Jan Maximilian Michal authoredJan Maximilian Michal authored
xls.py 4.89 KiB
""" a simple script that converts ilias exam output to readable json
usage: convert.py [-h] [-u USERNAMES] [-n NUMBER_OF_TASKS] INFILE OUTFILE
positional arguments:
INFILE Ilias exam data
OUTFILE Where to write the final file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
a json dict matno -> email
Where to write the final file
Author: Jan Maximilian Michal
Date: 30 March 2017
import json
import os
import re
import urllib.parse
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from xlrd import open_workbook
import lib.generic
class XLSConverter(lib.generic.Converter):
"""docstring for XLSConverter"""
accepted_files = ('.xls',)
def convert(self, filepath):
return converter(filepath)
# one user has one submission (code) per task
# yes, I know it is possible to name match groups via (?P<name>) but
# I like this solution better since it gets the job done nicely
user_t = namedtuple('user_head', 'name matrikel_no')
# one task has a title and id and hpfly code
task_head_re = re.compile(r'^Quellcode Frage (?P<title>.*?) ?(\d{8})?$')
# nor parsing the weird mat no
matno_re = re.compile(r'^(?P<matrikel_no>\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)$')
def converter(infile, usernames=None, number_of_tasks=0):
# Modify these iterators in order to change extraction behaviour
def sheet_iter_meta(sheet, silent=True):
""" yield first and second col entry as tuple of (name, matnr) """
for row in (sheet.row(i) for i in range(1, sheet.nrows)):
match = re.search(matno_re, row[1].value)
if match:
if not silent and len(match.group('matrikel_no')) != 8:
print('[WARN] %s has odd matrikelno %s' %
(row[0].value, match.group('matrikel_no')))
yield row[0].value, match.group('matrikel_no')
if not silent:
print('[WARN] could not parse row %s' % row[0])
yield row[0].value, row[1].value
def sheet_iter_data(sheet):
""" yields all source code title and code tuples """
def row(i):
return sheet.row(i)
for top, low in ((row(i), row(i + 1)) for i in range(sheet.nrows - 1)):
if any(map(lambda c: c.ctype, top)) and 'Quell' in top[0].value:
yield (' '.join(c.value for c in top),
' '.join(c.value for c in low))
# meta sheet contains ilias names usernames etc - data contains code
meta, *data = open_workbook(infile, open(os.devnull, 'w')).sheets()
# nice!
name2mat = dict(sheet_iter_meta(meta, silent=False))
assert len(name2mat) == len(data), '{} names != {} sheets'.format(len(name2mat), len(data)) # noqa
# from xls to lists and namedtuples
# [ [user0, task0_h, code0, ..., taskn, coden ], ..., [...] ]
root = []
tasks = {}
for user, sheet in zip(sheet_iter_meta(meta), data):
for task, code in sheet_iter_data(sheet):
task = re.search(task_head_re, task)
task_title = task.group('title')
tasks[task_title] = {
'title': task_title,
'type': 'SourceCode'
.replace('\t', ' ' * TABWIDTH))
if number_of_tasks:
for (user, *task_list) in sorted(root, key=lambda u: u[0].name):
assert len(task_list) == number_of_tasks * 2
mat_to_email = defaultdict(str)
if usernames:
with open(usernames) as data:
def get_username(user):
if name2mat[user.name] in mat_to_email:
return mat_to_email[name2mat[user.name]].split('@')[0]
return ''.join(filter(str.isupper, user.name)) + name2mat[user.name]
usernames = {user.name: get_username(user) for (user, *_) in root}
return {
'students': [{
'fullname': user.name,
'username': usernames[user.name],
'email': mat_to_email[name2mat[user.name]],
'identifier': name2mat[user.name],
'submissions': [{
"type": task,
"code": code,
"tests": {},
} for task, code in zip(task_list[::2], task_list[1::2])]
} for (user, *task_list) in sorted(root, key=lambda u: u[0].name)],
'tasks': list(tasks.values())
def write_to_file(json_dict, outfile):
# just encode python style
with open(outfile, "w") as out:
json.dump(json_dict, out, indent=2)
print("Wrote data to %s. Done." % outfile)