Subscription / Assignments UI specification
Description / Overview
The UI for the Subscription and Assignment system. Specifications:
Detailed subscription List component
- showing active subscriptions with their respective type (eg. Random, SubmissionType, Student) and key (eg. Task 1. Bla..., or Student_01) if available.
- possible to add new subscriptions
- if subscriptions is clicked, current assignment is fetched on redirect to correction page #79 (closed)
Subscription sidebar component
- dense list of active subscriptions
- redirect to correction page of corresponding assignment on click
Low Priority: List of Assignments filterable by type, key, etc.
- queued assignments can be rearranged via drag'n'drop to specify the order in which they'll be corrected
Use cases
Tutors and Reviewers need to correct submissions. This features enables them to get access to those.
Links / references
If, at some point, we implement drag and drop, this library is probably the way to go.
Feature checklist
- Detailed subscription list component
- Subscription sidebar component
- communication with subscription endpoints to fetch/complete assignments
- routing to correction page