- Feb 04, 2018
robinwilliam.hundt authored
Fixed reverse query bug in Subscription model Fixed bug in subscription view resulting in uncaught exception Creating a subscription with a query/key/stage combination for which no assignments were available would result in an uncaught SubscriptionEnded exception and a 500 response to the client. Instead an error message with the status code 410_GONE is now sent. Fixed reverse query bug in Subscription model chnaged type_query_mapper = { ... SUBMISSION_TYPE_QUERY: 'type__title', } to type_query_mapper = { SUBMISSION_TYPE_QUERY: 'type__name', } Refactored serializer id fields and camelCase names To provide a uniform api and to save us from further work i've refactored the existing fields that used camelCase names to use the names specified in the models (which are kebab-case). Also everywhere where id's (whether normal or uuid ones) have been included in the serializers, the field names have been changed to 'pk' or '<model>_pk'. Pk will always link to the primary key of the model and will save us great pain should we decide to convert the pk's of more models to uuid's. Also we won't have to remebre a bunch of different ways of referring to the id for the frontend, it's always pk. I also included the pk field in all modelserializers since this will be necessary for the frontend state management. Frontend now expects pk fields and snake_case Solution is highlighted / Desc. HTML is rendered Frontend test is only manually run Added vue-notification library Inactivity detection preperly implementd Client inactivity is now properly detected. A vuex plugin is used to store the time of the last commited mutation. This roughly equals the last user interaction. If the users session is expired he will be redirected to the login page. Before that a dialog is displayed notifieng the user that they are about to be logged out. Added created / of_tutor info to feedback comment
- Jan 26, 2018
Jan Maximilian Michal authored
* Tests can now be executed from the importer * All jobs run fine and produce correct results
- Jan 14, 2018
robinwilliam.hundt authored
Feedback model no longer contains fields text, of_tutor, modified since this information is stored inside the FeedbackComments The serializer, views and tests dependant on these fields have been adjusted
- Jan 10, 2018
Jan Maximilian Michal authored
* Fixed errors that arose from merging errors * Added feedback to mock data so student page works * Student serializer now only send necessary submission info on initial load
Jan Maximilian Michal authored
* Added stages to the subscription mechanism, meaning that a subscription is distingushed between feedback-creation, -validation and -conflict resolution * Minor refactoring to the Feedback ViewSet and serializer * Added a larger integration test
Jan Maximilian Michal authored
* Feedback consists of lines which can hold up to three comments * The Feedback model contains almost no logic since all has been migrated to the assignemnt mechanism
- Jan 05, 2018
Jan Maximilian Michal authored
Jan Maximilian Michal authored
Jan Maximilian Michal authored
* The mechanism proposed should work as follows: * Tutors can subscribe to certain submission categries (currently this includes exam, student or type specific submissions). If the set of submissions to corrent is small (student) all submissions of that category are reserved for that tutor. * A reviewer should also be able to subscribe other users (delegation) * A subscription contains assignments or creates them: * Only one assignment per user may be active. * No new assignments can be added to a subscription after it was created while another assignment is present for that subscription. * An assignment delegates a submission to a tutor. * An active assignment indicates that the tutor is working on that assignment * After an assignment was finished it is deleted (or archived). * Upgraded to Django 2.0 * Closes #66, #53. * The mechanism remains partially incomplete as the progress in !67-create-new-model-feedbackline-and-integrate-it is blocking progress. Several tests for the API endpoint need to be written including. More validation and constraints might have to be added.
robinwilliam.hundt authored
Basic TutorLayout and SubmissionCorrectionPage. Added new dependency v-clipboard. Run yarn install to update.
robinwilliam.hundt authored
Restructured front end code into components and pages Components should be as dumb and generic as possible. Pages should dispatch actions, pass props to components etc, Student page now gets submission and submissiontyp from api and displays those to the student Added information which submissions have been viewed
- Jan 04, 2018
Jan Maximilian Michal authored
Move the delbert script into Commands for manage.py Closes #42 See merge request !33
Jan Maximilian Michal authored
- Dec 30, 2017
Jan Maximilian Michal authored
Password is now set when specified in dictionary See merge request !31
- Dec 22, 2017
robinwilliam.hundt authored
- Dec 21, 2017
Jan Maximilian Michal authored
- Dec 18, 2017
Jan Maximilian Michal authored
Added build dependency to coverage job See merge request !29
Jan Maximilian Michal authored
- Dec 17, 2017
robinwilliam.hundt authored
Added convenience method to create test data Closes #29 See merge request !24
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
# Conflicts: # core/tests/test_student_page.py
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
All the methods in core.tests.data_factories have been deleted and the tests using those are now using the improved make_test_data method from util.factories. Curiously the tests are running considerably faster on my machine now
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
Resolve "Logout of tutors after inactivity" Closes #22 See merge request !23
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
- Dec 16, 2017
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
If the user now accidentally presses reload, the relevant session state (token, etc. ) will be retrieved from the session storage.
robinwilliam.hundt authored
robinwilliam.hundt authored
This is needed for correct routing in the frontend