Lorenz Glißmann authoredLorenz Glißmann authored
README.md 1.35 KiB
simple lisplike shell
How to use
- install system dependencies
- clone repo
- run
odernpm install
from within the repo to install js dependencies - run
yarn run start
/npm start
to compile the grammar and run the interpreter OR - just run the interpreter with
node index.js
System Dependencies:
- git
- node js
- yarn/npm
How it works
- all programs are expressions
- all expressions are withing round brackets () excepting:
- there are implicit round brackets () around the outer expression
- expressions get parsed into an abstrace syntax tree (AST)
- currently 2 types of nodes (expression, assignment) and 1 atom (string)
- the AST gets interpreted by a recursive function
What works
- expressions/return values/outputs
> echo hi
// => hi
- nested expressions
> echo (echo hi)
// => hi
> x = echo hi
// global symbol binding (aka setting variables); lazy evaluated-
> x
// calling nested expressions
- piping, after a fashion; currently bash does the piping for us ;)
- extending the language by writing js functions
What doesn't (yet)
- piping inside the language (currently bash does it)
- local variables/context/
- symbols with arguments (aka functions with arguments)
> f x = echo (x)
> + x y = echo (x)+(y) | bc
- extending the language with macros (functions on the raw ast)