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Created with Raphaël 2.2.017May161514131098764330Apr2926252423181716151211109854331Mar282726252221201918161514131211818FebMinor fixFirst draft for complete wrapper (with docu and example): AP is already running (very slow though) but RAAR still sucks for some reasonVarious bug-fixesComputed (= OCTAVE) says no... to function handles onto nested functions. Therefore, AP/RAAR/../-updates defined outside function blockCleaner clean-upAutomatically transfer measurements to GPU if useGPUInherits from ProjectorCleaning up (wip)kleine bugs in doku behobenImproved measuring of convergenceOctave-compatibility package: first suggestionImproved internal parameter-handlingMerge branch 'master' of class-to-struct-warning (at least in Matlab)kleine aenderung in dokumehr Korrekturen in Dokumehr Dokuremove askIfAuto option for fresnelPropagatedocumentationMerge branch 'master' of aufgeräumtMerge branch 'master' of branch 'master' of supportabsoluter path in getHologram und getPhantomUse full path for file-loading + make path-specification independent of linux or windowsAdjusted to new paramter-list of fresnelPropagationKernelMerge branch 'master' of getPhantom to directly return the phantom instead of struct and adjusted examples in other files accordinglyUpdated descriptionpiepumstrukturierung von phaserec_iterativekleinigkeit in Doku zu phaserec_iterative verbessertjetzt aber wirklich zum letzten Mal ;-)und noch einmal ne Kleinigkeit verbessertmini Kleinigkeit in Doku verbessertAdded gpuFlag + documentationMerge branch 'master' of user-confirmation of method and padding-size by verbose-option + warning in the case of excessive auto-paddingfresnelPropagationKernel dokumentiert