@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ Examples for different programming languages are:
The reason for using a build tool is to be able to build and/or test a code project with one command (after checking out). Another reason is to include dependency management.
##### Build tools we are using at the moment
***bash scripting**: (BdN Print, Fontane Print)
***eXist**: Ant (SADE)
***Java**: Maven (TextGrid)
@@ -222,6 +223,7 @@ The reason for using a build tool is to be able to build and/or test a code proj
***Ruby**: bundler (DARIAH status page)
##### Build tools we want to evaluate
* gradle
### Continuous integration
@@ -242,6 +244,7 @@ The workflows we are using currently in Jenkins and Gitlab Runner are:
The following example illustrates how the GitLab Runner is used in SADE.
The fully documented version of this file can be viewed [here](https://gitlab.gwdg.de/SADE/SADE/blob/develop/.gitlab-ci.yml).
- curl -u ci:${EXIST_UPLOAD_PW} -X POST -F file=@${FILENAME} https://ci.de.dariah.eu/exist-upload
#### Sample configuration of the Jenkins CI (Multibranch Pipelines)
- On commit and push to the <https://projects.gwdg.de> gitolite repo (such as <https://projects.gwdg.de/projects/tg-crud/repository>) Jenkins on ci.de.dariah.eu <https://ci.de.dariah.eu/jenkins> is notified (see projects' gitolite configuration)
- Jenkins then is doing a checkout and build of configured branches (see Jenkins' project's multibranch pipeline configuration such as <https://ci.de.dariah.eu/jenkins/job/DARIAH-DE-CRUD-Services>. Here comes THE CRUD Jenkinsfile, as it is used for other projects in a very similar way:
mvnHome=tool'Maven 3.5.0'
// We are deploying all JARs and WARs build here, SNAPSHOTs and RELEASEs!
sh"cd service && '${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' -U clean verify deploy -Pdhrep.deb"
- Stage *Build*: Build, JAR, WAR, and DEB packages from source code, deploy JAR and WAR packages to the Nexus repo (at the moment <https://ci.de.dariah.eu/nexus> --> in the near future <https://nexus.gwdg.de>). Jenkins is configured to deploy JARs and WARs via Maven and a Nexus deploy-account.
- Stage *Publish*: Publish DEB packages to the DARIAH-DE Aptly Repo <https://ci.de.dariah.eu/aptly>. Jenkins is using a shared library of scripts and publishing is devided into four conditionals: TG version, DH version, SNAPSHOT version, or RELEASE version due to given version suffixes!