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Commit ee8c3875 authored by Jan Maximilian Michal's avatar Jan Maximilian Michal
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updated readme, added comments, allow multiple scripts on command line

parent fb9cddf4
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......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Invoke the script with `python3 -h` in order to see usage. Currently
many features are not yet implemented. Single and Multiple Chice questions
can be generated also in parametrized form.
Example scripts can be found in `scripts/`.
Example scripts can be found in `scripts/examples/`.
A first version of the tool that relied on autoilias is still in the repository
(see ``). It will be removed as soon as the necessary features are
......@@ -15,16 +15,17 @@ implemented.
### Dependencies
`pip install mistune`
`pip install pygments`
### TODO
* Add a good description / documentation.
* Add more functionality (gap, alignment, etc.)
* Add more functionality (finalize gap, alignment)
* Make parsers more robust.
* reverse ILIAS authentication mechanism for automated upload.
* Create whole test object with questions for direct import. Create two
versions (one for internal use and one for the test.)
* move moints from meta to parser
* add zip support
### Notes
......@@ -40,5 +41,5 @@ data and assumes unknown properties)
### LaTeX Support
Hallgrim supports the native latex approach by ILIAS. To typeset a formula just
out in backets like this `[[\\sum_{i=1}^n i = \\frac{n(n+1)}{2}]]`. Special
out in backets like this `[[\\suam_{i=1}^n i = \\frac{n(n+1)}{2}]]`. Special
carecters (mostly `\`) have to be escaped unless you use raw strings (`r'a raw string'`).
# This script contains the main part of hallgrim and ist the only script that
# needs to ne invoked. The steps it takes to generate a task are as follows:
# * parse the commandline arguments with argparse
# * for each script determine the type and validate correct syntax
# * delegate the script to a handler for the specific type
# * the handler parses the script into the intermediate represenatation (mostly
# arrays)
# * the handler passes the needed information to the script generator, which
# will ptint the final xml file.
# * a finisher compresses data if needed (needs to be implemented, maybe as s
# eperate subparser).
import importlib
import argparse
import os
......@@ -10,6 +27,19 @@ from hallgrim.IliasXMLCreator import packer
from hallgrim.messages import *
from hallgrim.parser import *
scaffolding = r'''
meta = {{
'author': '{}',
'title': '{}',
'type': '{}',
'points': {},
task = """ decription """
feedback = """ decription """
def file_to_module(name):
return name.rstrip('.py').replace('/', '.')
......@@ -69,6 +99,7 @@ def parseme():
help='Points given for correct answer (different behavior for different questions)',
......@@ -83,6 +114,7 @@ def parseme():
help='Script to execute',
......@@ -103,15 +135,16 @@ def parseme():
def delegator(output, script_name, instances):
script = importlib.import_module(file_to_module(script_name))
handler = {
'gap': handle_gap_questions,
'single choice': handle_choice_questions,
'multiple choice': handle_choice_questions
def delegator(output, script_list, instances):
for script_name in filter(lambda a: a.endswith('.py'), script_list):
script = importlib.import_module(file_to_module(script_name))
handler = {
'gap': handle_gap_questions,
'single choice': handle_choice_questions,
'multiple choice': handle_choice_questions
handler(output, script, instances)
handler(output, script, instances)
def handle_gap_questions(output, script, instances):
......@@ -151,29 +184,18 @@ def handle_choice_questions(output, script, instances):
output = os.path.join(
'output', script.meta['title']) + '.xml' if not output else output
packer.convert_and_print(data, output, instances)
info('Processed "{}" and wrote xml to "{}".'.format(
script.__name__, output))
info('Processed "{}" and'.format(script.__name__))
info('wrote xml "{}"'.format(output), notag=True)
def handle_new_script(name, qtype, author, points):
with open('scripts/' + name + '.py', 'x') as new_script:
with open('scripts/' + name + '.py', 'w') as new_script:
choice = ''
if qtype in ['multi', 'single']:
choice = '\nchoices = """\n[X] A\n[ ] B\n[ ] C\n[X] D\n"""\n'
scaffolding = '''
meta = {{
'author': '{}',
'title': '{}',
'type': '{}',
'points': {}, # per correct choice
task = """ decription """
feedback = """ decription """
'''.format(author, name, qtype, points, choice).strip()
print(scaffolding, file=new_script)
author, name, qtype, points, choice).strip(), file=new_script)
info('Generated new script "{}."'.format(
if __name__ == '__main__':
import re
from mistune import Renderer, InlineLexer, Markdown, escape
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
except ImportError as err:
print("Please install mistune to make use of markdown parsing.")
print("\t pip install mistune")
no_copy = "-webkit-touch-callout: none; \
-webkit-user-select: none; \
-khtml-user- select: none; \
-moz-user-select: none;\
-ms-user-select: none;\
user-select: none;"
def box(content, color):
return '<div style="background-color: #ffedc9; border: 1px solid {}; \
padding: 10px; font-size: smaller;">{}</div>'.format(color, content)
def yellow_box(content):
return box(content, '#FFB12E')
def blue_box(content):
return box(content, '#9999ff')
def markdown(value):
renderer = HighlightRenderer()
markdown = Markdown(renderer=renderer)
return markdown(value)
class LaTeXRenderer(Renderer):
def latex(self, formula):
return '<span class="latex">{}</span>'.format(formula)
def block_code(self, code, lang):
if not lang:
return '\n<pre><code>%s</code></pre>\n' % \
lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lang, stripall=True)
formatter = HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True, cssstyles=no_copy)
return highlight(code, lexer, formatter)
class LaTeXInlineLexer(InlineLexer):
""" Classes are inspired by the lexer example in the mistune readme """
def enable_latex(self):
# add latex rules
self.rules.latex = re.compile(
r'\[\[' # [[
r'([^\]]+)' # formula
r'\]\](?!\])' # ]]
self.default_rules.insert(3, 'latex')
def output_latex(self, m):
formula ='\n', ' ')
return self.renderer.latex(formula)
def get_custom_markdown():
renderer = LaTeXRenderer()
inline = LaTeXInlineLexer(renderer)
# enable the feature
return Markdown(renderer, inline=inline)
markdown = get_custom_markdown()
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ def warn(msg):
def debug(msg):
print('[DEBUG]', msg)
def info(msg):
print('[INFO]', msg)
def info(msg, notag=False):
print('[INFO]' if not notag else ' ', msg)
def error(msg):
print('[ERROR]', msg)
import re
from mistune import Renderer, InlineLexer, Markdown, escape
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
except ImportError as err:
print("Please install mistune to make use of markdown parsing.")
print("\t pip install mistune")
## TODO get lexer elsewhere
no_copy = "-webkit-touch-callout: none; \
-webkit-user-select: none; \
-khtml-user- select: none; \
-moz-user-select: none;\
-ms-user-select: none;\
user-select: none;"
def box(content, color):
return '<div style="background-color: #ffedc9; border: 1px solid {}; \
padding: 10px; font-size: smaller;">{}</div>'.format(color, content)
def yellow_box(content):
return box(content, '#FFB12E')
def blue_box(content):
return box(content, '#9999ff')
def markdown(value):
renderer = HighlightRenderer()
markdown = Markdown(renderer=renderer)
return markdown(value)
class LaTeXRenderer(Renderer):
def latex(self, formula):
return '<span class="latex">{}</span>'.format(formula)
def block_code(self, code, lang):
if not lang:
return '\n<pre><code>%s</code></pre>\n' % \
lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lang, stripall=True)
formatter = HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True, cssstyles=no_copy)
return highlight(code, lexer, formatter)
class LaTeXInlineLexer(InlineLexer):
""" Classes are inspired by the lexer example in the mistune readme """
def enable_latex(self):
# add latex rules
self.rules.latex = re.compile(
r'\[\[' # [[
r'([^\]]+)' # formula
r'\]\](?!\])' # ]]
self.default_rules.insert(3, 'latex')
def output_latex(self, m):
formula ='\n', ' ')
return self.renderer.latex(formula)
def get_custom_markdown():
renderer = LaTeXRenderer()
inline = LaTeXInlineLexer(renderer)
# enable the feature
return Markdown(renderer, inline=inline)
markdown = get_custom_markdown()
from hallgrim.custom_markdown import markdown
def choice_parser(raw_choices, points):
""" Parse the multiple choice answers and form an array that has the
......@@ -94,13 +13,13 @@ def choice_parser(raw_choices, points):
lines = raw_choices.strip().split('\n')
elif type(raw_choices) is list:
lines = raw_choices
regex = re.compile('\[(\d|X| )\]\s+([\w\W]+)', re.MULTILINE)
regex = re.compile('\[(([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+|X| )\]\s+([\w\W]+)', re.MULTILINE)
parse = [re.match(regex, line).groups() for line in lines]
final = [(
True if mark != ' ' else False,
float(mark) if mark not in ' X' else points)
for mark, text in parse]
for mark, _, text in parse]
return final
def gap_parser(task):
File moved
File moved
meta = {
'author': 'Jan Maximilian Michal',
'title': 'Zeilen sind anders, Spalten auch (I1-ID: lhu27691fzg0)',
'type': 'gap',
gap_1 = """[select]
[1] int n_ze = m.length;
[ ] int n_ze = m[0].length;
[ ] int n_ze = m.length();
[ ] int n_ze = m[0].length();
gap_2 = """[select]
[ ] int n_sp = m.length();
[ ] int n_sp = m[0].length();
[ ] int n_sp = m.length;
[1] int n_sp = m[0].length;
gap_3 = """[select]
[ ] for (int i = 1; i <= n_ze; i++)
[1] for (int i = 0; i < n_ze; i++)
[ ] for (int i = 1; i <= n_sp; i++)
[ ] for (int i = 0; i < n_sp; i++)
gap_4 = """[select]
[ ] ms[i] = ms[i] + m[j][i]*s[i];
[ ] ms[i] = ms[i] + m[i][j]*s[i];
[ ] ms[i] = ms[i] + m[j][i]*s[j];
[1] ms[i] = ms[i] + m[i][j]*s[j];
task = """ Folgendes Codefragment soll die Multiplikation eines Zeilenvektors mit einer Matrix sowie einer Matrix mit einem Spaltenvektor realisieren. Wählen Sie die fehlenden Zeilen unten entsprechend aus:
01: int[][] m = {{ 0, 1, 2, 3}, // Matrix
02: { 4, 5, 6, 7},
03: {8, 9, 10, 11}};
04: int[] z = { 12, 13, 14}; // Zeile
05: int[] s = {15, 16, 17, 18}; // Spalte
07: /* CODEZEILE AUSWÄHLEN */ // Zeilenanzahl der Matrix
08: /* CODEZEILE AUSWÄHLEN */ // Spaltenanzahl der Matrix
10: /* 1: Zeile mal Matrix */011: int[] zm = new int[n_sp];
12: for (int j = 0; j < n_sp; j++) {
13: zm[j] = 0;
15: zm[j] = zm[j] + z[i]*m[i][j];
16: }
17: /* 2: Matrix mal Spalte */
18: int[] ms = new int[n_ze];
19: for (int i = 0; i < n_ze; i++) {
20: ms[i] = 0;
21: for (int j = 0; j < n_sp; j++)
**Zeile 7:**
**Zeile 8:**
**Zeile 14:**
**Zeile 22:**
""" % (gap_1, gap_2, gap_3, gap_4)
feedback = """
Der vollständige Code:
int[][] m = {{ 0, 1, 2, 3}, // Matrix
{ 4, 5, 6, 7},
{8, 9, 10, 11}};
int[] z = { 12, 13, 14}; // Zeile
int[] s = {15, 16, 17, 18}; // Spalte
int n_ze = m.length; // Zeilenanzahl der Matrix
int n_sp = m[0].length; // Spaltenanzahl der Matrix
/* 1: Zeile mal Matrix */011: int[] zm = new int[n_sp];
for (int j = 0; j < n_sp; j++) {
zm[j] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_ze; i++)
zm[j] = zm[j] + z[i]*m[i][j];
/* 2: Matrix mal Spalte */
int[] ms = new int[n_ze];
for (int i = 0; i < n_ze; i++) {
ms[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_sp; j++)
ms[i] = ms[i] + m[i][j]*s[j];
\ No newline at end of file
File moved
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