title: "Mathematics Group (Fachgruppe)"
Dear All!
We are the Fachgruppe Mathematik and we stand up for your interests regarding the mathematics major. But what does that mean?
We organize informative events, represent the student body in various committees, and organize a variety of events such as the Christmas lecture, the orientation week (O-Phase), a special weekend for first-year bachelor students (Ersti-Wochenende) and much more.
We publish announcements and information about these events via our channels on:
Telegram and Instagram [@fg.math.uni.goettingen](
If you are interested and want to join, or you have any issues, questions or suggestions, feel free to drop by our open meetings or contact us via email.
Our current spokesperson is Carlson-Otis Stübe.
We meet every other Wednesday (in even calander weeks) at 6 PM in HS1 in the Mathematical Institute.
Feel free to contact us via
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Sincerely, Fachgruppe Mathe
## Useful Links
- [Propädeutikum](
- [Sommerstudium](
- [Studienbüro Mathematik](
- [Alumni](