Ashwin Kumar Karnad authoredAshwin Kumar Karnad authored
Developers Setup
This section is for developers wanting to contribute to the project.
Setup pre-commit hooks
The project uses pre-commit to run some checks before committing code. Install pre-commit by running the following command:
pip install pre-commit
To setup the pre-commit hooks, run the following command from the root of the project:
pre-commit install
Then every time you commit, pre-commit will run all checks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml. you can run the pre-commit checks manually by running:
pre-commit run --all-files
Debugging exit codes
Non zero exit codes are used to indicate that the program exited due to an error. There are multiple ways to debug this. You could run the program with more verbose logging:
mpsd-software -l debug ...
Here is a list of exit codes and what they mean: +-----------+------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Exit code | Reason | Solution | +===========+==========================================+==================================================================================+ | 10 | Call of 'archspec cpu' failed | Please install archspec, for example via 'pipx install archspec' | | 20 | Requested package set is not available | Use 'available' command to see list of available package_sets | | 30 | Current directory is already initialised | Check if you are in the right directory | | 40 | Current directory is not initialised | Check if you are in the right directory, if so use 'init' command to initialise | +-----------+------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+