#' Method to add a component to a page of an i2dashboard.
#' Components can be created by evaluating a function, or by including a text or image file.
#' The function tries to guess the intended usage by applying regular expressions to the argument \code{component} (see below for details).
#' Components can be created by evaluating a function, or by including an object, a text or image file.
#' @section Adding a component by evaluating a function:
#' If the argument \code{component} is a valid function name, the function will be called and its return value is used as component content.
#' @section Adding content by evaluating a function:
#' If the argument \code{component} is a function, the function will be called and its return value is used as content.
#' @section Adding plain text as a component:
#' If the argument \code{component} ends with \code{.md} or \code{.txt}, the function will try to open a file and use its content as the components content.
#' @section Adding plain text as content:
#' If the argument \code{component} is a character and ends with \code{.md} or \code{.txt}, the function will try to open a file and use its content.
#' @section Adding images as a component:
#' If the argument \code{component} end matches \code{\\.[png|jpg|jpeg|gif]}, the function will try to include an image as the components content.
#' @section Adding images as content:
#' If the argument \code{component} is a character and its end matches \code{\\.[png|jpg|jpeg|gif]}, the function will try to include an image as the content.
#' @section Adding a R object as content:
#' If the argument \code{component} is a supported R object (e.g. a htmlwidget), the function will include its representation as content.
#' @param dashboard A \linkS4class{i2dash::i2dashboard}.
#' @param page The name of the page to add the component to.
#' @param component The name of a function or a path to a file.
#' @param component A R object, function, or character.
#' @param copy Whether or not to copy images to \code{dashboard@datadir}.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the components render function.
\item{component}{The name of a function or a path to a file.}
\item{component}{A R object, function, or character.}
\item{page}{The name of the page to add the component to.}
@@ -18,21 +18,25 @@
\item{...}{Additional parameters passed to the components render function.}
Components can be created by evaluating a function, or by including a text or image file.
The function tries to guess the intended usage by applying regular expressions to the argument \code{component} (see below for details).
Components can be created by evaluating a function, or by including an object, a text or image file.
\section{Adding a component by evaluating a function}{
\section{Adding content by evaluating a function}{
If the argument \code{component} is a valid function name, the function will be called and its return value is used as component content.
If the argument \code{component} is a function, the function will be called and its return value is used as content.
\section{Adding plain text as a component}{
\section{Adding plain text as content}{
If the argument \code{component} ends with \code{.md} or \code{.txt}, the function will try to open a file and use its content as the components content.
If the argument \code{component} is a character and ends with \code{.md} or \code{.txt}, the function will try to open a file and use its content.
\section{Adding images as a component}{
\section{Adding images as content}{
If the argument \code{component} end matches \code{\\.[png|jpg|jpeg|gif]}, the function will try to include an image as the components content.
If the argument \code{component} is a character and its end matches \code{\\.[png|jpg|jpeg|gif]}, the function will try to include an image as the content.
\section{Adding a R object as content}{
If the argument \code{component} is a supported R object (e.g. a htmlwidget), the function will include its representation as content.