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    Jan Maximilian Michal's avatar
    Jan Maximilian Michal committed
    # This script contains the main part of hallgrim and is the only script that
    # needs to be invoked. The steps it takes to generate a task are as follows:
    # * parse the commandline arguments with argparse
    # * for each script determine the type and validate correct syntax
    # * delegate the script to a handler for the specific type
    Jan Maximilian Michal's avatar
    Jan Maximilian Michal committed
    # * the handler parses the script into the intermediate representation (mostly
    #   arrays)
    # * the handler passes the needed information to the script generator, which
    Jan Maximilian Michal's avatar
    Jan Maximilian Michal committed
    #   will print the final xml file.
    # * a finisher compresses data if needed (needs to be implemented, maybe as
    #   separate subparser).
    from .IliasXMLCreator import packer
    from .custom_markdown import get_markdown
    from .messages import *
    from .parser import choice_parser, gap_parser
    from .uploader import send_script
    from .templates import scaffolding
    # set markdown
    markdown = get_markdown()
    def get_config():
        config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')
        if not config.sections():
            error('Could not find config file.')
            error('Please edit config.sample.ini and move it to config.ini')
            error('Continue with default values. Script might fail.')
            config['META'] = {'author': '__default__'}
    def look_for_output():
        if not os.path.exists('output'):
            info('Created directory "output/"')
        if 'multi' in type:
    def file_exists(path):
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            msg = 'The script "{}" does not exist.'.format(path)
            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg)
        return path
        for field in required:
            if not hasattr(script, field):
                error("script does not export '{}' field.".format(field))
        if any(not hasattr(script, field) for field in required):
            abort("Script is invalid (see above)")
        subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command")
        parser_new = subparsers.add_parser(
            "new", help="The utility the generate new scripts.")
            help="The name of the new script",
            choices=['multi', 'single', 'gap', 'alignment'],
            help="Name of the scripts author",
            help='Points given for correct answer (different behavior for different questions)',
        parser_gen = subparsers.add_parser(
            "gen", help="Subcommand to convert from script to xml.")
            help='''Specify different output file. If no argument is given the Name
            of the script is used.''',
            help='How many instances should be produced (Only for parametrized questions).',
        parser_gen = subparsers.add_parser(
            "upload", help="Subcommand to upload created xml instances.")
            help='The scripts that should be uploaded',
            delegator(args.out, args.input, args.instances)
            handle_upload(args.script_list, config)
        if args.command == 'new':
            handle_new_script(, args.type,, args.points)
        if args.command == None:
    def delegator(output, script_list, instances):
        It gets a list of filenames and delegates them to the correct handler.
        Every file that does not end with .py will be ignored. Each script
        is imported and then passed as module to the handler.
            output {filename}  -- where to write the finished XML document
            script_list {list} -- a list of filenames that contain scripts
            instances {int}    -- number of instances that should be generated
        for script_name in filter(lambda a: a.endswith('.py'), script_list):
            spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, script_name)
            script = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
                'single': handle_choice_questions,
                'single choice': handle_choice_questions,
                'multi': handle_choice_questions,
                'multiple choice': handle_choice_questions
    def handle_gap_questions(output, script, instances):
        """ Handles gap questions of all kinds
        A script can contain any mixture of gap, numeric gap and choice gap
        questions. The data object that is needed by the XML creating scripts
        is generated and the task itself is handled by the parser. The parser
        returns the intermediate representation of the task.
            output {str}    -- where to write the final file
            script {module} -- the loaded module that describes the task
            instances {int} -- number of instances that should be generated
        script_is_valid(script, required=['meta', 'task', 'feedback'])
        data = {
            'type': type_selector(script.meta['type']),
            'description': "_description",
            'gap_list': gap_parser(script.task),
            'author': script.meta['author'],
            'title': script.meta['title'],
            'shuffle': script.meta['shuffle'] if 'shuffle' in script.meta else True,
            'feedback': markdown(,
            'gap_length': script.meta['gap_length'] if 'gap_length' in script.meta else 20,
        output = os.path.join(
            'output', script.meta['title']) + '.xml' if not output else output
        packer.convert_and_print(data, output, instances)
        info('Processed "{}" and'.format(script.__name__))
        info('wrote xml "{}"'.format(output), notag=True)
    def handle_choice_questions(output, script, instances):
        Handles multiple and single choice questions. The relevant parts of the
        script are fed into a parser that return the correct intermediate
        representation for the task. In this case a list of answers.
            output {str}    -- where to write the finished XML document
            script {module} -- the loaded module that describes the task
            instances {int} -- number of instances that should be generated
        script_is_valid(script, required=['meta', 'task', 'choices', 'feedback'])
            'question_text': markdown(script.task),
            'author': script.meta['author'],
            'title': script.meta['title'],
            'maxattempts': '0',
            'shuffle': script.meta['shuffle'] if 'shuffle' in script.meta else True,
            'questions': choice_parser(script.choices, script.meta['points']),
        output = os.path.join(
            'output', script.meta['title']) + '.xml' if not output else output
        packer.convert_and_print(data, output, instances)
        info('Processed "{}" and'.format(script.__name__))
        info('wrote xml "{}"'.format(output), notag=True)
    def handle_new_script(name, qtype, author, points):
        """ Creates a new script file.
        Takes in some meta information from the command line of if not present takes
        it from the config.ini or uses default values.
            name {str}     -- name of the script, will also become filename
            qtype {str}    -- question type (choice, gap, alignment)
            author {str}   -- the author of the script
            points {float} -- number of points for the task
        head, tail = os.path.split(name)
        if not os.path.exists(head):
        if not tail.endswith('.py'):
            base = tail
            base = tail.rstrip('.py')
        with open(os.path.join(head, base + '.py'), 'x') as new_script:
            if qtype in ['multiple choice', 'single choice']:
                choice = '\nchoices = """\n[X] A\n[ ] B\n[ ] C\n[X] D\n"""\n'
                author, base, qtype, points, choice).strip(), file=new_script)
            info('Generated new script "{}."'.format(
    def handle_upload(script_list, config):
        """ Passes data to the upload script.
        The status code should be 500, since ILIAS always replies with that error
        code after an upload is confirmed. If anything else the script will say
        the status code was bad.
            script_path {str} -- path to the file that should be uploaded
            config {config object} -- the loaded configuration
        for script in script_list:
            r = send_script(
            info("Uploaded %s. Status code looks %s." %
                (script, "good" if r else "bad"))