Migrate Authentication from Django Sessions to JWT
Description / Overview
Migrate the existing Django Session Authentication to a JSON Web Token (JWT) based one.
Use cases
Migrating to a JWT based authentication provides sereveral benefits:
- Since the Token is not stored as a cookie, the api is not vulnerable to CSRF
- unless the Token is stored in e.g. localStorage, the user will be automatically logged out once he closes the app (i see this as a feature)
Links / references
https://github.com/GetBlimp/django-rest-framework-jwt http://blog.apcelent.com/json-web-token-tutorial-with-example-in-python.html
Migration checklist
- Add djangorestframework-jwt as a dependency
- define api endpoints to obtain tokens (use rest_framework_jwt.views.obtain_jwt_token)
- Change default.py accordingly