Minimum Viable Version of free style text correction
Description / Overview
Electronic exams not only contain source code answers but also free text style ones. It would be hugely beneficial if those could also be corrected via our interface in an ergonomic way.
Here I propose a way of implementing this functionality minimally in a backwards compatible way with the drawback of potentially sacrificing some ergonomics.
This feature can be implemented relatively easy by just handling free text the same as source code, but without the syntax highlighting. This could lead to an unergonomic correction process because students might give long answers constrained to one line and tutors would only be able to annotate this single line with a comment.
The actual impact on ergonomics is however questionable, implementing the feature in this minimal way will allow us to gather actual user feedback.
Use cases
Electronic exams contain questions that have free text answers. We want to test if it's possible to correct these answers in a sufficiently ergonomic way without changing the basic way the correction process works.
Links / references
Feature checklist
- Make hector add a newline to the submission every n-th word
- Add dedicated submission type for freestyle exercises
- Disable syntax highlighting for said submission type