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Closes #130, minor formatting

Michelle Weidling requested to merge bugfix/#130-ueberblickskommentar into develop

Sometimes in the index of literary sources ("Literaturverzeichnis") cases like these occur were we have a general bibliographic entry and two volumes belonging to it:

<bibl xmlns="" xml:id="Varnhagen_1836">
        <abbr>Varnhagen 1836</abbr>
        <expan>Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August: Galerie von Bildnissen aus Rahel's Umgang und Briefwechsel. 2 Bände. Leipzig: Reichenbach 1836.</expan>
    <idno type="SWB" xml:base="">028276094</idno>
    <linkGrp targFunc="active passive">
        <link corresp="" target="wrk:Varnhagen_Galerie_Werk #Varnhagen_1836"/>
    <bibl xml:id="Varnhagen_1836_I">
            <abbr>Varnhagen 1836 I</abbr>
            <expan>Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August: Galerie von Bildnissen aus Rahel's Umgang und Briefwechsel. Erster Theil. Leipzig: Reichenbach 1836.</expan>
        <idno type="URN" xml:base="">urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10067589-4</idno>
        <ptr type="fulltext" target=""/>
        <linkGrp targFunc="active passive"/>
    <bibl xml:id="Varnhagen_1836_II">
            <abbr>Varnhagen 1836 II</abbr>
            <expan>Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August: Galerie von Bildnissen aus Rahel's Umgang und Briefwechsel. Zweiter Theil. Leipzig: Reichenbach 1836.</expan>
        <idno type="URN" xml:base="">urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10067590-2</idno>
        <ptr type="fulltext" target=""/>
        <linkGrp targFunc="active passive"/>

Up until now this isn't considered and causes ueberblickskommentar.xqm to try to do string operations like replace on all descending tei:abbr which leads to the error

It is a type error if, during the static analysis phase, an expression is found to have a static type that is not appropriate for the context in which the expression occurs, or during the dynamic evaluation phase, the dynamic type of a value does not match a required type as specified by the matching rules in 2.5.4 SequenceType Matching. Invalid cardinality for parameter $vp0. Expected zero or one, got 3.

This MR solves this issue (closes #130).

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