@@ -340,3 +340,7 @@ Setting the flags for all loaded modules should work via: ::
export LDFLAGS=`echo ${LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LIBRARY_PATH} | sed -e 's/:/ -Wl,-rpath=/g'`
*Note* An intel toolchain may at some point also show up in the list. It might however not be functional yet so expect that loading that module might fail.
Instructions to deploy the toolchains on the MPSD HPC cluster are available at deployment.rst.
##### 'module use /opt_mpsd/linux-debian11/dev-23a/skylake_avx512/lmod/Core' can be used to get the new environments (note that lmod does **not** allow trailing '/')
3 ) Check the status of the installation:
.. code:: shell
$ mpsd-software status
Available MPSD software releases:
$ mpsd-software status dev-23a
Installed toolchains (dev-23a):
- skylake_avx512
[module use /opt_mpsd/linux-debian11/dev-23a/skylake_avx512/lmod/Core]
4 ) Load the toolchain:
.. code:: shell
$ module use /opt_mpsd/linux-debian11/dev-23a/skylake_avx512/lmod/Core