❯ mpsd-software -husage: mpsd-software [-h][-l{warning,info,debug}][--version]{available,install,status,prepare} ...Build software as on MPSD HPC. This tool builds software package sets (including toolchains for Octopus). It follows recipes as used on the MPSD HPC system and the (spack-based) Octopus buildbot. Compiled software is organised into MPSD software release versions (such as `dev-23a`) and CPU microarchitecture (such as `sandybridge`). Compiled packages and toolchains can be activated and used via `module load` as on the HPC system. Further documentation is available in the README.rst file, online at https://gitlab.gwdg.de/mpsd-cs/mpsd-software-manager/-/blob/main/README.rstCommand line usage:$>**/home/karnada/micromamba/envs/test-mpsd-installer/bin/**mpsd-softwareoptions:-h, --help show this help message and exit-l{warning,info,debug} Set the log level--version show program's version number and exitactions: valid actions {available,install,status,prepare} available What is available for installation? install Install a software environment status Show status: what is installed? prepare Prepare installation of MPSD-release (dev only)Examples: 1. Query what package sets and toolchains are available for installation in release dev-23a $> /home/karnada/micromamba/envs/test-mpsd-installer/bin/mpsd-software available dev-23a 2. Install foss2022a-serial toolchain from the dev-23a release $> /home/karnada/micromamba/envs/test-mpsd-installer/bin/mpsd-software install dev-23a foss2022a-serial 3. Check what package sets and toolchains are installed from release dev-23a $> /home/karnada/micromamba/envs/test-mpsd-installer/bin/mpsd-software status dev-23a The `status` command also displays the `module use` command needed to load the created modules.❯ mpsd-software availableusage: mpsd-software available [-h] releasempsd-software available: error: the following arguments are required: release❯ mpsd-software available dev-23aMPSD software release dev-23a, AVAILABLE for installation areToolchains: foss2021a-cuda-mpi foss2021a-mpi foss2021a-serial foss2022a-cuda-mpi foss2022a-mpi foss2022a-serialPackage sets: global_generic (anaconda3@2022.10) global (octopus@12.1, octopus@12.1)
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