#' Methods to add and remove pages of an \linkS4class{i2dashboard} object.
#' '\code{add_page()}' creates a page and adds it to the \linkS4class{i2dashboard} object.
#' '\code{remove_page()}' removes a page from the \linkS4class{i2dashboard} object.
#' @param dashboard A \linkS4class{i2dashboard}.
#' @param page The name of the page to be added or removed.
#' @param title The title of the page to be added.
#' @param layout The page layout (see below).
#' @param menu The name of the menu, under which the page should appear.
#' @param sidebar A Markdown string. Preferably, use the function '\code{add_to_sidebar()}'.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @return Returns the \linkS4class{i2dashboard} object with a modified 'pages' slot.
#' add_page(page="page1",
#' title="Page Title",
#' layout = "2x2_grid",
#' menu="Menu A") -> dashboard
#' dashboard %<>% remove_page(page="page1")
setMethod("add_page", "i2dashboard", function(dashboard, page, title, layout = "default", menu = NULL, sidebar = NULL, ...) {
max_components <- switch(layout,
"default" = Inf,
"storyboard" = Inf,
"focal_left" = 3,
"2x2_grid" = 4
if(name %in% names(dashboard@pages)) {
warning(paste("The page", name, "already exists and will be overwritten."))
overwrite_page <- menu(c("Yes, overwrite page", "Cancel"), title = "Do you want to overwrite this page?")
skip <- switch(overwrite_page,
"1" = FALSE,
"2" = TRUE)
if (skip) stop("Aborted.")
dashboard@pages[[name]] <- list(title = title, layout = layout, menu = menu, components = list(), max_components = max_components, sidebar = sidebar)
setMethod("remove_page", "i2dashboard", function(dashboard, page) {
dashboard@pages[[name]] <- NULL
#' Sanitize component names
#' This function takes a character string, replaces spaces by underscores and runs make.names.
#' @param x A character string.
#' @return A sanitized string.
.create_page_name <- function(x) {
. = NULL # workaround for R CMD check note: no visible binding for global variable '.'
x %>% tolower %>% gsub(x = ., pattern = " ", replacement = "_") %>% make.names %>% return()