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Remove cmd

Merged Ashwin Kumar Karnad requested to merge continue-with-remove-cmd into main
@@ -5,18 +5,17 @@
import argparse
import datetime
import importlib.metadata
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
from functools import cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import re
import shutil
from functools import cache
import importlib.metadata
__version__ = importlib.metadata.version(__package__ or __name__)
@@ -1080,39 +1079,177 @@ def install_environment(
def remove_environment(mpsd_release, root_dir, package_sets="NONE", force_remove=False):
"""Remove release from installation."""
"""Remove release from installation.
Handle 3 situations :
1. remove does not specify what to remove
-> warn and exit
2. remove all package_sets from release
-> remove release folder except logs
3. remove specific package_sets from release
-> remove spack environments via spack commands
mpsd_release : str
A string representing the MPSD release version.
root_dir : pathlib.Path
A Path object representing the path to the directory where
the release and package_sets will be installed.
package_sets : list of str
A list of strings representing the package_sets to remove
(e.g., "foss2021a-mpi", "global_generic", "ALL").
force_remove : bool, optional
A boolean indicating whether to force remove the release.
If False, the user will be prompted to confirm the removal.
Defaults to False.
msg = (
f"Removing release {mpsd_release}"
f" with package_sets {package_sets} from {root_dir}"
if package_sets == "NONE":
"Please specify package_sets to remove, or 'ALL' to remove all toolchains"
"Please specify package_sets to remove, or 'ALL' to remove all package_sets"
# 2nd case: remove the entire release for microarchitecture
dir_to_remove = root_dir / mpsd_release / get_native_microarchitecture()
if "ALL" in package_sets:
# we need to remove the entire release folder
f"Removing release {mpsd_release} from {root_dir}"
"do you want to continue? [y/n]"
f"Removing release {mpsd_release}"
f"from {root_dir} for {get_native_microarchitecture()}"
if force_remove or input().lower() == "y":
folders_to_remove = os.listdir(root_dir / mpsd_release)
# skip logs folder
if "logs" in folders_to_remove:
for folder in folders_to_remove:
shutil.rmtree(root_dir / mpsd_release / folder)
if not force_remove:
logging.warning("do you want to continue? [y/n]")
if input().lower() != "y":
# Set the remove log file name from create_log_file_names
build_log_path = get_log_file_path(mpsd_release, "remove", root_dir, "ALL")"> Logging removal of {mpsd_release} at {build_log_path}")
folders_to_remove = os.listdir(dir_to_remove)
for folder in folders_to_remove:
# shutil.rmtree(dir_to_remove / folder) #dosent delete file
f"rm -rf {dir_to_remove / folder} 2>&1 | tee -a {build_log_path}",
logging.warning(f"Removed release {mpsd_release} from {root_dir}")
# 3rd case: remove specific package_sets from release
for package_set in package_sets:
# we load the spack environment and remove the package_set
spack_env = ""
commands_to_execute = [
f"source {spack_env}",
f"spack env remove -y {package_set}",
run(" && ".join(commands_to_execute), shell=True, check=True)
build_log_path = get_log_file_path(
mpsd_release, "remove", root_dir, package_set
)"> Logging removal of {package_set} at {build_log_path}")
if package_set not in ["global_generic", "global"]:
dir_to_remove / "spack", package_set, build_log_path
# list all specs from the global_packages.list
spe_folder = root_dir / mpsd_release / "spack-environments"
package_list_file = (
spe_folder / "toolchains" / package_set / "global_packages.list"
with open(package_list_file, "r") as f:
package_dump =
# remove all content from # to the end of the line
package_dump = re.sub(r"#.*\n", "\n", package_dump)
# replace \\n with "" to remove line breaks
package_list = package_dump.replace("\\\n", "").split("\n")
# remove all empty lines
package_list = [line for line in package_list if line != ""]
# remove all packages in package_list
for package in package_list:"Removing package {package} from installation")
remove_spack_package(dir_to_remove / "spack", package, build_log_path)
def remove_spack_environment(spack_dir, environment_name, build_log_path=None):
"""Remove spack environment including packages exclusive to it.
First activate the environment,
then uninstall all packages exclusive to the environment,
then deactivate the environment,
remove the environment,
and finally remove the environment lua file.
spack_dir : pathlib.Path
A Path object representing the path to the spack directory.
environment_name : str
A string representing the name of the spack environment to remove.
build_log_path : pathlib.Path, optional
A Path object representing the path to where the logs will be teed
logging.warning(f"Removing spack environment {environment_name}")
spack_env = spack_dir / "share" / "spack" / ""
commands_to_execute = [
f"export SPACK_ROOT={spack_dir}", # need to set SPACK_ROOT in dash and sh
f". {spack_env}",
f"spack env activate {environment_name}",
f"for spec in $(spack -e {environment_name} find" # this line continues
r' --format "{name}@{version}%{}@{compiler.version}");do'
" spack uninstall -y $spec; done",
"spack env deactivate",
f"spack env remove -y {environment_name}",
build_log_path = build_log_path or "/dev/null"
"(" + " && ".join(commands_to_execute) + f") 2>&1 |tee -a {build_log_path}",
# remove the environment lua file
lua_file = (
spack_dir / ".." / "lmod" / "Core" / "toolchains" / f"{environment_name}.lua"
run(f"rm {lua_file}", shell=True, check=True)
def remove_spack_package(spack_dir, package, build_log_path=None):
"""Remove spack package.
Used to remove global packages.
spack_dir : pathlib.Path
A Path object representing the path to the spack directory.
package : str
A string representing the name of the spack package to remove.
build_log_path : pathlib.Path, optional
A Path object representing the path to where the logs will be teed
""""Removing spack package {package}")
spack_env = spack_dir / "share" / "spack" / ""
commands_to_execute = [
f"export SPACK_ROOT={spack_dir}", # need to set SPACK_ROOT in dash and sh
f". {spack_env}",
f"spack uninstall -y {package}",
"(" + " && ".join(commands_to_execute) + f") 2>&1 |tee -a {build_log_path}",
def start_new_environment(release, from_release, target_dir):
@@ -1315,7 +1452,7 @@ def main():
("available", "What is available for installation?"),
("install", "Install a software environment"),
# ("reinstall", "Reinstall a package_set"),
# ("remove", "Remove a package set"),
("remove", "Remove a package set"),
# ("start-new", "Start a new MPSD software release version"),
("status", "Show status: what is installed?"),
("prepare", "Prepare installation of MPSD-release (dev only)"),