Resolve "OpenAPI in dokument einpflegen"
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- Stefan E. Funk authored
+ 8
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@@ -67,6 +67,14 @@ For documenting RESTXQ APIs in our eXist-db systems we use the [OpenAPI4RESTXQ](
The outcome of this OpenAPI documentation shall be the automated generation of API doc, to be written directly IN THE CODE as Java Annotation, using the @Operation annotation, see [example]( and then to be read and directly be used from within a HTML page. A automatic generation of a [OpenAPI JSON file]( should be possible to use it with a [Swagger UI HTML page frontend]( The question is, if we deliver that page with every service or deploy a central Swagger UI service for all the documentation. For every service endpoint such a OpenAPI doc could be provided, such as already done for [TG-search](