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Commit 8cb2adbf authored by Mathias Goebel's avatar Mathias Goebel :reminder_ribbon:
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Merge branch 'release/2.2'

parents 1c673277 c74a868a
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......@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ xquery version "3.1";
import module namespace config="" at "modules/config/config.xqm";
import module namespace digilib="" at "../textgrid-connect/digilibProxy.xqm";
import module namespace fontaneTransfo="" at "modules/fontane/transform.xqm";
import module namespace console="";
declare namespace xhtml="";
declare variable $exist:path external;
declare variable $exist:resource external;
......@@ -45,6 +49,36 @@ else if (tokenize($exist:path, '/') = "digilib") then
digilib:proxy($project, $id, $if-modified-since)
(: REST interface of the interface! :)
else if (tokenize($exist:path, '/') = "get") then
let $reqid := request:get-parameter("id", "/xml/data/16b00.xml"),
$id := $reqid => substring-after("/xml/data/") => substring-before(".xml"),
$pagereq := request:get-parameter("page", "1r"),
$page := if( $pagereq = "" ) then "outer_front_cover" else $pagereq,
$docCollection := $config:projects-dir || $project ||"/data/xml/xhtml/"|| $id ||"/",
$docpath := $docCollection || $page ||".xml",
$doc := doc( $docpath ),
$content :=
switch ($exist:resource)
case "code.html" return
replace(serialize($doc//xhtml:div[@class="teixml"]), "xhtml:", "")
case "trans.html" return
replace(serialize($doc/xhtml:body/xhtml:div/xhtml:div[not(@class="teixml")][not(@class="facs")]), "xhtml:", "")
case "facs.html" return
replace(serialize($doc//xhtml:div[@class="facs"]), "xhtml:", "")
case "toc.html" return
replace(serialize(doc( $docCollection || "toc.xml" )), "xhtml:", "")
case "comm.html" return
replace(serialize($doc//xhtml:div[@class="notes"]), "xhtml:", "")
default return "supported requests are: facs, trans, code"
response:stream($content, "method=text media-type=text/plain")
(: the important stuff :)
else if (ends-with($exist:resource, ".html")) then
let $doc-path := $config:projects-dir || $project || config:get("template") || $exist:resource
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package xmlns="" name="" abbrev="SADE" version="2.1" spec="1.0">
<package xmlns="" name="" abbrev="SADE" version="2.2" spec="1.0">
<title>Scalable Architecture for Digital Editions powered by TextGrid</title>
<dependency package=""/>
<dependency package=""/>
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ xquery version "3.1";
module namespace f-misc="";
import module namespace config="" at "../config/config.xqm";
import module namespace console="";
declare namespace tei="";
declare namespace xhtml="";
......@@ -176,6 +177,7 @@ declare function f-misc:list($datadir, $param, $num as xs:integer) {
: let $maxRev:= max($tgnav//object[@title = $item]/number(substring-after(@uri, '.'))),:)
(: $uri:= $tgnav//object[@title = $item][number(substring-after(@uri, '.')) = $maxRev]/substring-after(@uri, 'textgrid:'):)
let $uri:= $tgnav//object[string(@title) = $item]/substring-before(substring-after(@uri, 'textgrid:'), '.')
let $thisIn := $param||$pos = $param||$num
<div class="panel panel-dark">
<div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="heading{$param||$pos}">
......@@ -185,7 +187,7 @@ declare function f-misc:list($datadir, $param, $num as xs:integer) {
<div id="collapse{$param||$pos}" class="panel-collapse collapse {if ($param||$pos = $param||$num) then ' in' else ()}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading{$param||$pos}">
<div id="collapse{$param||$pos}" class="panel-collapse collapse{if ($thisIn) then ' in' else ()}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading{$param||$pos}">
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-9">
......@@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ declare function f-misc:list($datadir, $param, $num as xs:integer) {
<li><a href="mirador.html?n={$param||$pos}">Digitalisate</a></li>
<li><a href="edition.html?id=/xml/data/{$uri[last()]}.xml&amp;page="
onclick="createCookie('facs', 'inactive' , 180); createCookie('xml', 'inactive', 180); createCookie('trans', 'true', 180)">Transkriptionsansicht</a></li>
<li>Edierter Text/Textkritischer Apparat</li>
<li>TEI/XML-Ansicht: <a href="edition.html?id=/xml/data/{$uri[last()]}.xml&amp;page="
onclick="createCookie('facs', 'inactive' , 180); createCookie('xml', 'true', 180); createCookie('trans', 'inactive', 180)"><i title="seitenweise" class="fa fa-file-o"></i></a> | <a href="xml.html?id=/xml/data/{$uri[last()]}.xml"><i title="gesamtes XML auf der Webseite betrachten" class="fa fa-file-code-o"></i></a> |<a target="_blank" href="/rest/data/{$uri[last()]}.xml">REST</a></li>
......@@ -229,28 +231,19 @@ declare function f-misc:list($datadir, $param, $num as xs:integer) {
<div class="col-md-3">
<div id="thumb">
{if ($param||$pos = 'C7') then
(<a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal"><img src="/public/img/loader.svg" data-original="digilib/{substring-after($item, ' ')}_001.jpg?dh=350&amp;mo=jpg"/></a>,
<div class="modal fade" id="modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="citationrecommendation" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button>
<h4 class="modal-title">{ if (matches($item, '0\d')) then replace($item, '0', '') else $item }</h4>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="modal-body">
{doc('/db/sade-projects/textgrid/data/xml/xhtml/16b00/outer_front_cover.xml')//xhtml:div[@id="outer_front_cover"][@class="surface "]}
else <img class="imgLazy" src="/public/img/loader.svg" data-original="digilib/{substring-after($item, ' ')}_001.jpg?dh=350&amp;mo=jpg"/>
<div id="thumb">{
let $img := "digilib/"||substring-after($item, ' ')||"_001.jpg?dh=350&amp;mo=jpg"
element xhtml:img {
attribute class {"imgLazy"},
attribute src {
if ($thisIn) then $img else "/public/img/loader.svg"
if(not($thisIn)) then
attribute data-original {$img}
else ()
......@@ -260,7 +253,7 @@ declare function f-misc:list($datadir, $param, $num as xs:integer) {
declare function f-misc:content($node as node(), $model as map(*), $id, $page){
<div id="nb-title" class="col-xs-3 col-md-2">
<div id="nb-title" class="col-xs-3 col-md-2" title="reset layout">
<h1 class="animated slideInLeft">
<span>{f-misc:nbTitle(request:get-parameter('id', ''), $model)}
{if(matches($page, '\d+(r|v)')) then ': '||$page else ()}</span>
......@@ -432,34 +425,37 @@ switch ($develop)
declare function f-misc:textgridStatus($node as node(), $model as map(*)) {
let $col := "/db/sade-projects/textgrid"
let $res := "tgstatus.xml"
let $url := ""
let $lastMod := xmldb:last-modified($col, $res)
let $doc := doc( $col || "/" || $res )
let $active := not( exists( $doc//ok ) )
let $getStatus :=
if( not( $active ) and $lastMod < (current-dateTime() - xs:dayTimeDuration("PT12H")) )
let $status := httpclient:get(xs:anyURI(""), false(), ())//xhtml:div[contains(@class, 'repstatus')][not( contains(@class, 'ok') )]
let $status := httpclient:get(xs:anyURI($url), false(), ())//xhtml:div[contains(@class, 'repstatus')][not( contains(@class, 'ok') )]
let $status := if( exists( $status ) ) then $status else <ok/>
xmldb:store($col, $res, $status)
else if($active and $lastMod < (current-dateTime() - xs:dayTimeDuration("PT2H")))
let $status := httpclient:get(xs:anyURI(""), false(), ())//xhtml:div[contains(@class, 'repstatus')][not( contains(@class, 'ok') )]
let $status := httpclient:get(xs:anyURI($url), false(), ())//xhtml:div[contains(@class, 'repstatus')][not( contains(@class, 'ok') )]
let $status := if( exists( $status ) ) then $status else <ok/>
xmldb:store($col, $res, $status)
else ()
let $doc := doc( $col || "/" || $res )
let $status := $doc/xhtml:div[@class]/tokenize(@class, '\s+')[last()]
if( $doc//ok ) then () else
<div class="alert alert-danger">
<div class="alert alert-{$status}">
<p>Es liegt eine aktuelle Meldung zum TextGrid Repository vor. Einige
Funktionen, z.Bsp die Darstellung der Faksimiles, sind vom TextGrid
Repository abhängig und daher evtl. davon betroffen. Hier folgt die
Meldung von TextGrid.</p>
<h5>Status: {$doc/xhtml:div[@class]/tokenize(@class, '\s+')[last()]}</h5>
<h5>Status: {$status}</h5>
{for $i at $pos in $doc/xhtml:div//xhtml:p[@lang="de"] return (if($pos gt 1) then <hr/> else (),$i)}
xquery version "3.1";
module namespace f-render="";
import module namespace config="" at "../config/config.xqm";
import module namespace f-transform="" at "transform.xqm";
import module namespace templates="" ;
declare namespace tei="";
declare namespace xhtml="";
declare variable $f-render:id := request:get-parameter("id", "/xml/data/16b00.xml");
declare variable $f-render:page :=
let $para := request:get-parameter("page", "outer_front_cover")
if($para = "") then "outer_front_cover" else $para
declare variable $f-render:doc := doc( config:get("data-dir") || $f-render:id );
declare variable $f-render:surface := $f-render:doc//tei:surface[@n = $f-render:page];
declare variable $f-render:xhtml := doc( config:get("data-dir") || "/xml/xhtml/" ||tokenize($f-render:id, "/|\.xml")[4] || "/" || $f-render:page || ".xml" );
declare variable $f-render:notebook := substring-after($f-render:doc//tei:sourceDoc/@n, 'er_');
declare function f-render:initView($node as node(), $model as map()) {
let $nodes := for $n in $node/node() return templates:process($n, $model)
element {$node/name()} {
attribute id {$f-render:notebook},
$node/@*[not(local-name() => starts-with("data-") )],
declare function f-render:facs($node as node(), $model as map()) {
{$node/@*[not(local-name() => starts-with("data-") )]}
declare function f-render:tran($node as node(), $model as map()) {
{$node/@*[not(local-name() => starts-with("data-") )]}
{($f-render:xhtml//xhtml:div[contains(@class, "surface")])[1]}
declare function f-render:code($node as node(), $model as map()) {
{$node/@*[not(local-name() => starts-with("data-") )]}
{$f-render:xhtml//xhtml:div[@class = "teixml"]}
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import module namespace templates="" ;
import module namespace mviewer="http://sade/multiviewer" at "multiviewer/multiviewer.xqm" ;
import module namespace console="" at "java:org.exist.console.xquery.ConsoleModule";
import module namespace f-misc="" at "fontane/misc.xqm";
import module namespace f-render="" at "fontane/render.xqm";
import module namespace config="" at "config/config.xqm";
import module namespace fsearch = "http://sade/faceted-search" at "faceted-search/faceted-search.xqm";
import module namespace nav="http://sade/tmpl-nav" at "tmpl-nav/tmpl-nav.xqm";
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