@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ This repository is associated with the project group Modes of Narration and Attr
+[Agreement measures](#agreement-measures)
+[Evaluation measures](#evaluation-measures)
*[Reproducing published experiments](#reproducing-published-experiments)
+[JCLS (2022)](#jcls--2022-)
+[ZfdG (2022)](#zfdg--2022-)
+[JCLS (2022)](#jcls-2022)
+[ZfdG (2022)](#zfdg-2022)
@@ -858,4 +858,4 @@ In addition, you should cite each paper that has contributed to the parts of the
> Jannik Strötgen and Michael Gertz (2010). [Heideltime: High quality rule-based extraction and normalization of temporal expressions](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/S10-1071.pdf). In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation.
> Anna Mareike Weimer, Florian Barth, Tillmann Dönicke, Luisa Gödeke, Hanna Varachkina, Anke Holler, Caroline Sporleder, and Benjamin Gittel (2022, submitted). [The (In-)Consistency of Literary Concepts. Operationalising, Annotating and Detecting Literary Comment]([TODO]). Journal of Computational Literary Studies.
\ No newline at end of file
> Anna Mareike Weimer, Florian Barth, Tillmann Dönicke, Luisa Gödeke, Hanna Varachkina, Anke Holler, Caroline Sporleder, and Benjamin Gittel (2022, submitted). [The (In-)Consistency of Literary Concepts. Operationalising, Annotating and Detecting Literary Comment]([TODO]). Journal of Computational Literary Studies.