only consider images created more than 24 hours ago. | docker image prune -a --filter "until=24h" |
docker --help
, docker-compose help
, and Prune unused Docker objects | Docker Documentation.
Afterwards, always startable with docker-compose up
4. Further jobs
- Bilder weiter auseinander, nicht direkt untereinander. (Erledigt)
- Why do we use a GitLab and not a GitHub that requires authorisation? Put that in https:/
- Brief description of pipeline; insert into in
Edited by dahnke