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Improve error if current directory (or parents) are not MPSD software instance

Hans Fangohr requested to merge improve-userfeedback-init into main
  • use logging.error
  • as screen width may vary, it is best not to break sentences with \n I think.

Summary of changes. From:

fangohr@MBAM2 build2 % mpsd-software status dev-23a
Error: Couldnt find MPSD software instancein the current directory or any parent directory.
Directory /Users/fangohr/git/mpsd-software-manager/build2 is not a MPSD software instance.
Please run 'mpsd-software init' to initialise the software instance here,
or switch to a directory which is already initialised.

Hint: Look for the directory containing `mpsd-software.log`and the hidden file `.mpsd-software-root`. to check if a directory is initialised

Changed to

[08:16:59] ERROR    Could not find MPSD software instance in the current directory
                    or any parent directory.

                    The current directory is

                    To initialise a MPSD software instance here, run
                    'mpsd-software init'.

                    To find the root directory of an existing MPSD software
                    instance, look for the directory containing
                    'mpsd-software.log' and the hidden file '.mpsd-software-root'.

Merge request reports
