import { AxiosError } from 'axios'
import { Dispatch } from 'vuex'
import { MutationHandler } from 'vuex-typex'
export function nameSpacer (namespace: string) {
return function (commitType: string) {
export function getObjectValueByPath (obj: any, path: string): any {
// credit:
if (!path || path.constructor !== String) return
path = path.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1') // convert indexes to properties
path = path.replace(/^\./, '') // strip a leading dot
const a = path.split('.')
for (let i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; ++i) {
const k = a[i]
if (obj instanceof Object && k in obj) {
obj = obj[k]
} else {
return obj
* Use this method to generate a computed property accessing the store for a Vue instance.
* The get method will return the value at this.$store.state.<path>.
* The set method will commit the passed value as payload for the specified mutation
* @param path to the store variable/object being returned
* @param mutation name of mutation type
* @param namespace to prepend the mutation type with
* @returns {*}
export function createComputedGetterSetter<P> (
{ path, mutation, namespace }:
{path: string, mutation: string | ((payload?: P) => void), namespace:string}): GetSetPair<P> {
return getObjectValueByPath((this as any).$store.state, path)
if (typeof mutation === 'string') {
(this as any).$store.commit(`${namespace ? namespace + '/' : ''}${mutation}`, val)
interface StateMapperItem {
name: string,
mutation: string,
path?: string
interface MappedState {
* Returns an object of generated computed getter/setter pairs.
* Can be used to quickly bind a stores state and corresponding setters to a vue component
* @param namespace optional namespace of mutations
* @param pathPrefix if set, all items path will be prepended by the path prefix
* @param items array that contains objects {name, path, mutation}
export function mapStateToComputedGetterSetter (
{ namespace = '', pathPrefix = '', items = [] }:
{namespace: string, pathPrefix: string, items: StateMapperItem[]}): MappedState {
return items.reduce((acc: MappedState, curr) => {
// if no path is give, use name
const itemPath = curr.path ||
const path = pathPrefix ? `${pathPrefix}.${itemPath}` : itemPath
acc[] = createComputedGetterSetter({ mutation: curr.mutation, path, namespace })
return acc
}, {})
// thanks to rsp
function cartesianHelper (a: Array<any>, b: Array<any>): Array<Array<any>> {
return ([] as Array<any>).concat( any) => any) => [].concat(a, b))))
export function cartesian (a: Array<any>, b?: Array<any>, ...c: Array<Array<any>>): Array<Array<any>> {
return b ? cartesian(cartesianHelper(a, b), ...c) : a
// flatten an array
export function flatten (list: any[]): any[] {
return list.reduce(
(a, b) => a.concat(Array.isArray(b) ? flatten(b) : b), []
export function objectifyArray<T, P extends keyof T> (arr: T[], key: P): {[index: string]: T} {
return arr.reduce((acc: any, curr) => {
acc[curr[key]] = curr
return acc
}, {})
interface OnceFunc {
(): any
reset: () => void
export function once (fn: Function, context?: object): OnceFunc {
let result: any
let wrapped = <OnceFunc> function (this: any) {
if (!result) {
result = fn.apply(context || this, arguments)
return result
wrapped.reset = function () { result = undefined }
export function syntaxPostProcess (code: string): string {
const spanPrefix = '<span class="hljs-comment">'
const spanSuffix = '</span>'
code = code.replace(/(<span class="hljs-comment">)([\s\S]*?)(<\/span>)/gim, (match, p1, p2, p3) => {
const splitted = p2.split(/\n/)
for (let i = 0; i < splitted.length; i++) {
splitted[i] = spanPrefix + splitted[i] + spanSuffix
return splitted.join("\n")
return code