Horst Patrick Kretschmer authoredHorst Patrick Kretschmer authored
title: "Student Council of the Faculty (FSR)"
How can I reach you?
You can find the student council room in the basement of the Department of Mathematics, Bunsenstraße 3-5, next to the cafeteria. Of course you can also send us an e-mail: fsr@math-cs.uni-goettingen.de
What is the student council?
The student council represents the internal and external interests of the students of a department, i.e. it stands up for the rights and demands of the student body of its department both within and outside of university life. It consists of a certain (but not necessarily determined) number of student representatives elected by the Student Parliament.
What exactly are the tasks of the student council?
As mentioned above, the student council generally represents the interests of the students in our department in exercising their democratic rights towards the ministry, the dean's office, the professors and the other organizations of the student body, as well as the AStA. One of the ways in which we achieve this is that representatives of the student council sit on most of the department's committees and bodies and are entitled to vote there. This enables us to actively influence many decisions that affect students. Particularly important here is the right to have a say in the Study Committee (StuKo). In addition, students are represented in the appointment committees, so that we have a direct influence on the selection of lecturers in the department. We also want to keep you informed about all matters concerning the student council. This is done via the following media:
- Homepage (that's what you're reading right now)
- Via the forum in StudIP
- Notices next to the student council room
But that's not all. In cooperation with all students, the student council organises study aids such as exam collections, which you can find in the student council room in a folder of the same name, scripts, procurement of work materials, etc. We also plan and organise parties and events, especially the orientation week (O-Phase), but also semi-regular barbecues, the winter ball, and much more.
Student council meeting
Our meetings are open to the public, i.e. anyone can attend; just drop by. However, only members of the student council are entitled to vote. We are happy to welcome anyone who is interested. You can always find the dates on the current SchietSheet. The meetings are held alternately at the Mathematical Institute or the Institute of Computer Science. If there is no location listed or you would like to attend online, please contact us in advance.